Possibly, although I should also add that the other guy in this particular case (Balthazar something) also got a quiet word in his ear.
The problem Vooodu has is that he reacts to that bait, and that's where our hands are tied. I've tried several times (back when I was a mod and also again in a later PM in this instance) to tell him not to rise to it, and to just count to ten, hit the report button and walk away and we'll deal with it.
Unfortunately he just can't seem to do it, and doesn't leave us with an awful lot of options.

I feel I should also point out that I actually agree with you, in roughly half the cases, he's not really the instigator, but the fact he's flaming when he's been warned multiple times not to means he's getting himself into trouble needlessly.

As mentioned in the other thread, I really want us (as in the whole staff team) to get a lot more consistent in what we are and aren't reacting to, and I worry that Vooodu, if he doesn't clean up his act, might become a casualty of that, which is something I really don't want to see happen.