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Thread: The Middle East leading to...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: yep

    man this crazzzy world.first off in the good ole usa there is not a shortage of troops.think about it, this country fielded 500 thousand in what 6 for the middle east, hell they have been fighting for over 2000 years! just this time it`s us.get it in your heads there will never be peace in the middle east.[i`m a poet and didn`t know it lol]and as for the bush bashing i think the guy is great.
    ww3,as i recall after 9/11 after this country got over the shock and awe of the towers,this country wanted somebodys ass to pay.bush couldv`t launched nukes and the common people of the states would have stood up and clapped.the usa has it s problems but guys it is still the best damn country on the they said on south park" root for your team or get the hell out the stadium".i was in the infantry[11bush baby] in the us army and i`m here to tell ya. i had fun.peace my brothers wiretap

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: yep

    Ok, one more thing as I read though MSN and CNN and any other news.

    1) Another plane turns around today because of a possible terror issue.
    2) Liquid bombs to blow up planes and create havoc
    3) 9/11, enough said
    4) Suicide bombers

    What do all of these have in common? First of all, they are all recent events (except maybe 9/11). Secondly, all of them happened outside the US...Why do we have armed forces in other countries trying to protect the US? Think about it. We bring back the however many thousand soldiers that are in Iraq, Afghanista, Korea, among many, many others and we let them hang out in Fort Benning, Fort Bragg, Fort Lewis, Edwards AFB, etc, etc. While they train in the US, someone from another country (hmmm, iraq, afghanistan, Korea, Iran) comes in and bombs the hell out of us.

    Well, thankfully our troops are spread throughout the US on our soil so that they can go and help clean everything up. That would be a great use. We are training soldiers to fight and defend. How do we defend groups of people that don't care about their own life. How do you stop people that are going to keep trying to blow things up in the US?

    I am actually very open to hear what people have to say. Here is a stupid analogy, but since we are all gamers, maybe this will hit home. You are playing DOD, the other team has three flags and keep pushing and pushing and pushing. What does your team do, do they sit back and bitch and complain because no one is getting the tank at Donner or do they push, kill, push, kill, cap!!! How often have you been on that team that just sits back and get steamrolled. How pissed do we get because we can't move forward. I hear it all the time. Yet, if we push and cap and push the other guys back, then the whole tide is reversed and they are the ones getting pissed.

    Fast forward to today, if we just sit back and try to defend our last flag, we are going to get steamrolled. We are going to bitch and complain because we keep getting our asses kicked and we don't do anything about it. Hell, war is not great, but if we have a guy like Clinton, we can just sit back for 8 years, talk about how great we are and how we are all peaceful, then one year later, we get bombed. Sure, let's sit back and just wear it, that sounds like a great idea. I know a lot of people that don't like war, hell, war in itself is not great, but we live in a free country that MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people are coming to our country to get out of THEIR country. There is a reason for it. There is a reason we are trying to preventative work so that our country can continue to be one of the safest countries in the world. (no, switzerland and denmark and crap don't count) California is bigger than those countries so they don't count.

    So, like war or not, at least we are trying to do something to show other countries that we are not going to put up with it. We are not going to sit and defend the last flag, we are going to move up, push, and cap together as one.

    Dang, someone needs to stop me, I am getting more and more fired up when I hear comments like people want to get out of the military and having a reverse draft, I get fired up. I also think there is a lot of ignorance on this subject. As for people wanting to get out of the "contract" they signed up for, I am not sure what they thought they were doing in the first place. A lot of people signed up because of good intentions, so you sign a contract for a certain amount of time. A lot of the people leaving are also the people that try to go AWOL during basic training. My bro in law says that their parents made them sign up and can't stand being there....yet, they sign a four year contract. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    Ok, I am not touching this one either....Rant probably to be cont.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    BBC: Shares rally after intervention

    Most European and Asian shares move higher as investors react to a co-ordinated interest rates cut and the UK bank rescue package.


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