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Thread: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

  1. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    Welcome back Tbeard.

    Nice long post after a 2 month hiatus. By the way, where is Obama's foreign policy experience lest we forget that he is at the top of the Democratic ticket where as Palin is not. Also in case you haven't noticed her child is not the only one pregnant, Christian or not. Nice job attacking her family. Even Obama won't go that far.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    The problem with politics these days is you can't have an opinion, and get elected in most cases. There is very little middle ground in America anymore. Most hot button issues are split fairly evenly across the country, and if you are pro you eliminate about half the country from voting for you. That is why so many people like Obama. He has not taken a stance on much of anything that I can see, he just says he wants change. change from what, or to what, is not as important as people feeling good about him not taking an opposing stance from them.

    In a nutshell almost all politicians suck because they will say whatever they think you want to hear to get their votes, then when elected change their story. That is why you should look at voting record, and from what i hear Obama was "present" quite a bit, so that is good.

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    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    Quote Originally Posted by TBeard
    As a Democrat, I completely agree! I'm with you! I absolutely LOVE this pick! I have a front-row seat to the ritualistic suicide of the Republican party!

    Oh there's more........She's also under an Alaskan State Legislature ETHICS investigation for firing the former state Public Safety Commissioner, Walt Monegan, because he refused to fire an Alaska state trooper involved in a divorce from her sister.

    Her Foreign Relations experience is "Governor of state that borders two foreign countries (Canada and Russia)"
    This is her "foreign relations" experience? ARE THEY SERIOUS? BEING NEXT TO CANADA?
    I live in Seattle. By their rationale, I should be the Ambassador to Canada in their administration!!!
    Alaska's also close to the North Pole - does she know Santa Claus

    Oh there's even more.....she and her husband are members of the AIP, which believes the US Constitution "should be re-written to conform to Biblical law." Yeah thanks Sarah, but I think our founding fathers did a pretty good job separating church and state so that we wouldn't EVER live under a religious Theocracy.
    You see, Sarah, we actually heed the 1st Amendment down here in the lower 48.

    And to top it all off........little miss Christian family values, no sex-ed in schools, kids should only learn about abstinence, use the government to push my religious beliefs on everyone else........has an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter.
    God forbid we teach our kids anything about making smart decisions about sex and birth control!!! Teenagers would be fornicating on lawns everywhere!
    Oh I forgot, simply telling kids not to have sex will prevent them from having sex. Yes, Praise God Almighty, I see now that it works. I have seen the light!

    Yes indeed - a GREAT pick! I absolutely LOVE it! The Republican party has quite literally gone completely insane.

    What exactly is the Republican Party's message anyway? I thought it was Experience. Now it appears to be Reform, or maybe Change? Nice work ripping that one off! They trash and walk all over John McCain 8 years ago, belittling his service to his country. They do it again to John Kerry and Max Cleland 4 years ago. Now they spend the 1st night of their convention trying to convince us that they now honor his service to his country? Or anyone else's for that matter?


    And what's with the tributes to Reagan and HW Bush? Why aren't W and Dick there? Where's the representation for the last 8 years? What are they embarrassed about?

    I'm not buying one piece of the junk they're peddling out of their Larry Craig-sponsored airport bathroom stall!!

    - t
    You don't have all the facts straight... Since I live in Alaska, maybe I can give you the truth behind your biased statements.
    First of all Wooten, her x brother in law, Tazored his son, shot a moose out of season, and drove his patrol car drunk. Plus has made public threats to shoot Sarah's parents and Sarah herself. If I as a citizen did any one of these things... I'd be in jail... So why does this man still have a job?? It is a safety concern for citizens...

    Alaska is closer to two countries than it is to the rest of the US. We have foreign dignitaries here.... Get over it... She has more experience than Obama. But I won't be so disrespectful and slam him.

    Where do you get off telling us her views on sex ed?? Where do you come up with this garbage? Sarah excused herself from the abortion talk. She is here to serve the people not her own Special Interests. They are human with real family problems like the rest of the country... At least they are open and loving... Not so judging of others.

