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Thread: Vp Debate!

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by reject_wolf
    1. What is my information based on? The fact that Iraq has been beaten in there own country easily by the US led coalition force on two occasions. A country that is a large threat should be able to put up a better fight then that. Not saying that Iraq should not have been invaded, but they sure didn't look like our countries worst fear.

    Too lazy to respond to your whole post....

    But one man in the middle of a city with a nuclear/dirty/chemical bomb is a WHOLE HELL of alot more dangerous than a country full of traditional soldiers with traditional weaponry.

  2. Exiled
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by TehSpaz
    Quote Originally Posted by reject_wolf
    1. What is my information based on? The fact that Iraq has been beaten in there own country easily by the US led coalition force on two occasions. A country that is a large threat should be able to put up a better fight then that. Not saying that Iraq should not have been invaded, but they sure didn't look like our countries worst fear.

    Too lazy to respond to your whole post....

    But one man in the middle of a city with a nuclear/dirty/chemical bomb.
    Then we ought to apply that line of thinking with all other countries with nuclear capabilities. Which Iraq had none. You provide a what-if story to justify a very stupid reason to invade. There is/was no proof that they would use a dirty bomb against us, nor is/was there proof that they had the capabilities to construct one and then smuggle it into the US.

    What if my aunt had balls?......She would be my uncle.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Quote Originally Posted by reject_wolf
    Okay, I understand your WWII analogy, and I totally agree with it Bigdog, except for one part, Iraq was no where near the threat that Iran or North Korea appear to be. So why start with Iraq, when Nazi Germany and 2003 Iraq do not cast any sort of resemblance ?
    that's a pretty big assumption. And you get that based on......what you see on the news?

    It's not an assumption it's a known fact that North Korea has nuclear and chemical weapons and has the ability to launch them at our allies (Japan, South Korea).

    if the UNSC is going to pass resolutions, bring up sanctions, blockade your trade, force inspections, and declare you in material breach, then you are a dangerous nation. Does it matter if you kill 10 million people, or 1 million? or even 100,000? Because you see it in terms like that is the reason we aren't giving a shit about what's going on in Africa. Or is it because they aren't white, wealthy, business loving jews and europeans? Is that why they matter less (and in their minds, that is the answer, and a source of HATE and empowerment for the terrorists to feed on).

    They were never considered a dangerous nation, just evasive. As for the rest of that paragraph again just more of your opiniated blather, no fact whatsoever. See you're doing it again bigdog, you write something and pass it off as fact.

    You can't pick and choose who is bad and who is not. In the beginning days of appeasementalism and weakness in addressing the Nazi threat in Europe, I'm sure there were many...if not a majority of voices like yours, saying "well, germany now isn't what it was in WWI....there's no reason to start a war with germany now".

    This was never about Saddam being bad but about a supposed threat that never existed. When this administration finally acknowledged that there was no imminent threat they made up a new reason. Freeing the oppresed people of the world. Problem was we had pick up the check on that one through our treasure and blood. Oops.

    As far as the Nazi threat are you telling us that you would have seen what was coming at the time. You possess this clairovoyent ability to read the future or are just preaching from hindsight? Again more of the same bigdog, you got it all figured out and the rest of us are just two steps behind.

    You assume everything is going to be fine, so you do nothing. And that, in any stupid.

    Lame answer to premeptive wars. If your going to ask a nation to go to war then you had be 100% sure that it truly is a threat. 'We thought so' doesn't get it done.

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    Re: Vp Debate!

    well, i haven't interjected in ttp politics in quite some time now. but here goes.

