The Astros hired former Red Sox bench coach Brad Mills as their new manager, according to's Brian McTaggart. The Astros fired Cecil Cooper with 13 games remaining in the season, replacing him with Dave Clark.

Mills inherits a club with many question marks; the Astros finished in fifth place in the NL Central last year with a 74-88 record.
What an amazing choice. Sure he has no Manager background, but he has baseball background as a player, AND as a coach with one of the best organizations in baseball history. Can't ask for much more.

Im happy the 'Stros didnt sign Acta. He led the Nationals to a 158-252 record in 2 1/2 years! Thats TERRIBLE! Cecil Cooper led us to 151-150! If thats not enough, Acta surly wouldnt have been enough.

Good pickup 'Stros! And thoughts?