So I know that we have many paintball enthusiasts on the forums, so I thought I would share some information with you.


Scenario is on for the 28th of February

$100 for early registration Now until January 28th
$130 for late registration January 29th – February 26th
Case of Paint $50 (Field Paint Only)
Scenario registration fee includes one case of paint and all day air. If you need a rental gun it is $10 extra. The Tippmanns will go to the first ones that register. After they are gone we will be issuing the Piranhas.
No Refunds of any Kind!
Doors open at 7:45 am
Safety and Game briefing begins at 8:30
Games will start at 9:00 and go to 5:00
You must be ready to play at 8:30 No exceptions!!

Play With Honor!
Register early!
First 25 registrants get signing bonus!

Main Missions
Missions will be posted on the communication board at your HQ. Your company of soldiers must determine the best way possible to complete the mission.
Point System
Objective points
· Points will be awarded to each team for completed objectives.
· Between 100-250 points depending on the objective
· If you do not complete the objective the opposing team is awarded half of the points
· 100 points for capturing opposing teams medic station flag

Lose Points
· Your team will lose 15 points for any foul language, un-sportsmanlike conduct or infraction of safety rules observed by a ref.
Special Positions

Helicopter Pilots
· Carries a Helicopter Flag in flight
· Cannot be shot while in flight unless using special weapon issued by DFW Pro
· Has a five person capacity on rope line. Last person is a gunner
· Has a six minute flight time
· Players must hold onto the pilots rope to be considered in flight and not able to be shot
· When pilot places Helicopter flag on the ground players can release the rope (Helicopter pilot can be shot at this point)
· If Pilot runs out of time (fuel) he must wrap up Helicopter flag and try to make it back to base without being shot.
· Carries a medic pouch
· Can heal other players that have not been fatally hit (head or chest)
· Places medic flag for forward operating re-spawn point
Special Items
Forward Medic Station
· Signified By Medic Flag
· Can only be placed and removed by a medic
· Can be captured by opposing team

There are more things that will be going on but our lips are sealed until the scenario