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  1. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    LOL... Erm.. HA!.. Gah!

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Oh BTW I have one for you grammar Nazis: how the hell do you stick an apostrophe on else to make it plural and possessive? I want to form a sentence such as "everybody elses'". Which means I want to form a sentence akin to "peoples' stuff".

    Please note: peoples' = possessive and pluralized form of people

    BTW, I misspelled possessive.
    I wouldn't consider myself a nazi, but I'm almost certain that it's impossible to pluralize else. In the way you want to use it, else would be an adjective. I don't believe the form of an adjective will ever change based upon gender or amount. The proper wording is "everyone else's".

  3. Regular Joe Member
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    JejeMon talks......damn dont you even go to school....

  4. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    I really dislike English SPECIFICALLY because of words such as those mentioned. Also, because there are so many damned rules for grammar (to, too...their, they're, there, etc). Fortunately, I paid attention in high school English and learned the difference but I still am far from perfect.
    When i look at my grammar book and try to memorize all the exceptions, I can't help coming to a conclusion that English doesn't have grammar at all.


    Btw (by the way) do you guys consider it as lazyness if someone types "shorts" in-game when in hurry (like running from a tank)?

    lo = lol
    r = ready
    y = yes
    cu = see you
    molo = molotov
    pipe = pipe bomb
    "Gaze long into abyss, and the abyss will also gaze into you"

    -Friedrich Nietzsche

  5. Zombie Cat
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    Technically, I don't think else, or any other adjective outside of adjectives that are used to indicate ownership can be possessive, which is why it comes up as an error. For example his, her, my, its, your and our. There aren't very many, maybe one or two more which I can't seem to recall at the moment. However, over the years people must have gotten tired of saying "the possessions of everyone else" and started using "everyone else's possessions" so often that it's a commonly and understandably overlooked mistake.

    edit:: another common mistake, one I often make myself is placing an apostrophe on the word its when I'm using it to describe ownership of a non-gendered noun. "Its" is possessive in itself, and the word it's with an apostrophe should only be used as the shortened form of "it is".

  6. Zombie Cat
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    If you think about it, that must be correct, because the word itself means the noun being described is owned, so an apostrophe would be redundant.

    edit:: I think in the end a super grammar nazi would call me out on "everyone else's" because it's not really correct but it's way easier than saying "the whatever of whomever" all the time. Not to mention, it's pretty much colloquially accepted in every English speaking nation.

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