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Thread: frostmourne replicas...

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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    When I was a teenager, I was diagnosed with everything from bipolar disorder to manic depression to impulsive aggression disorder. I was put on medications like depakote and some others that I can't remember. After a short while of being medicated, I decided I would no longer take them because I didn't feel like myself.

    That was the point in my life that I realized maybe I'm just an asshole. Sure I dislike most people and want to punch them repeatedly, but is medicine really the answer? I don't think it is. By using medication you're not really solving the problem, just putting it to the side.

    I don't believe there is such a thing as mental illness, only mental weakness, the inability to do what you know you should be doing, and giving in to your impulses. I realized that just because I want to assault someone doesn't mean I MUST. Only you can control your impulses. Medication might help to curb your impulses, but the underlying problem doesn't get solved unless you can learn to control yourself.
    What about schizophrenia? I'd say that's a pretty legitimate mental illness.. I'm not saying you're wrong. I do think if you can control it, there is absolutely no need for it, but for things like hallucinations, hearing voices, things like that definitely seem legitimate, and I would not call the person weak for it. (I'm not looking to get banned for a week, so I'm not trying to start an argument, just asking you if you think if you think issues like Schizophrenia is a mental illness or weakness)

    And for myself...

    As a teenager, I thought I was manic, still do from times to time. I'll go from very happy, to kind of depressed in the timespan of a day, usually very happy during the day but at the end of the night before sleep, get sort of depressed.. But I don't know if I've accepted it, or realized that's just life.

    I also have a tendency with paranoia. Not out of control, or to the point of bizarre, but if I find a person acting out of character or being overly nice, I start questioning why, I think it's because everytime I followed my gut with an old girlfriend, I almost always found out she was lying. My biggest fear is that this will cross over to my next relationship, but only time will tell. I'm very cautious of peoples motives. I haven't the slightest clue why, but I get defensive VERY easily.

    Edit: Please note I REALLY doubt I suffer from being manic or paranoid to the point of delusion or irrationality. It's just tendencies that I sometimes have. I consider myself to be relatively mentally stable and sane .

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    Post-concussion syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    That's me, with some other things added on top. But that happened a long time ago and I suppressed it and don't like to talk about it.

    Pro tip: Everyone is a little crazy, they are just crazy in their own way.

    I also got put on anti-depressant meds at one point and took myself off of them. I don't take medication anymore unless I'm near death or it is something like an antibiotic. I didn't feel like myself on the several pills they put me on.

    My problems were mostly related to sleep after my multiple concussions, near as I can figure they reset my internal clock. So now I run on 30-odd hour days instead of 24-25 like most people. As a result I "lose" time because I go to sleep later and later every night and eventually I'm up during the night and sleeping all day.

    I was a different person before my concussions, they changed my personality a bit. It is hard to describe...people say they don't notice but I do. I also have a harder time pronouncing certain words now, sometimes I can say them fine and sometimes I have to substitute another word because I just can't make the right sound. My speech was slurred for a looooong time after my last concussion but thankfully that went away.

    But hey, I'll take cluster headaches, slurred speech, altered vision (hard to explain) and inability to sleep over begin dead any day. Wear your helmet kids, it saves lives. I have a dirt bike helmet that has saved my life three...maybe four times already.

    How I manage it: what I do is wear myself out to the point that I have no choice but the pass out. I find hard work helps...

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    Oh, I forgot to add Benign Positional Paroxymal Vertigo after I was attacked a few years ago. I regularly feel sick if I move my head.
    I'm an idiot and I can't follow directions. So now I'm also banned.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    Bit of a late reply but I would have to agree with you, redemption, that having hallucinations is a legitimate disease. I'm no brain expert but I'm pretty sure that it's caused by someone's brain producing too much or not enough of whatever brain juice controls that kind of stuff.

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