    Let me just say... VECO... Not around anymore... why
    Why do we have three republican legislators in jail? Why is our Sen Stevens indited right now? Why are the big oil companies paying their share of oil tax now Hmmm... Was it a guy that had enough balls No.... hmmm...

    What has Obama done?? Really, other than tear our country apart with race wars.... That man is no more black than I am... Had he come on to the scene and said, "I am a proud American man". I would have listened... But to say, "I'm a proud black man..." Come on... America is a melting pot of different races, and he is poster child.... But no... Had to pick a color... Why can't we just be color blind?
    So put that in your liberal wallet and close it!!

    The Freak

    Originally Posted by ...bigdog... like.....I seriously get misty eyed.

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    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    Attack her family? By claiming it's hypocritical of her to be an advocate of opposing the very programs that work toward cutting teen pregnancies when her own daughter is pregnant? Buy claiming that abstinence-only program do nothing to prevent kdis from having sex? That's attacking her family? She's the one making it an issue! You can get an easy view of her record on sex-ed by looking at her record as Governor. That's where I get off. She's not excusing herself from anything! She's on the record as saying she'll overturn Roe v Wade, and won't support a woman's right to choose in cases of rape and incest.

    She's the one who parades her family in front of America and uses it as a political tool, working into a political speech, all the while touting her religious righteousness on "family values."

    And the ethics investigation isn't about whether the trooper is a bad guy, it's about whether she abused her power as governor in pressuring the Public Safety Commisioner to fire him. Abuse of power is abuse of power, regardless of reasoning behind it.

    "Tear our country apart with race wars?" What in the hell are you talking about? Are we color-blind? Can anyone be color-blind? Race exists my friend! It is is front of all of us! Ignoring race and race-issues in this country doesn't make it go away. None of us are color-blind.

    "We have foreign dignitaries here." So does Washington! So does Oregon! So does Idaho! What has she ever done even remotely related to foreign relations? How does being in proximity to Canada and Russia have anything to do with Foreign Relations experience?

  5. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    More Democratic counterfeit crap. Already proven to be wrong from AIP's "official website".

    Quote Originally Posted by TBeard
    Oh there's even more.....she and her husband are members of the AIP, which believes the US Constitution "should be re-written to conform to Biblical law." Yeah thanks Sarah, but I think our founding fathers did a pretty good job separating church and state so that we wouldn't EVER live under a religious Theocracy.
    You see, Sarah, we actually heed the 1st Amendment down here in the lower 48.
    By the way

    Contrary to initial reports, Vice-President candidate Governor Sarah Palin was never a member of our party. Todd Palin was registered as a member but never participated in any party activities aside from attending a convention in 1994.

    Press release with corrections from the AIP Chairman, Lynette Clark.

    Most recently I have pulled the entire record regarding the Alaskan Independence Partys' 1994 Convention file. I went through all the video, audio and paper records for that function. Something I should have done earlier before making the statement that Governor Palin was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. For that I humbly apologize to Governor Palin, and, to both national and local press, and media.

    I, foolishly, repeated and accepted as fact what an officer of this membership shared with myself, and husband Dexter Clark, over a year ago. My statement was incorrect regarding the Governor's membership. What was correct was that Todd Palin was a member, that Sarah as a candidate for Governor appeared at the AIP Convention in 2006, and sent a welcoming DVD to the membership at the 2008 AIP statewide convention. Those truths do not take away my fault in mis-speaking regarding her membership. For that I do take full responsibility. I hold Governor Palin in high regard, I believe she is far and away the best individual Alaska could have as Governor, and as a woman, mother and wife is one of the best examples walking!

    Thank you and again, I apologize to all.

    Lynette Clark, Chairman
    Alaskan Independence Party
    September 3, 2008

  6. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    It's ok Freak. Watch them squirm.

    As soon as Gov Palin was finished last night, I knew the response would be frenzied. It is a testament of her capability.