    Being an exchange student in europe, specifically England and Ireland where i attended some summer classes and visiting france, germany, and spain.

    its pretty obvious that they have an overall negative view of us based on their view, supplied by their various medias, that we are cocky, affluent, greedy, and war mongers *who have owned firearms since we were old enough to hold them, wear cowboy boots, and chew tobacco.... *okay the last three are just my experience being from kentucky

    more to the point though write, sing, or scream what they will about our way of life and specifically our war policies (i dont want to include foreign policy as a whole). i have yet to feel the great urge to pack my shit up and move out to one of these places where i have to worry about

    #1 being called out and berated as a "MEMBER OF THE WORLD POLICE, U.S.A. chapter" (yes i have been called this before, it made me lol)-- because i dont think the crap the dictators are pulling against their subjugates should be allowed by those who have the power to stop it.

    #2 some vodka gurrgling, pot smoking, pill popping piece of euro-trash coming at me on the streets with a blade (as they have banned most all firearms) and not having my fellow American there to back me up. I rely on my civil brother of course, because the cops don't carry firearms over there to "Avoid Escalation" as they say.... yet they still wear Kevlar vests. hmm wonder why?

    overall though, deep down inside any deep thinking person over there. they Know that the USA played an integral part in history and shall continue to do so as long as her citizens remain aware of our community, state, national, and global duty of giving them a chance at/to/of _____ to all the humans in this world.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer PizzaSHARK!'s Avatar
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    BD, you should run for office.
    Bigdog-SJT 2012.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer PizzaSHARK!'s Avatar
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    You mean that "duh" doctrine? What president is NOT going to kill terrorists, and hold terrorist nations accountable for harboring them? What president is going to wait around for the allies to answer their email, rather than act upon intellgence indicating where and when terrorists are going to do something? What president is NOT going to encourage democratic reforms, or implement democratic goverments in countries that fall due to our actions or from within (and still likely due to our actions)?
    There were terrorists in Iraq? And WMD's?
    That's a pretty weak argument. Typical response.

    1) Cops accuse you of having illegal narcotics in your home, and ask you to remove them
    2) You refuse to comply with the officers request
    3) They now tell you they are coming to your house in a few days to confiscate the illegal narcotics

    Now, anybody in their right mind will immidiately hide, move, or destroy the illegal narcotics.

    4) Police arrive, and nothing is there

    Sound familiar? We have satellites that can fucking show me a picutre of my street, house, car, the tree in my yard, from like 10-15 away. Surely we knew what the fuck was going down in Iraq. The Iraqis knew we were coming, and got rid of all the evidence (either that or passed it off). Even still, we liberated a nation from an extremely evil dictator. Iraq is a helluva lot better off now than it was before we got there. And yes it is a responsibility of the US to help countries in need (When we can). "To whom much is given, much is required".

    Don't buy into all the media bullshit that they are trying to feed you. The world loves the US, and those who dont are simply bitter because of the success and prosperity this country has had (as bigdog somewhat stated in another post). Is there a perfect nation? Obsolutely not. But we sure are at the top.

    Your lame ass comment has been used for years. Try something new for pete's sake.
    Pure conjecture, accusations, hearsay and and I think so are not good enough reasons to go to war. The U.S. is not a cop. Iraq was never a threat. Just b/c Saddam Hussein was an asshat doesn't mean we should have gone there. We are no better off as a nation with him gone. Argue that.
    That's pretty ignorant of you, trigger. Do you really think a psychopath like Saddam wouldn't eventually find a way to attack us, given time and resources? You can't spot a malignant tumor and expect it to go away because you ignore it. No, it'll metastasize, and then you're fucked.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer SapiensErus's Avatar
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    Re: Vp Debate!

    Actually I think Saddam was far more interested in his neighbors. He would mess with them for sure, but likely croak out long before he could have gotten the power or resources to actually do anything to us.

    He was a fascist, not an idiot. He was hungry for power. Going after the US directly would definitely not be beneficial to him. Just like being relatively secular compared to other extreme religious states, he knew what was good for him to a degree. I think he would have just kept poking his neighbors with a stick and ignored us aside from sabre rattling or occasionaly firing at jets in the no-fly zone. Granted he would have loved to have the power to do something directly to us, but it was well outside of his means; he had to know that.

    Of course that is all personal conjecture...but based on a lot of reading and observation I have done for the last 20 or so years...

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