My wife is in the Guard - check that - in the Army, and she just left yesterday for Ft. Lewis. She will be there until July 5th or 6th when she goes to Iraq for a year.
Anyway, my family (3 daughters, 1 son, 1 son-in-law, and 2 grandkids) is going out there from July 1st to the 4th to spend a few days with her before she deploys. I was hoping to get a little lowdown on what is fun to do in the area. I know Mt. Ranier is close, and I'd love to see that. The space needle in Seattle is close as well, but I wanted to hear from some of you guys and gals that may have a hometown opinion of what we might be able to do while we're there. Cost is a factor, but not an absolute stopper to doing something we would all enjoy. Any info would be appreciated (except the location of nice strip clubs).