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    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    "What was correct was that Todd Palin was a member, that Sarah as a candidate for Governor appeared at the AIP Convention in 2006, and sent a welcoming DVD to the membership at the 2008 AIP statewide convention. "

    Good enough for me. The fact that she's even associated with the group and "participates" in any function should be enought to scare the hell out of anyone, let alone that her husband was or is a member.

    She's rallied her conservative base - I'll give her that. Nothing rallies up the conservative base like oold-fashioned vitriol.

    And Clintok, she's not scaring anybody. Like I said, great VP pick for a ticket that is losing their message and going back to the same old politics of conjuring up a fear-based message of divisiveness.

    They're losing the issues battle, and they know it.

    We'll see how the message plays, but my money is on the fact that this backfires on them.

    McCain had better say something about his economic plan tonight, or this whole convention is going down in flames an an extension of 8 years of failed policy.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    Quote Originally Posted by TBeard
    "What was correct was that Todd Palin was a member, that Sarah as a candidate for Governor appeared at the AIP Convention in 2006, and sent a welcoming DVD to the membership at the 2008 AIP statewide convention. "

    Good enough for me. The fact that she's even associated with the group and "participates" in any function should be enought to scare the hell out of anyone, let alone that her husband was or is a member.
    Just like Obama's church affiliation with Trinity United Church of Christ. Even more insight to association being Good enough for me.

    You're right, "Good enough for me"

    Oh wait, Obama WAS a member

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    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    I guess this is where we agree to disagree... Both sides flip facts at each other.
    All I can say is Sarah Palin stands for "THE PEOPLE" One whole GROUP... WE THE PEOPLE....

    Maybe we look at things differently in the Great North? It's not what you look like, it's what you do that makes a person. We are raised to look out for our neighbor.. Have to in order to survive.

    Sarah Palin IS a team player. I would be the medic on her squad in a heart beat!!

    The Freak
    Who has never read the bible, but still supports Sarah Palin.

    Originally Posted by ...bigdog... like.....I seriously get misty eyed.

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    Re: Governor Sarah Palin's Speech

    I'll take the Trinity United Church of Christ any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

    The Republicans still don't get it. This isn't about Barack Obama. It's about empowering Americans behind a movement to become engaged in the political process again - to care about America and its direction. To be and embody the change that we want to see. To not just be a part of the process, but be the process.

    I believe in stem cell research. I believe that the most important barrel of oil is the one we don't use, and we don't pay the middle east for. I believe that empirical scientific data from ice samples dating back to the Industrial Revolution proves that the carbon level in our atmosphere is at an extremely dangerous level due to human influence, and that continuing to deny that, from even the smallest number of people, prevents us from working together to solve what is going to be the greatest problem this century, and is beginning to threaten our ability to sustain our American way of life. I believe that American innovation, with the right incentives, can create home-grown green energy, and millions of new jobs. I believe that we wrongly incent companies to off-shore jobs. I believe in a woman's right to choose. I don't believe regulating firearms prevents responsible ownership. I believe it is time for the Iraqi government to begin to take responsibility for the security of their nation, and that it was a mistake to ever spend 4,000 American lives (and counting), and spend our way into $10 trillion of debt invading in the first place.

    I believe the Bush administration surrounds itself time and time again with single-minded people, paralyzing their ability to think critically about any situation, endangering the lives of every American. Real leaders surround themselves with people who disagree, because it is through our disagreements that we learn about the world and each other, and discover new ideas and new solutions.

    I think the Republican party has many, many ethical and responsible members of Congress. I think John McCain is one of them, and I respect his service to this country.

    But I fundamentally disagree with his policies.

    And I think Sarah Palin is a desparate ploy to re-direct failing campaign with smoke and mirrors.

    What I think we can all agree on is that engaging eachother in our thoughts and beliefs, however different they may be, is what makes America great.

    That, and that what makes TTP so great is that you can kill eachother online one day, and argue politics the next!

    - t

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