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Thread: Fucking Knob Jockey Camel Fuckers.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Fucking Knob Jockey Camel Fuckers.

    I recently watched a movie called "Shoot on Sight".

    It was a british movie about the Scotland Yard directive guessed it..."Shoot on Sight" any suspected terrorists that *may* be involved in terrorist activities.

    It wasn't a remarkable movie...but the message of the movie kinda slammed my brain into the wall of my fucking skull.

    Basically, it was implying that the war or terror is immoral and that the muslims have a right to conduct a holy war against the west because we have terrorized THEM for years.

    Excuse me, but fucking no. We have tried to sort out that backwards fucking region for such a long fucking time I can't remember anything else. Actually...after reading alot of the posts in the banned's like America is bigdog.....and the camelhumpers are like every lame ass, CAL worshipping...cockstick fucknozzle from CS:S with a fucking trackball mouse and a pile of pixie sticks next to the fucking gateway his mommy handed down to him last week.

    We feed them, give them money to fix their infrastructure...and what fucking thanks do we get? Riots in the streets...buildings blown up...American Flags burned...our President dodging flying shoes like he's fucking Neo from the Matrix....OUR SOLDIERS CAPTURED AND BEHEADED. When the fuck does it end?

    These sadistic fucks take the Qur'an ((however it's spelled)) and make up shit as they go. They're alot like those fucks in the middle of Mississippi that think the world was ACTUALLY created in 7 days. And when you tell them that they need to come take a ride with you for an afternoon of electroshock....they get all ridiculous on your ass until you kick them in the mancunt. Holy Fuck that's another rant for another day...

    In closing, am I the only one that gets fucking ENRAGED when they see a fucking liberal, turtleneck sporting fucking cock nazi running his manpleaser on the TV about how America is responsible for all the fucked up shit in the world...and they say that the fuckers that handed us our asses on a plate with all the trimmings on 9/11 are FREEDOM FIGHTERS and have nothing but praise for them?

    I say round all these fuckers up...all these liberal, bleeding heart fucks....take them to Wyoming...don't feed them for 9 days...then stuff them with whiskey and pcp and let them slug it the fuck out. Then at the end you take the last man standing and you put him on a pedestal and shoot him in the fucking noggin. Televise that shit on PPV...put the money into the more fucking defecit.


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    Re: Fucking Knob Jockey Camel Fuckers.

    This shit pisses me off too...

  3. Registered TeamPlayer jabberwock's Avatar
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    Re: Fucking Knob Jockey Camel Fuckers.

    I, for one, wasn't at all surprised by 9-11. It took me a second to wrap my head around the actual scene when I saw it happening, but it didn't really surprise me. More of a "well that figures" kind of moment. Not saying it was justified or right by any means, but I could see why it happened about 15 seconds after I turned on the news that morning. I was fucking angry at the senseless loss of innocent human life, but understood the statement.

    I get just as pissed about one sided, bull headed, uninformed verbal diarrhea like this as I do by the other side of the coin.

    ... and yes, you used the correct spelling.

    Which part of the video pisses you off?
    The ignorance of the interviewees, or the spin that was quite purposefully put on it by the producers?

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Fucking Knob Jockey Camel Fuckers.

    Quote Originally Posted by jabberwock
    I, for one, wasn't at all surprised by 9-11. It took me a second to wrap my head around the actual scene when I saw it happening, but it didn't really surprise me. More of a "well that figures" kind of moment. Not saying it was justified or right by any means, but I could see why it happened about 15 seconds after I turned on the news that morning. I was fucking angry at the senseless loss of innocent human life, but understood the statement.

    I get just as pissed about one sided, bull headed, uninformed verbal diarrhea like this as I do by the other side of the coin.

    ... and yes, you used the correct spelling.

    Which part of the video pisses you off?
    The ignorance of the interviewees, or the spin that was quite purposefully put on it by the producers?
    No No I knew it was coming. 9/11 had to happen eventually, you stick your fingers into too many pies and eventually a fat girl is gonna come along and punch you in your fucking head for ruining all her pies.

    But the fact that we actually removed a horrible motherfucker from power in Iraq...right or wrong...and are STILL trying to give those fuckers some dignity back and a national pride...and we're the fucking bad guys...fuck em. Turn that whole country into a parking lot and bring our guys home. No sense wasting time on people that love being savages.

    And as far as the video...the ignorance of the modern American voter.

    The spin doesn't bother me because that shit works both ways....there are videos out there making McCain and Bush look like the fucking DEVIL. ((Fahrenheit 9/11 is just one of them))

    What I hate is that these people don't even know what they were voting for. They just voted for Obama because it was "Cool" and "Everyone was doing it"

    Fuck these people. I hope they get hit by a gas truck and taste their own fucking blood.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer clint's Avatar
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    Re: Fucking Knob Jockey Camel Fuckers.

    Quote Originally Posted by WildGunsTomcat
    These sadistic fucks take the Qur'an ((however it's spelled)) and make up shit as they go. They're alot like those fucks in the middle of Mississippi that think the world was ACTUALLY created in 7 days. And when you tell them that they need to come take a ride with you for an afternoon of electroshock....they get all ridiculous on your ass until you kick them in the mancunt. Holy Fuck that's another rant for another day...

    In closing, am I the only one that gets fucking ENRAGED when they see a fucking liberal, turtleneck sporting fucking cock nazi running his manpleaser on the TV about how America is responsible for all the fucked up shit in the world...and they say that the fuckers that handed us our asses on a plate with all the trimmings on 9/11 are FREEDOM FIGHTERS and have nothing but praise for them?

    I say round all these fuckers up...all these liberal, bleeding heart fucks....take them to Wyoming...don't feed them for 9 days...then stuff them with whiskey and pcp and let them slug it the fuck out. Then at the end you take the last man standing and you put him on a pedestal and shoot him in the fucking noggin. Televise that shit on PPV...put the money into the more fucking defecit.
    You. Are. Ignorant. You also have some serious anger issues that you need to work through. Due to your post count, I will assume that you haven't been around TTP for very long. We practice a 0 tolerance policy on racism. Why hasn't a moderator picked up on this? What gives you the right to title a thread like this? You might as well start a thread called "White Trash Red Neck Sister Fuckers". My parents fall under the 7 day creationism group, and they aren't closed minded enough to think you need shock therapy because you don't believe in a higher power. Grow up, and realize that there is more to the world than just your self.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer IronStomach's Avatar
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    Re: Fucking Knob Jockey Camel Fuckers.

    Quote Originally Posted by WildGunsTomcat
    No. What you're looking for is not a discussion, it's racist, prejudiced bullshit hate bashing that doesn't belong here. We don't have many rules on this forum, but one of them is respect for other peoples' views and their right to have them, even if you don't agree with them yourself. This? Is not discussion.


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