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  1. Witch
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    What's Q.E.D, Kagato?

    General Ed is okay for me, but like you, I just wanna get straight to my major and get it over with.

    Nice majors, Redemption.

    What's graduate school? Lol
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonsGoMOO View Post
    What did you major in Assist?
    I was an Electrical Engineer back in school. Nowadays I write software for a living, but I'd like to get back into engineer should the opportunity arise. It was pretty interesting, I took a lot of fun math classes, and ended up specializing in communication systems. I would definitely NOT recommend engineering if you don't like math, I had to take like 3 calculus classes, 2 classes in Linear Algebra, and 2 more classes in Probability and Stochastic Processes (I'm a mean card player now thanks to those ). But if you find classes you enjoy, that's where you're going to find your major.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Guess I am kind of alone when it comes to general eds since Redemption's opinion is expressed by the majority. I liked learning about social science...then again I never had to learn about Latin American studies. THAT would drive me crazy.
    I do agree with your view, I liked getting to take classes that didn't deal with differential equations or vectors all the time, and it definitely gives you a broader view with which to see certain subjects. Don't overlook taking classes just because they seem fun if you can wiggle them into part of your graduation requirements. I took a class in ethnomusicology as part of my requirements (had to take some humanities classes) where we just listened to jazz in class and had a good time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Q.E.D. is commonly used in math proofs and means "thus it is proven".

    Guess I am kind of alone when it comes to general eds since Redemption's opinion is expressed by the majority. I liked learning about social science...then again I never had to learn about Latin American studies. THAT would drive me crazy.

    Graduate school is exactly what it sounds like. :P After you've gotten your associates in arts and bachelor's, you get to go get your master's and/or doctorate. (A.A. > B.S. > M.S./MBA > Ph.D.)

    I think anyone in this generation is going to have to at least get their masters if they pursue a college education. I plan on getting my masters but probably not a doctorate. How about you Redemption? On to Harvard law? :P
    I didn't mind certain gen. eds. like Art history - I actually like art and appreciate it a lot so it wasn't a big deal, but subjects like Latin American studies and foreign language really just kind of annoys me.

    I don't know what I plan to do - law school or grad. school. Further more if I go to grad school I don't have the slightest clue as to what to focus on. I don't think grad school is like getting your B.A., you usually focus on a specific study.

    My top law school though is Brooklyn Law and I think I may go to John Jay for my MA (if I get it), I'm fucking sick of Albany. Horrible city - don't ever go there. I love NYC, I don't really want to leave NYC area. I love the city life way too much.

    I agree with Assist on one thing though - if you're a liberal arts majors, definitely take as many classes in as many different subjects as you can. It'll open your horizons and hopefully you'll find a subject that really catches your interest.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    I REALLY am thinking about changing to a mathematics B.A. and then proceeding down the teaching route. It fits my personality much better than sitting at a desk writing code all day.
    The only problem with going this route is it does make it a lot more difficult to get a job in the tech sector should you ever find yourself not liking teaching. One good thing about having a degree in engineering/CS is that you can get a teaching job in math, but the reverse isn't necessarily true. I don't want to discourage you from going for something you want, I did have a friend that went the math route, and he does financial stuff now for a living, so it all depends on what you want your degree to do for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Well even in general education classes that I didn't have an interest in (Humanities 21st/20th century), I still learned a crap ton about art in those eras and feel more enlightened. I love incorporating what I have learned from those course into conversations and forum debates.

    For example, I learned that post modernism explains a great deal of what is going on in the music world. It also has helped me in other classes where teachers specifically hone in on modernism/post modernism and all of the art movements incorporated into those categories. And, to top it off, I understand misc en scene/cinematography so much better.

    Well-rounded is my motto. I really like breaking stereotypes and am dead set on becoming the 'physically fit' computer science major who doesn't look like he can do basic algebra.

    I honestly don't know how degrees involving law studies work. So you're saying you can choose a law school OR a graduate school? Hm...

