Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars
No problem you say, just hire a nanny or two (expand the government). That is great, but do you really think that a hired helper will care as much about my children as I do? I don't. Just like some bureaucratic fat cat in Washington DC can't care as much about me as my local mayor and governor. I am not saying to do away with the Federal government entirely, but start scaling it back, and putting it back in its proper place.
Really? because the fatcats in DC have seemed to take a shine to education, while my local government wants basically cut the universities of a shitload of their funding, cut more spending out of one of the worst funded school systems to begin with etc. So i wouldn't say my local government is looking out for me, at all. Unless you count wanting to keep me and other stupid so they can take advantage of us for years to come.

To the bank bailouts, its been mention 1000s of times, it was made because the government believed that the banks would be willing to loan money out to businesses again IF they knew they were going to have government support (in the form of shitloads of money). Of course the plan had no regulation (because less government=better right?) and no-one watching the use of the funds, they either sat on it or used it for other shit and still didn't loan. And btw, once i learned what the proposed bailout really was for, i felt we could have saved money by just doing the loans directly to businesses if they needed.

3rd the idea of less government is good doesn't equate that people are greedy bastards and everyone is out for themselves. You need some regulation to keep order and to keep people from getting cheated etc etc.

Lastly, we need to look at reforming programs not just cutting (i know no one mentioned it but from what i've seen its the republican way to just cut shit for no reason). Like earlier when i was talking about the assholes in the Arizona government, instead of just taking funding away, they could have look in a host of sectors to see what programs aren't working that should go away and what programs can we fix to lower the cost of the program. So can the federal government, lets look at education and see what programs are just a waste of money lets look at other departments and what are we doing that isn't worth the cost? Lets reform welfare to make it harder to cheat, lets reform unemployment to make it harder to get away with not trying. Of course i realize most of you would be against that because to fix unemployment and welfare is going to require regulation and apparently its better to have a broken system then a better regulated one since less government is better, right?