at about 9 pm last night, my dad tells me to turn of my computer so he can work on it. first, he adds something to the motherboard (i forget what it was... a "something"card) to make my motherboard compatible with the 200gig harddrive that's goin in my comp. few hours later, he's asleep in the living room, and my comp is still... non-functioning. i wake up this morning and he's working on it. little while later, he tells me he's probably gonna be working on the damn thing all day long because the software that came with the hd (the shit that was supposed to help move everything off of an existing drive to the new one) was crap, and now he has to use a different program and work around it. in short: i can't play css because my comp is being "fixed". i'm posting from my dad's comp. i'd play from here too, but, for some reason, css doesn't work on this comp... try to join a server and it gives some error message. i can't remember what it was (i tried it last night). so... see you guys monday... i hope :shock: