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Thread: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

  1. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    I do agree that the comparison to the KKK isn't on par.

    They are both groups that thrive on intolerance and racial prejudice. I think the difference is that the KKK had free run to carry out their agenda in the past. The black panthers never had that opportunity.

    Had the KKK interfered with polling stations during the election......again.... I can only imagine the reaction.

    We would be back to the DDOS'esq Valerie Plame type coverage that would not subside until someone fell slain.

  2. Exiled
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    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    Quote Originally Posted by asianator365
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok
    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    Also, the town could be a racist town and they may have wanted to be there to let the black folks know that it's okay to vote.
    How does one take that sentence seriously? Its Philadelphia.

    What a huge mistake for the Obama Administration. If you reverse the situation, and put Bush back in office, and make the perpetrators white, the media would be howling 24/7 until someone lost their job.

    I will say that the media has done a decent job keeping the spotlight on the La Raza jurist for her racist & prejudiced comments.
    What racist prejudiced comments?

    And if you are going to quote her speech that your ilk have been using as "proof" that she is a racist...... Here is the whole speech, it is only 5 or 6 pages. In context of the speech, please point out the proof that she is "racist and prejudiced". Because methinks you haven't read the speech at all, and you are just (over)reacting to what you heard from Newt and the gang. I am sure that out of the thousands of cases heard, and hundreds opinions rendered , you should be able to drudge up some more "racist and prejudiced" tidbits, but yet all that is offered is a quote from a speech, that frankly isn't any bit "racist and prejudiced".
    Hawg, I haven't read the speech you guys are talking about. But let me just put this out there. If I write a 250 page book, and one paragraph (6 sentences) says to go kill a certain people group because of their racial characteristics, does that just automatically get discounted because of the surrounding material? Because that is exactly what you just wrote.
    No, it's a matter of context little one. Read the whole speech, and you will see the context in which she stated those words. There is nothing said that should brand her as a "racist" or "prejudiced".

    By the way, how can you compare what she said in her speech to killing "a certain people group because of their racial characteristics"? Are you fucking kidding me? Context is the key word here son.

    And furthermore, if you are going to comment on a excerpt from a speech and compare it to killing people because of color, maybe you ought not precede your statement with "I haven't read the speech you guys are talking about". Or better yet don't comment at all, because what you just posted and the comparison you made is asinine, at best.

  3. Exiled
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    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok
    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    Also, the town could be a racist town and they may have wanted to be there to let the black folks know that it's okay to vote.
    How does one take that sentence seriously? Its Philadelphia.

    What a huge mistake for the Obama Administration. If you reverse the situation, and put Bush back in office, and make the perpetrators white, the media would be howling 24/7 until someone lost their job.

    I will say that the media has done a decent job keeping the spotlight on the La Raza jurist for her racist & prejudiced comments.
    What racist prejudiced comments?

    And if you are going to quote her speech that your ilk have been using as "proof" that she is a racist...... Here is the whole speech, it is only 5 or 6 pages. In context of the speech, please point out the proof that she is "racist and prejudiced". Because methinks you haven't read the speech at all, and you are just (over)reacting to what you heard from Newt and the gang. I am sure that out of the thousands of cases heard, and hundreds opinions rendered , you should be able to drudge up some more "racist and prejudiced" tidbits, but yet all that is offered is a quote from a speech, that frankly isn't any bit "racist and prejudiced".
    We are speaking of the same quote, however your incorrect to assume I pull my deductions from Newt and his crew.

    Again, it doesn't pass the sniff test. I feel absolutely confident that had a white republican President put out a nominee who stated at any point that "a smart white man, with the richness of his experiences would more often than not arrive at a better conclusion than a hispanic woman"....... I can only imagine the response from all sides. I dont need to defend this conclusion a bit.

    Now, your jumping to her defense and thats fine. Its what is expected of you, and I dont fault you for it. You should slowly be coming to the understanding that I dont hate Obama, and that I am not your paired equal of partisan hatred on the right side of the isle. To date, I has disagreed with several decisions our president has made, but I think he's doing good for the most part. The decision to put her forth may make sense from an intelligence and quality of though point of view. But on the matter of sensitivity to racial issues, I see a problem in her case, and back on topic, I see a problem with the decision to let racial intimidation at polling stations pass. Strike two.

