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Thread: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    "Active duty" in the traditional sense? I don't believe that there are any rules against fucking during your liberty. I know fraternization is prohibited, but there are different ways of defining fraternization. There is a reason why every port and near every base, there are whore house abound.......
    Well, this is where my limited knowledge of the military makes it difficult to convey what I'm thinking. Let's see. If I'm a "soldier" (whatever rank), that is currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc..., I would imagine that I could not "fraternize" (have sexual relations) with another individual who is also serving with me in any of those regions. I can't just go find some place private with Patty Sue and screw with her while I'm serving actively in the Afghan mountains. Is that right?

    Fraternization usually is refered to amoungest enlisted and officers. Also it can apply to people in your chain of command.

    There has always been a rule about no sex in a deployed location. This isn't new. Jason, this wouldn't have been an issue if the General and his staff didn't think it was an issue. Because it does happen, a lot. Because you might not hear about it or no people who do it. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen. There is always the woman is willing to get knocked up instead of deploying, or hates being deployed and will do anything to get sent back stateside.

    Now for jail time, will they be serving the sentance while pregnant? or after the birth? Who will watch the child? Also, a reduction in pay, like some people have said, will that really help? When your accustomed to a certain pay grade, now you have a child on the way. The pay cut will be a boon. But this is all just a way to detere people from having sex in the theater. Sure, if it gets approved a few will be sent to jail. But with the threat of seeing someone you know get into deep shit, will help a lot.

    Also, in the military you are suppose to have self-discipline. If you cannot control yourself. You probably shouldn't be in the military.

  2. Exiled
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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    "Active duty" in the traditional sense? I don't believe that there are any rules against fucking during your liberty. I know fraternization is prohibited, but there are different ways of defining fraternization. There is a reason why every port and near every base, there are whore house abound.......
    Well, this is where my limited knowledge of the military makes it difficult to convey what I'm thinking. Let's see. If I'm a "soldier" (whatever rank), that is currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc..., I would imagine that I could not "fraternize" (have sexual relations) with another individual who is also serving with me in any of those regions. I can't just go find some place private with Patty Sue and screw with her while I'm serving actively in the Afghan mountains. Is that right?
    Fucking in the Hindu Kush? Prolly not allowed.
    Fucking during "liberty" wherever they are allowed to take "liberty"? I don't know.
    Fucking on ship? A no-no.
    Fucking in Subic Bay, Pattay Beach or some Russian whorehouse in Dubai? I'm guessing is allowed.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    "Active duty" in the traditional sense? I don't believe that there are any rules against fucking during your liberty. I know fraternization is prohibited, but there are different ways of defining fraternization. There is a reason why every port and near every base, there are whore house abound.......
    Well, this is where my limited knowledge of the military makes it difficult to convey what I'm thinking. Let's see. If I'm a "soldier" (whatever rank), that is currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc..., I would imagine that I could not "fraternize" (have sexual relations) with another individual who is also serving with me in any of those regions. I can't just go find some place private with Patty Sue and screw with her while I'm serving actively in the Afghan mountains. Is that right?

    Well here is the deal. You get off a patrol or some other activity and are at your home base for a bit. Private Patty Sue is there doing whatever it is she does and is bored of Afghanistan. You are single, also a private and haven't seen a non-afghani women in days if not months. The ratio of men make it a hard sell for you to get her attentions and basically she can have the pick of the litter, so to speak. So you donk the donks back in some shed out of the way on base (or even worse in a port-a-john... yes I know it happens, yuck). Couple of months down the road you hear she is pregnant and you are the father. Now she gets a cut of your pay, gets to go home and won't be sent back for a good long while, gets money for her kid, gets to live off base... etc, etc.

    Now, what was above was not fraternization, though there are definitely rules about doinking in theater. If she had doinked a higher ranking enlisted man in her chain of command (like a Staff Sergeant in charge of her platoon) she would not be in as much trouble as the higher ranking man, but would also receive more of his money since he would be earning more. She would also have to be placed in another unit, but have to be in close proximity to the father if possible, making more logistical woes for the military as far as housing is concerned.

    Now, if Private Sue was a radar tech, her training might have cost the government $200,000.00 before she even got in country. Since she got pregnant they can no longer use her in that capacity and must have another trained individual take her place, costing additional money (this is on top of transport to and from the theater of operations). This is all because she either wanted to bang donka donks with a male, wanted out of Afghanistan, or wanted money. Is there a good excuse in there?

    I think it is perfectly fair to punish those that are doinking while in a combat theater, or doing jobs which are high profile enough to warrant rules of that sort. Self control isn't always an easy thing, but it is possible and a lot easier when the punishment for disobedience is more severe. We also have to remember that our men and women in the military have to depend on each other for their lives, if one person doesn't have their mind in the game then it can mean folks dieing elsewhere.

