Quote Originally Posted by PizzaSHARK!
Why did the UN dude refer to him as a "son of Africa?"

Wasn't he born in the US? Hawaii, right? I know he spent some time in Indonesia when he was a little kid, too.

Maybe I should start calling myself a son of Ireland...
I call myself a son of Ireland, but that's another topic.

Why did the UN dude refer to him as a son of Africa. - He is black, there no need to beat around the bush.

Bush = not a smart man, nobody is denying that. Wasn't a great pres, but wasn't the worst if you read history.

Obama = weak president but very charismatic. Isn't a great pres so far by a long shot.

I think a lot of the conflict comes with the fact that there are party lines, not because what one man did. Hell I hate the 'Patriot Act' and a lot of the stuff that Bush and his Congress did, but I hate a lot of the economic policies put in by Obama and Congress as well. You guys argue across party lines and don't just see how fucked up our system has become as far as really getting our country in order. Big distraction, little done, yet they still get your votes since you just hit the D or R button in the booth....