View Poll Results: What do you think?

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  • Yes.

    25 39.68%
  • No.

    9 14.29%
  • They are the only thing keeping everything 'fair'.

    1 1.59%
  • I don't know enough about society to answer that question.

    4 6.35%
  • Who gives a fuck.

    24 38.10%
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Thread: If...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: If...

    And not for nothin', but, if Obama makes office, like Ranger said, you can't break down the walls any more than that, but if and when that happens, we can't let the NAACP become the new "Witch Hunters" and have them going from town to town, city to city, hunting for racism and then turning that town/city upside down legally AND illegally just to prove that racism still exists.

    I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with what Ranger says and even moreso about what Triggerhappy says. One example of the difference in race is simple. I watched TRU TV the other night and they had videos of a bait car that LAPD had out waiting for people to steal it and then arrest them. Out of ALL the people that stole it, there was only ONE white person/people (guy and girl duo), and one guy that was Hispanic. ALL OF THE REST WERE BLACK. And most of the time, there were multiple blacks in the car at the same time, OF ALL AGES. Bear in mind, this was two one-hour long shows.

    Now, you can say whatever you want, I really don't care, I've seen it first hand myself working law enforcement in SoCal, I've seen it repeatedly on TV (not fiction, "COPS"-like shows), I see it in real life EVERY FUCKING DAY, and it's more than abundantly obvious that this is NOT a question of money/education/upbringing, this is OBVIOUSLY a cultural thing, not only to take what the fuck ain't theirs, but to push drugs, terrorize, murder, the list goes on and on and on. Check the public records for any fucking state you want, the majority of inmates in this country is PREDOMINANTLY black. And they don't get any friendlier in prison. Yeah, all races commit crimes. Yeah, all races have their bad apples. But from my vantage point, the blacks apple barrel is spoiled by the good apples.

    I've been all over this country, and seen this crap first hand in EVERY fucking state I've been in (which is pretty much every one except three).

    Now, I will admit, I strayed a little from the topic, but I think if we're gonna ask a question like this, then we need to look real hard at all aspects of the question, and even harder at the negative impact(s).

    Glock I agree with you. Chosen, I don't read that, that way. I think the cycle that this country is going to have to go through is the minorities taking their minority power for a spin until they see what it can/cannot do.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    If... If...

    Re: If...

    This topic is obviously a sensitive and charged issue so I appreciate everyone having a mature perspective.

    Fact is, all races, all religions, all socio-economic backgrounds have their skeletons in the closet. We all have dirty laundry, not just the poor, but the rich also who insulate themselves from the world around them. No one is perfect, and everyone deserves a shot at the American dream.

    But when organizations like the NAACP, _________, seek to take what others work for and give it to someone who doesn't deserve it, then it's time to go. I'm so glad this country is not just WASP's (white anglo-saxson protestants). I'm happy we have African American's, Asians, Hispanics, and Muslims, Catholics, Pagans and everyone else. I love the diversity and the differing viewpoints. I'd hate to have a stale country where we didn't see the differences in others as strength, instead of a weakness.

    But the NAACP creates the racism, not corrects it. There may have been a time in our past where their services were needed, but not anymore. Now... they do more harm than good. That's what this topic was about.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: If...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger10
    Make no mistake about it, the NAACP does just as much damage to the American way of life as the KKK does, it's just not as overt, but certainly much more socially accepted. <-- This coming from someone who is not racist.

    But as stated before, if Obama is elected president, there should be no need for the NAACP to exist anymore. Mission accomplished. We can't break down the walls of race any more than that.
    Agreed. However, the NAACP isnt there for the advancement of "colored people" (why even use that term in your own god damned organization...i dunno).
    But here's the deal, the NAACP is going to exist regardless of how many blacks win the presidency, or take any political office, or how many blacks become CEO's of a fortune 500 company, or whatever else. People like Sharpton and Jackson are basically here to stir the pot, and they wont quit until they die, after which some other tard will take their place. I view issues like this like I do women's rights and civil rights, people don't want equality, they want control. They dont want to be equal, they want to be higher, but held to a lower standard than their white/"insert race here" counterparts. If you want the perks of equality you sure as hell had better be ready to accept the responsibilities and consequences of being equal.

    And hub is exactly right. Yes blacks are born into bad situations sometimes, so are whites, asians, hispanics and others. Even still public school is absolutely free...and for example, Louisiana has what they call a TOPS program (tuition opportunity for students). All you have to do is grad High School with a decent GPA, and bam your college is paid for for the next 4 years (stipends of 800 or 400 dollars per year are also given out free with this program). And even with this program people in this state still refuse to go to college FOR FREE!!! Hub hit it right on the head, a lot of these guys want the easy way out. Sell drugs... it's more lucrative and quicker than college and getting a real job. They do this, then complain that they didnt get an equal chance, and that people that arent black are out to get them. Im most definitely not racist, not by a long a shot, Im simply stating the truth and what I see.

    I also believe in the welfare system, but it needs to be reformed and screened 1000x better. Basically there is no incentive to work. You go have sex all the damn time, have 4 kids by the time ur 16, and get paid cash and food stamps for it, plus get put up in a house. I mean really, why work....if we solved this problem and actually helped people who needed it b/c of disability and unableness to work, then we wouldnt have this problem. Too many people getting free money that dont need it......

    I wont lie I can be very lazy sometimes, but when it comes down to it, I wont blame anyone else for my laziness. If I'm about to go under and lose my car, house etc...I go get a job working xx hrs a week until Im straight again. I dont pit the blame on another race for my predicament.

    On the last note. I sincerely believe that it will take an entire generation of these people to decide that "Hey, I need to do more than just sit on my porch and talk on my phone for 10 hours a day, pointing fingers for the rutt im in". Once that happens, the string of irresponsibility will be broken and maybe, just maybe, conversations like this one won't even be a thought.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: If...

    Soley out of curiosity. I never understood the term African-american. When I am asked what ethinicity I am, I say white or caucasion (probably spelled incorrectly), not eurpoean american. I view blacks born in this country as straight up american, just like me and the asian and hispanic guy next to me that were both born in this country. You're heritage is African yes, but your an American. If you're born in another country then come over to this country for citizenship, then maybe I can understand the dual term, otherwise, your an american in my eyes.

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