Quote Originally Posted by [SWC
Erik Thorsen ]
Persian doesn't sound like a terrorist to me. He sounds more like a pacifist. Unfortunately pacifism doesn't work with radical Muslims. I'm sorry, I know you've been taught that we're all the same and we should embrace all people's and all religions, but Islam is the worst thing to ever happen to the world. These radicals cannot be reasoned with, its not that they're crazy, they know exactly what they're doing and they're quite good at it. Our only response to these people is war.
whoa whoa whoa buddy,...that's not true. Islam actually is a very peaceful "religion". Just like any other, there are fanatics and they grossly misinterpret things and get a little extreme to the point of making the whole of the group look bad.

You can say the same for Catholics or Christianity as a whole, hell, any organised religion has it's fanatics. Prophet this, prophet that...The Holy War/Crusades...i mean come on.

Muslims/Islam are NOT the problem, i don't like calling people ignorant, and I share some ideals with you Erik, but that's a little of mark dude.