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Thread: Vp Debate!

  1. Registered TeamPlayer jmw_man's Avatar
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    hmm, have we had an american indian for Pres or VP yet?

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    I don't oppose nuclear power.
    too bad your party is the reason we don't have it today. Peace, love, and environmentalism blocking nuke plants and disposal. So instead, we'll all just breath coal dust and fossil fumes. Great plan, greenpeace. Nice job helping the world out. Or was it...maybe....just your parts of the world that you gave a fuck about?

    It's not my party. I don't own it and it doesn't own me. I will be voting democrat b/c I prefer their polices.

    bigdog lose the condescending attitude. You don't know what my concerns are.

    I don't want to invade Pakistan but I support incursions based on actionable intelligence.
    You just said, right here, that you want to invade pakistan. We had "actionable intelligence" in Iraq. 5 years later....what are you saying about that? What if your "intelligence" is wrong? What if Pakistan DISAGREES WITH IT? what you gonna do then? Would we accept pakistani secret special ninja forces landing in america, blowing up a building full or "suspected terrorists" and leaving? That's called an INVASION OF OUR TERRITORY. You can call it "incursions", but that's just legislative pussy footing, and even McCain calls that ridiculous, even though he's part of the legislators that pussy foot around words instead of actions.

    We're going after the terrorists responsible for 9/11 in Pakistan. They are not in Iraq. Making incursions intp Pakistan is not the same as invading the country. Do I really need to explain the difference?
    Sure let's drill. Like it matters.

    I'm so thrilled we agree here.

    We need allies and friends. That sometimes requires compromises. It's called diplomacy.
    Sounds great on a T-shirt, but yet again, totally indicative on how you are about hype, and caught up to the neck in it, but don't care, or don't know about the issue. We have friends and allies. We have trade treaties and organizations. We run the UN majority opinion. We are the most popular and coolest nation to be friends with on the planet, even today. You're talking "friends and allies" diplomacy with Cuba, N Korea, and Iran? Is this a joke?

    We're the most popular and coolest? You are an insulated dipshit. You know nothing about how the world views us.

    Here's what I'm going to do. Vote.
    Pity. Such is why most politicians get in power. Hype it up, splatter the TV and airwaves with dumb catch phrases, sell some T-shirts...and you'll get the lazy, un-informed vote, which sadly is 75% of the electorate.

    Voting doesn't equate to laziness you dope.

    Nuff said.

    the typical "it looks good on my protest poster" response. two or three words. Like "End the War". And somehow that satisfies you as an argument.

    What war? End it how? When? Where? And then what?
    I'm just so relieved that you're ok in Houston and not one of the 300 people still missing. 8)

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Glitch's Avatar
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    On the Debate...

    Neither looked like an idiot, nothing funny to laugh at.

    The only negative I will say for Governor Palin is she did what many politicians do when faced with a question the can't or chose not to answer. Changed the subject and talked for 90 sec about something entirely different from what was asked.

    To ALL politicians: (she by far isn't the only one)
    WTF good is a debate with set questions if you simply refuse to answer them? Why not just stand on stage and the 2 of you talk with no moderator at all? To me not answering at all, and instead redirecting back to what your opponent said on the last question is the same as a Baseball player deciding that it is easier to run straight to 3rd base from 1st base. Screw the rule that says 2nd is important, I don't chose to play that way. If they need more time to debate their opponent's comments the debate needs to be structured to support that better.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...

    As for not knowing what the bush doctrine is.....even I don't know what that is. You don't know what it is, either, since there isn't one.

    What's the bush doctrine? A war in iraq? There's only one it's not much of a doctrine, or way of doing things. Taxes? Dimplomacy? Policy positions?
    The question wasn't good because it can easily be interperid two different ways.

    One is as Bigbdog did above, Bush Doctrine can imply everything he has done, or his methods for doing what he does.


    When Palin asked ABC anchor Charlie Gibson what he meant by the Bush Doctrine, Gibson clarifed: "The Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war."

    This ->

    is what he was speaking of. That is what washington insiders refer to as the Bush Doctrine.

    I am no McClain nor Palin supporter but I think due to the double meaning that "the Bush Doctrine" can imply noone should fault her for asking for clarification. That is a bad name. However when he clarified, THAT I believe someone in her postion should have been familar with.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by Glitch

    When Palin asked ABC anchor Charlie Gibson what he meant by the Bush Doctrine, Gibson clarifed: "The Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war."

    This ->

    is what he was speaking of. That is what washington insiders refer to as the Bush Doctrine.

    I am no McClain nor Palin supporter but I think due to the double meaning that "the Bush Doctrine" can imply noone should fault her for asking for clarification. That is a bad name. However when he clarified, THAT I believe someone in her postion should have been familar with.
    Honestly I think the question in that interview showed the left slant that Charlie Gibson sometimes gives in his interviews. If you notice, the Obama attack is one of focusing trying to tie McCain and Bush together. If she had said yes (wouldn't but just giving the options) then they would be all over her for ties with Bush, if she said she didn't know all the details they would call her uninformed, if she said no then they would find small areas where the similarities are and call her on it. All would produce the ratings that they want....

