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Thread: Question for Steam users

  1. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson View Post
    Chances are they could be shutting down Xbox Left 4 Dead 1 servers because Left 4 Dead 1 and is now implemented into L4D2.
    I hope not. I can't stand Left 4 Dead 2. The gameplay is just not the same. Nothing in-game works quite as well.
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  2. Senior Member
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    Is it the atmosphwere in L4D, compared to L4D2?

    I tried playing L4D (played through No Mercy, Death Toll and Blood Harvest once) and couldn't get into the lack of Spitter, Charger and Jockey. One of the major problems was all the camping in L4D, but that's why the Spitter exists - so I really don't understand the issue with her.

    I think maybe it's because you could get a Smoker-Smoker-Smoker-Hunter or Hunter-Smoker-Hunter-Boomer type of combo, so perhaps that makes it easier to get a tri- or quad-cap?

  3. Just getting started
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    the reason why so many people hate on L4D2 and prefer L4D1 is well... they just aren't any good. They have adapted to L4D1 (which is extremely EASY), and can't fathom why they suck at L4D2. well, that's because they are DIFFERENT games. i was terrible at L4D2 at first, but now I am better on L4D2 than the first one, and I beasted for years shutting servers down on L4D1 since 2008. L4D1 is extremely boring now. if you want to beast and win on L4D2, you need to LEARN it. and you guys better get on it if you want to keep playing with the good players. i have been playing confogl for weeks now with players getting ready for Season 3 and i've never had so much fun. Extremely competitive and fast paced. Last night I had control of 6 tanks on Dark Carnival.

    by the way, i'm speaking for Xbox, i know for a fact the PC world for both games are far more enjoyable.

  4. Zombie Dog
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    I'll agree that L4D1 has it easier on the Survivors, there's no real arguing with that. I like L4D2 more for the most part, I think in terms of balance between Survivors and Infected L4D2 is better, but it seems like L4D1 runs much smoother. Everything is more consistent.

    2 seems very sloppy, hit detection is not consistent at all and the Jockey and Charger are lag machines. L4D2's connections seem much worse as well.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by morchikin View Post
    the reason why so many people hate on L4D2 and prefer L4D1 is well... they just aren't any good.
    Quite a big assumption there. The same could be said with Left 4 Dead 2 players. The people who are beast at L4D2 suck at L4D1. I could say L4D2 players are not any good because its all about running like hell to get points and if you make it, you get the same amount of points every time which is only a few hundred. But if one of your teammates die, you hardly lose any points. Even with Confogl, while it does give pills only, tiers 1s plus HRs, and Tanks on every map, it still has a shit scoring system that panders to peabrains.

    I also get way more lag in L4D2, and it takes 5 minutes to load me in a game. Hit detection is also awkward on Left 4 Dead 2. I could charge people point blank in a closed in space and either you go through them or it turns out they are a few feet away somehow in a split instant. Im not saying Left 4 Dead 2 is a bad game, I am, however, remarking that assuming L4D1 players are terrible just because they dont like Left 4 Dead 2 is appalling, because I could say the same shit about Left 4 Dead 2 being shit at Left 4 Dead 1 now could I?

    This is also coming from an old competitive semi-retired player. To each their own. Some people prefer one scoring system over the other, some like variety of specials, some people dislike the new specials or like quadcaps or dirty 3-1s. There is a list of things from each game that people would prefer one over the other, but just because one person isn't playing your game does not mean that person is bad, thats just utter nonsense. I even consider L4D1 bad nowadays thanks to servers, but I really, honestly do not think it makes me bad at all. I can crown in both games, I can skeet, I can level charges and clear my team quicker than a hiccup, I may not be a god but I sure as hell know exactly what I'm doing.

    Just simply prefer Left 4 Dead 1. Just like your preference is 2.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
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  6. Junior Member
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    I keep hearing other L4D1 players say that Valve is going to completely shut down the Xbox servers for L4D1. I can't find anything offical on it, and until I either see something official or the servers actually get shut down I'm not inclined to look at it as more than anything but a rumor.

