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Thread: America is NOT a democracy

  1. Registered TeamPlayer asianator365's Avatar
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    America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy

    America is NOT a democracy

    Ok, I've been going back through all of the old forum posts where people constantly refer to America as a democracy. Well, I'm going to set the record straight. America is a Republic, not a Democracy. Hopefully this will help to make our debates in the forums a little more informed. In order to do this, I feel that the most effective way to communicate that thought-earth shattering as it may be to some of you-is to quote someone else. The following is a quote from ex-US House Representative David Barton's book "Original Intent" (note: he is from Texas, thought that would make some of you happy):
    "A second question useful for judging a public policy is, "Is this act consistent with our form of government?"

    This is a simple question, yet the answer may often be in error since many citizens today have been misled about our form of government. We have grown accustomed to hearing that we are a democracy; such was never the intent. The form of government entrusted to us by our Founders was a republic, not a democracy.

    Our Founders had an opportunity to establish a democracy in America and chose not to. In fact, the Founder made clear that we were not--and never were to become--a democracy:
    Quote Originally Posted by James Madison
    Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.
    Quote Originally Posted by John Adams
    Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fisher James, Author of the House language for the First Amendment
    A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way. The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness [excessive license] which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gouverneur Morris, Signer and penman of the Constitution
    We have seen the tumult of democracy to [it has] everywhere terminated, in despotism....Democracy! savage and wild. Thou who wouldst bring down the virtuous and wise to thy level of folly and guilt.
    Quote Originally Posted by John Quincy Adams
    The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived.
    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declartion of Independence
    A simple one of the greatest evils.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noah Webster
    In democracy...there are commonly tumults and disorders...Therefore a pure democracy is generally a very bad government. It is often the most tyrannical government on earth.
    Quote Originally Posted by John Witherspoon, Signer of the Declaration
    Pure democracy cannot subsist long nor be carried far into departments of state-it is very subject to caprice and the madness of popular rage.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zephaniah Swift, Author of America's first legal text
    It may generally be remarked that the more government resembles a pure democracy the more they abound with disorder and confusion.
    Many Americans today seem to be unable to define the difference between the two, but there is a difference-a big difference. That difference rests in the source of authority.
    A pure democracy operates by direct majority vote of the people. When an issue is to be decided, the entire population votes on it, the majority wins and rules. A republic differs in that the general population elects representatives who then pass laws to govern the nation. A democracy is rule by majority feeling (what the Founders described as "mobocracy"); a republic is rule by law.

    [text ommitted, dealing with source of law for American republic, if wanted, PM me and I will include]

    A republic is the highest form of government devised by man, but it also requires the greatest amount of human care and maintenance. If neglected, it can deteriorate into a variety of lesser forms, including a democracy (a government conducted by popular feeling); anarchy (a system in which each person determines his own rules and standards), aligarchy (a government run by a small council or a group of elite individuals); or dictatorship (a government run by a single individual). As John Adams explained:
    Quote Originally Posted by John Adams
    Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable [abominable] cruelty of one or a very few.
    Understanding the foundation of the American republic is a vital key toward protecting it. Therefore in analyzing public policy, remember to ask, "Is this act consistent with our form of government?" and support or oppose the policy on that basis."

    Hopefully you guys read all that, somewhat understand it, and will be able to research more. In case you couldn't understand what he said, here is the condensed version: America was never meant to be a democracy. The Founding Fathers knew a democracy wouldn't work, so the made America a Republic. A Republic is a government run by elected officials who follow set laws, while a Democracy is a government run by whatever opinion or idea more people support.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Mcstrange's Avatar
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    America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy
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    Gamertag: Mcstrange PSN ID: Mcstrange Steam ID: mcstrange

    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    semantics wins you nothing. For all modern purposes the word 'democracy' and the current american governmental system are synonymous.

    You can say 'republic' all you want, most folks wont even know what your talking about.
    <a href= target=_blank></a>

  3. Registered TeamPlayer jabberwock's Avatar
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    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Mcstrange
    semantics wins you nothing. For all modern purposes the word 'democracy' and the current american governmental system are synonymous.

    You can say 'republic' all you want, most folks wont even know what your talking about.
    Explaining that distinction is still informative to most, though.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Cybs's Avatar
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    America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy

    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    Much like there is no such thing as a working Communist government. Which in itself is an oxymoron.

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    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Cybs
    Which in itself is an oxymoron.
    Um, no, it's not... The Soviet Union had a communist government; it had a leadership body which was based in Marxist Socialist ideas, I.E. Communism. Therefore, by simple definition, it was a Communist Government. Communism is not anarchy.

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    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    In those quotes, I think they are referring to a "pure" or direct democracy, similar to the system in ancient Greece (? I'm a bit rusty on my history). By modern terms/definitions at least, America has a form of liberal democracy. The definition of this is similar to the definition of a republic, but they aren't exactly the same, if I remember correctly. Granted, I'm really rusty on all this stuff, and I'd have to dig up old notes to be any more specific.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Blah64's Avatar
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    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    If we want to be really specific, then...

    America is actually a Constitution-based federal republic with strong democratic traditions. That is the official type of government of the USA.

    And as for communism, Communism is mostly a type of economy as Marx believed a communist society would have no need for a government. Thus the government the Soviet Union had was not a true communist regime.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Consultant's Avatar
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    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Mcstrange
    semantics wins you nothing. For all modern purposes the word 'democracy' and the current american governmental system are synonymous.

    You can say 'republic' all you want, most folks wont even know what your talking about.
    It's the same as the poeple who say "Texas and Virginia aren't states!"

    Yes - they are a "Republic" and a "Commonwealth" but for all intents and purposes they are states...Semantics FTL.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Red_Lizard2's Avatar
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    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    we are still consitution based? i couldn't tell with how many times we just walk over it and completely ignore it.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer iravedic's Avatar
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    America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy America is NOT a democracy
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    Steam ID: IraVedic0

    Re: America is NOT a democracy

    Maybe this will help clarify some of the semantic discussions above.

    Constitutional Republics are a deliberate attempt to diminish the threat of mobocracy thereby protecting dissenting individuals and minority groups from the tyranny of the majority by placing theoretical checks on the power of the majority of the population.

    The power of the majority of the people is checked by limiting that power to electing representatives who, theoretically, are required to govern within limits of overarching constitutional law rather than the popular vote having legislative power itself (even though such representatives are elected by said majority, creating a definitive conflicted interest).

    John Adams defined a constitutional republic as "a government of laws, and not of men." Also, the power of government officials is checked by allowing no single individual to hold executive, legislative and judicial powers. Instead these powers are separated into distinct branches that serve as a check and balance on each other. A constitutional republic is designed so that "no person or group [can] rise to absolute power." Delattre, Edwin. Character and Cops: Ethics in Policing,

    A constitutional republic is a form of democracy, but not all democracies are constitutional republics. For example, though the head of state is not elected in a monarchy, it may still be a liberal democracy if there is a parliament with elected representatives that govern according to constitutional law protecting individual rights (called a constitutional democratic monarchy). Also, a representative democracy may or may not be a constitutional republic. For example, "the United States relies on representative democracy, but [its] system of government is much more complex than that. [It is] not a simple representative democracy, but a constitutional republic in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law." Scheb, John M. An Introduction to the American Legal System

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