    Yours truely,
    Ayatrolla Muqtar
    Forgive me for mistaking your use of the exact words of "Newt and his Crew" as actually getting them from him. But then again, they are the exact talking points that every conservative group has laid out as "red meat". I didn't mean to take your accusation that this lady is a "racist and prejudiced" that you actually thought she was "racist and prejudiced", but you leave no choice but to come to the conclusion that you actually believe those words.

    I admit, these guys seem to be a little screwy at the polling place. And do themselves no good by acting like militants.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    Standing there is perfectly legal whether it would have been a bunch of skinheads, or KKK members, it doesn't really matter.
    Sure it matters.....if it had been KKK members, the media would have been all over that, and something would have been done. It's a racial double standard...this country has had a problem with it since it's inception. At least that's the argument I'm making....

  5. Unconfirmed User Muqtar SGT_Clintok's Avatar
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    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Forgive me for mistaking your use of the exact words of "Newt and his Crew" as actually getting them from him.
    There aren't many ways of expressing the concept of role reversal. Its a fairly straight forward concept.

    Perhaps by the phrase crew, you mean the collection of people who are willing to point out a double standard in play?

  6. Exiled
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    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Forgive me for mistaking your use of the exact words of "Newt and his Crew" as actually getting them from him.
    There aren't many ways of expressing the concept of role reversal. Its a fairly straight forward concept.

    Perhaps by the phrase crew, you mean the collection of people who are willing to point out a double standard in play?
    No by using the word "crew" I am referring to the rest of the blowhards that you coincidentally quote almost verbatim, unfounded and illogical accusations like she is a "racist and prejudiced". When you compare apples and oranges the concept is rarely straightforward.

    By the way, there isn't so much of a double standard, we are talking about it aren't we? You and those that think like you have been able to voice your opinion, and the response so far has been a resounding yawn. Do you want to know why? It isn't a double standard that is in place, putting the quoted words in the context of the speech, there was nothing that she said that can be argued as racist.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Highstakes72's Avatar
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    Black Panthers getting a free pass? Black Panthers getting a free pass? Black Panthers getting a free pass? Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    Quote Originally Posted by Muqtar SGT_Clintok
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    I admit, these guys seem to be a little screwy at the polling place. And do themselves no good by acting like militants.
    I think they should be (as a PAC or whatever group they are classed as) should be held to the same proximity restrictions (100 ft around my town) that canidates are for it local or national.

    and the whole tough-guy with a night stick thing... ....playground bullies

  8. Registered TeamPlayer deathgodusmc's Avatar
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    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    For the most part people outside philly are going to be more upset than those in philly. I lived there many of my family still live there. Racism is not new there and breaking laws are not new there. We use to kid every night watching the news if they didn't mention someone getting murdered then they haven't found the body yet. So there will be at least 2 tomorrow.

    Crist you can walk down the street and literally have people asking loudly for everyone to hear "anybody need a dime bag". Cops in plain view. It's different there than any other place I have been including Compton. Of which by the way isn't that bad after you live in philly.

    There is a reason why philly was #2 for decades on the highest murder rate list following only Detroit. A couple black panthers standing in front of a door is nothing to be concerned with. Even with one holding a night stick.

    The area they are in is primarily black. The city is sectioned to death with white areas and black areas. There are streets that the oposite color do not drive down period. The wrong color cops get shot much less a unarmed person.

    But on the up side philly has the best subs. No where can you get a sub like a philly from Dukes.

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    Re: Black Panthers getting a free pass?

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
    For the most part people outside philly are going to be more upset than those in philly. I lived there many of my family still live there. Racism is not new there and breaking laws are not new there. We use to kid every night watching the news if they didn't mention someone getting murdered then they haven't found the body yet. So there will be at least 2 tomorrow.

    Crist you can walk down the street and literally have people asking loudly for everyone to hear "anybody need a dime bag". Cops in plain view. It's different there than any other place I have been including Compton. Of which by the way isn't that bad after you live in philly.

    There is a reason why philly was #2 for decades on the highest murder rate list following only Detroit. A couple black panthers standing in front of a door is nothing to be concerned with. Even with one holding a night stick.

    The area they are in is primarily black. The city is sectioned to death with white areas and black areas. There are streets that the oposite color do not drive down period. The wrong color cops get shot much less a unarmed person.

    But on the up side philly has the best subs. No where can you get a sub like a philly from Dukes Pats.
    Fixed that for you :P

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