    I will say that the past few weeks I've been having lots of problems with myself and other players on both sides getting randomly booted from the game back out to the main menu for no reason; lots of lag lately too. A few times in the past month I've gotten knocked out of a versus match and put back at the main menu. In one particular instance I was in a party with 3 other people who were in the same game as me. When I got knocked out of the game they tried to invite me back. I got the invite but was unable to come back because the game kept saying the server was full, even though it wasn't. In that case I had to actually completely reboot my Xbox in order to rejoin that particular game. I've also had the server glitch and instead of throwing me back to the main menu, it threw me into another versus match at random.

    If Valve did shut down the official servers for L4D1, what exactly would that mean for Xbox players? The whole thing is kind of confusing because the people that are saying Valve is about to close down their servers make it seem as if that will also make it impossible to play public multiplayer games anymore.

  7. Community Staff
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    I've heard the rumours they'll be shutting down the L4D1 servers in 'X month' for a long time now. I don't play a lot of L4D though these days, but I know they've been around since not long after L4D2's release.

    I doubt very much they'll do it any time soon, as they're is still a fairly large playerbase. I mean, I tried playing the 'Prey' multiplayer a few months back, and the servers (though in thinking about it, I'm unsure if we were playing on what would in essence be their version of 'official dedicated' servers or local host) but they were working fine. It actually took me a few days to find a game though searching on and off, and we only managed to get 3 people in that game. In comparison with a fair few versus lobbies at various times, I've certainly found more than 3 people on L4D at any given time.

    I'm unsure what the state of the servers are for L4D & L4D2 though... There must be separate machines for each game I imagine, otherwise the rumours would be moot to start with. They do seem to 'go down' at the same times though.

    Still, if Valve did shut them down, I suppose the hardcore players would keep on going, choosing to host locally. Or is it forcing a local host? I can't remember if L4D has the option...?! But yeah, the forcing done by hitting the 'A' button upon starting a game from lobby. If people are still playing now, after almost a year of no European servers, and a long time without East Coast US, and with most games going to local anyway over the last few months, I don't see much change if they were forced to be using locally hosted games.

    So yeah, I don't think it would make multiplayer impossible, it's just kind of what a lot of people are used to now, and put up with it because they love the game. Sure, playing on a nice official server with a ping of 25ms is nice (and allows for better competition!), but if it were the choice between local servers or no game, peeps would go with the local and still play.

  8. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson View Post
    Quite a big assumption there. The same could be said with Left 4 Dead 2 players. The people who are beast at L4D2 suck at L4D1. I could say L4D2 players are not any good because its all about running like hell to get points and if you make it, you get the same amount of points every time which is only a few hundred. But if one of your teammates die, you hardly lose any points. Even with Confogl, while it does give pills only, tiers 1s plus HRs, and Tanks on every map, it still has a shit scoring system that panders to peabrains.

    I also get way more lag in L4D2, and it takes 5 minutes to load me in a game. Hit detection is also awkward on Left 4 Dead 2. I could charge people point blank in a closed in space and either you go through them or it turns out they are a few feet away somehow in a split instant. Im not saying Left 4 Dead 2 is a bad game, I am, however, remarking that assuming L4D1 players are terrible just because they dont like Left 4 Dead 2 is appalling, because I could say the same shit about Left 4 Dead 2 being shit at Left 4 Dead 1 now could I?

    This is also coming from an old competitive semi-retired player. To each their own. Some people prefer one scoring system over the other, some like variety of specials, some people dislike the new specials or like quadcaps or dirty 3-1s. There is a list of things from each game that people would prefer one over the other, but just because one person isn't playing your game does not mean that person is bad, thats just utter nonsense. I even consider L4D1 bad nowadays thanks to servers, but I really, honestly do not think it makes me bad at all. I can crown in both games, I can skeet, I can level charges and clear my team quicker than a hiccup, I may not be a god but I sure as hell know exactly what I'm doing.

    Just simply prefer Left 4 Dead 1. Just like your preference is 2.
    I hear ya. Me? I'm very good on both so i honestly don't care about details between the 2 games, other than the fact i know how to play each game very well, and differently. But we come here to state our opinions No hard feelings

  9. Just getting started
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    Hey ya i am also facing problem while playing the game , it suddenly crashes out and stops itself , i need some help , if any body can help , he or she is mist welcome to give their advice , i really want to play the game but it irritates when it stops suddenly.

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