Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
Yea, my girl wants to buy an old bugalo down the road from the house we are renting now. The street we are on now is full of tudor homes (spelling?) She was talking to a co-worker of hers and he was telling her that you almost can't go wrong when you choose nothing older than 30 years and nothing younger than 30 years. Not sure how accurate that is. Anyhow, the 80 year old bugalo (spelling again?) we are looking at is priced at 99k. It's a foreclosure, she wants it, I don't think we can survive the payments on top of renting our current house.
Older vs. newer really depends on what part of the country you live in. Here,in Mn.,I wouldn't even think of buying a house under 10 years old. The Energy Code our State gov't adopted(the most stringent in the nation) has turned new houses here in MN. into time bombs. They are absolute pieces of shit. They require that the entire house be wrapped and sealed and not allowed to naturally"breathe". They attempt to make up for this by adding air exchangers,but they are inadequate at best,and mold has become a huge problem. Imagine that....people who know nothing about building houses(politicians),telling everyone how to build houses.