    She was chosen because she is not a Washington insider, which I think is a good thing. I also think she outperformed everyone's expectations and did definitely not get steamrolled or stomped by Senator Biden.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    BD, you should run for office.
    I probably will. And I will be just as unapologetic and downright mean to the opposition as I am here. It aint about making friends when people are dying, getting fucked over, or forgotten. It's about busting balls, calling people out as liars, and obliterating anything that stands in the way of doing what's right.
    You maintain that attitude, and run for office.... You'd have the military vote.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by cop1991
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    BD, you should run for office.
    I probably will. And I will be just as unapologetic and downright mean to the opposition as I am here. It aint about making friends when people are dying, getting fucked over, or forgotten. It's about busting balls, calling people out as liars, and obliterating anything that stands in the way of doing what's right.
    You maintain that attitude, and run for office.... You'd have the military vote.
    Which wouldn't be enough to get elected.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cop1991
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    BD, you should run for office.
    I probably will. And I will be just as unapologetic and downright mean to the opposition as I am here. It aint about making friends when people are dying, getting fucked over, or forgotten. It's about busting balls, calling people out as liars, and obliterating anything that stands in the way of doing what's right.
    You maintain that attitude, and run for office.... You'd have the military vote.
    Which wouldn't be enough to get elected.
    all you are is a defeatist complainer, trigger. If you honestly think there is any other country on this planet that the world wants to be friends with other than the USA....then you are the insulated clown. You hear people bitching and moaning and complaining. You see euro-trash snobs spitting on americans in coffe shops, with their nose in the air, as they walk into their AMERICAN JOB with their AMERICAN education. You see militants out there screaming death to america, death to israel, while everyone not on camera is lining up at the WFP truck filled with bags of rice that say USA. Same goes for the powdered milk. And the vaccines. And the trucks. And the gas in the trucks. Europe loves us. they can say what they want in office, and on TV and in their newspapers, just as our own media and politicians do, but at the end of the day, they love them some USA. Same goes for a ridiculous majority of the world. And you'd know that if you've ever been anywhere other than some indie coffee shop full of euro trash college kids who think they know better because they've been to poland and spain.

    Who's insulated? who's the one sitting around with people that agree with him all day long, who hasn't been challenged on shit until now and instead of bring some real shit into the argument decides to throw rocks?

    grow up. And get some info. America is the envy of the world. Some people are more admirers and appreciative, while others are striaght up jealous and angry, but it's all stages of envy. And if you'd tell the truth, rather than sell a T-shirt, you'd admit that.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    How is that classless? They were pounding on her for her pregnant daughter, they brought her family into this. Then they mocked her like there's no tomorrow. All fine by me, any president, or vp will be made fun of from time to time, but in all honesty, the mainstream media was portraying her poorly. What a shock eh?
    Bullshit! It was in reference to her interviews with Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson. It had nothing to do with her daughter. Palin made herself look bad in those interviews. Quit throwing smoke grenades.
    She didn't like the way the media was portraying her, so she called them on it. In your opinion, you think she looked bad in those (edited) interviews. She feels otherwise, so naturally she believes she was portrayed poorly. Bullshit my ass, she called the media on their bias, and you didnt like it.
    Those interviews were not edited. When Gibson asked for her take on the Bush Doctrine she asked "in what respect Charlie?" She didn't know what it was. And yes she should have b/c she's running for the second highest office in the land.

    Rock it doesn't help your arguement when you make things up or lie about your candidate.
    Are you accusing me of being a democrat? hmmph

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cop1991
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    BD, you should run for office.
    I probably will. And I will be just as unapologetic and downright mean to the opposition as I am here. It aint about making friends when people are dying, getting fucked over, or forgotten. It's about busting balls, calling people out as liars, and obliterating anything that stands in the way of doing what's right.
    You maintain that attitude, and run for office.... You'd have the military vote.
    Which wouldn't be enough to get elected.
    all you are is a defeatist complainer, trigger. If you honestly think there is any other country on this planet that the world wants to be friends with other than the USA....then you are the insulated clown. You hear people bitching and moaning and complaining. You see euro-trash snobs spitting on americans in coffe shops, with their nose in the air, as they walk into their AMERICAN JOB with their AMERICAN education. You see militants out there screaming death to america, death to israel, while everyone not on camera is lining up at the WFP truck filled with bags of rice that say USA. Same goes for the powdered milk. And the vaccines. And the trucks. And the gas in the trucks. Europe loves us. they can say what they want in office, and on TV and in their newspapers, just as our own media and politicians do, but at the end of the day, they love them some USA. Same goes for a ridiculous majority of the world. And you'd know that if you've ever been anywhere other than some indie coffee shop full of euro trash college kids who think they know better because they've been to poland and spain.

    Who's insulated? who's the one sitting around with people that agree with him all day long, who hasn't been challenged on shit until now and instead of bring some real shit into the argument decides to throw rocks?

    grow up. And get some info. America is the envy of the world. Some people are more admireres and appreciative, while others are striaght up jealous and angry, but it's all stages of envy. And if you'd tell the truth, rather than sell a T-shirt, you'd admit that.
    Keep talking bigdog, lol.

  10. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Keep talking bigdog, lol.
    I'm not the one getting beat. that person is the one, standing around, going "whatever, dude, whatever". So take your ball, and get off the field. trying to look cool, at this point, is about as low as it gets. Next time, bring some shit you can back up, or someone who can do it for you. You don't see me dropping lols and omg's to get out of a lost argument.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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