    What do you want to do with your degree? I think you have told me before. I wish I had an answer about mine.

    I REALLY am thinking about changing to a mathematics B.A. and then proceeding down the teaching route. It fits my personality much better than sitting at a desk writing code all day.

    NY seems so chaotic. I don't know what I'd do in your situation except pray that the colleges you want actually admit you. I hear the LSAT is extremely 'fun'.

    Reading that gave me a headache. haha I sit next to two electrical engineers in DE at the moment. Actually I think I'm the only computer science major. The rest are strictly engineers of some variant, pharmacy majors, or another variant.

    Problem is the CS degree ends with calc 2 and DE. I really want to take calc 3 and linear algebra plus all of the other challenging math courses.

    So much decision making to do. So to reiterate, Dragon, pick your major as soon as you can! :P
    Law school affords you a lot of flexibility in terms of coming in. You can get both your masters and a JD. It's more work obviously - but its a viable option, its like double majoring.

    You also can go into law school with ANY degree, biology - whatever, you name it. Most law schools actually prefer english, pyschology etc as a major because those majors are very writing intensive and demands a lot of analytical skills.

    And don't worry about the CS stereotype. Most of the guys who I went with CS with were kind of guido-ish, stocky...assholes...but still Computer Science majors. Usually the CJ department and the nano-technology departments were more of the "geeky" types, but thats because they're extremely great programs.

    I think the nanotechnology is one of the best in the world regarding universities. 6 billion dollars worth of investment. To get into the program you need a criminal background check, fingerprint records, etc.

    The UAlbany CNSE is the first college in the world dedicated to education, research, development, and deployment in the emerging disciplines of nanoscience, nanoengineering, nanobioscience, and nanoeconomics. CNSE's Albany NanoTech Complex is the most advanced research enterprise of its kind at any university in the world. With over $6 billion in high-tech investments, the 800,000-square-foot complex attracts corporate partners from around the world and offers students a one-of-a-kind academic experience.
    THESE kids definitely fit the "geeky" slender stereotype, but you can tell they were just, brilliant.

    I've never heard of the term nanoeconomics though.

  6. Left 4 Dead
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    As of now I am only in a community college, taking a Vet Technician program. I figure after I'm finished and I've gotten my feet wet and a good amount of money during Internship, I may look for a college that has zoological programs. As I want to study, care for, and work with more exotic animals than household pets and farm animals.

    What I like best about college is that you're actually treated like an adult. The teachers/professors don't go apeshit if your phone goes off unless their in the middle of a lecture and I can whip out my laptop whenever i want to use it for work or just to entertain myself till the end of class. Being able to sleep in with little to no consequences is also a big bonus.
    Parlock: I'm sorry, I'm an idiot who can't read XD.
    Teenracer6: I hate salt, it's too salty.
    Parlock: Taking in TP's sweet, sweet buttsweat didn't make me gag

  7. Witch
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    I need 60 units to transfer. I have 12 completed. I have 14 this semester.
    I'm gonna do more than I should, just to learn more and take more classes since I'm not paying for it!
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  8. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonsGoMOO View Post
    I need 60 units to transfer. I have 12 completed. I have 14 this semester.
    I'm gonna do more than I should, just to learn more and take more classes since I'm not paying for it!
    Best thing you could do. I went to a CC just because my parents said if I went there first, then transfered they'd pay for all the schooling - and get me a car.

    I'm glad I did it in the long run, because now that's 60,000 dollars less of debt that I'm in now.

  9. Witch
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    Best thing you could do. I went to a CC just because my parents said if I went there first, then transfered they'd pay for all the schooling - and get me a car.

    I'm glad I did it in the long run, because now that's 60,000 dollars less of doubt that I'm in now.
    Damn. Nice. Not too bad. I had to pay for my first three classes and everything, but now the Department of Rehabilitation is paying for my classes, books, and other materials.

    I want to take more classes, but I don't want to be overwhelmed by homework and projects and shit like that.

    But I am going to take classes in the summer, just to keep the ol' tinker workin'.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

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