  4. Exiled
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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    Good scenario for the Nuva ring, Morning after pills, and RU 486.
    It boils down to, jail time being too excessive for such a NON-crime to be committed.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer jason_jinx's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    Quote Originally Posted by WorstPE
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    "Active duty" in the traditional sense? I don't believe that there are any rules against fucking during your liberty. I know fraternization is prohibited, but there are different ways of defining fraternization. There is a reason why every port and near every base, there are whore house abound.......
    Well, this is where my limited knowledge of the military makes it difficult to convey what I'm thinking. Let's see. If I'm a "soldier" (whatever rank), that is currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc..., I would imagine that I could not "fraternize" (have sexual relations) with another individual who is also serving with me in any of those regions. I can't just go find some place private with Patty Sue and screw with her while I'm serving actively in the Afghan mountains. Is that right?

    Fraternization usually is refered to amoungest enlisted and officers. Also it can apply to people in your chain of command.

    There has always been a rule about no sex in a deployed location. This isn't new. Jason, this wouldn't have been an issue if the General and his staff didn't think it was an issue. Because it does happen, a lot. Because you might not hear about it or no people who do it. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen. There is always the woman is willing to get knocked up instead of deploying, or hates being deployed and will do anything to get sent back stateside.

    Now for jail time, will they be serving the sentance while pregnant? or after the birth? Who will watch the child? Also, a reduction in pay, like some people have said, will that really help? When your accustomed to a certain pay grade, now you have a child on the way. The pay cut will be a boon. But this is all just a way to detere people from having sex in the theater. Sure, if it gets approved a few will be sent to jail. But with the threat of seeing someone you know get into deep shit, will help a lot.

    Also, in the military you are suppose to have self-discipline. If you cannot control yourself. You probably shouldn't be in the military.
    I agree to a extent.

    When it comes to jail time for our soldiers I think we should really take a look at what is going on. Like you said nobody will know the true numbers of who is actually having sex on base because its not something you log. Sure this new rule sounds good on paper but how will it play out in reality. Even if it means jail time people are still going to have passion because they are human no matter how much you train them.

    Do women become prego just to get out? I will take it case by case.
    Jail time fair? no
    Women in the military? yes/no I dont think they need to be on the battlefield unless we are being attacked on U.S. soil and it a do or die situation.
    Will enlisted members always pork? Yes and there is no way to eradicate the action so jail time is not a proper deterrent.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Blakeman's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Good scenario for the Nuva ring, Morning after pills, and RU 486.
    It boils down to, jail time being too excessive for such a NON-crime to be committed.
    Time for more salt-peter in the food?

    So if they give these out and someone still gets pregnant would that be grounds for jail punishment? Basically you would be disobeying a direct order to take your pill/ring/whatever?

    They had a few big deals about the anthrax vaccine back when I was in and a few guys refusing it on the grounds that it could mess them up later and wasn't tested as thoroughly as some folks thought.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer deathgodusmc's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    Quote Originally Posted by jmw_man
    Women aren't weaker if they meet the physical demands required of them by the military. Maybe we need to up the physical requirements if people stilll think they are weak...

    Anyways, jail time in itself is excessive but I approve of it as a deterrent to get folks to wake the fuck up and do their jobs without trying to get out of it. Too many folks join the military only to exploit and not necessarily fight for their country.
    I would have to disagree. Not to say women are weak that just stupid but to say the male end of the spectrum is typically the physically stronger of the two would be correct on the average. Their pft is is way less than the males. So i would agree that if they had to preform the same pft as the males they would probably be taken more seriously.

    As for what they are trying to do i can see the point but it may be a little on the drastic end. You have to remember it isn't like a civilian job on this one the benifit quite a bit. Once they are found pregnant they go on light duty. Then maternity leave. It wouldn't be a far cry to say they loose the individual for almost a year from their normal exspected duties. In most cases thats 1/4 of their contract.

    I dont see forcing an abortion or morning after pill type method as a resolution. So they are left with typical punishments and jail time is the scarest to most. I would think it would be for those that are repeats.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    Quote Originally Posted by jason_jinx
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Rules are rules. Don't get pregnant while in the service. It isn't an infringement upon anyone's rights. It's a rule set in place to ensure that you can do your job to the best of your physical abilities.
    What say you about a possible option to abort it? How about that? Abort or jail time......
    I say keep your pants on if you are going to be serving. I'm not going to pretend to be even remotely knowledgeable about military policy, but I feel safe in assuming that having sexual relations whilst in active duty is prohibited. If that is true, then pregnancy is simply evidence of a broken rule, and both (or all) parties involved should be punished according to the punishment set up by the United States Military.

    Hawg, you were in the military, what are their policies and regulations regarding sexual relationships during active duty?

    And Jason no one needs to assume anything when reading your posts, it's so blatantly obvious that you try to turn arguments into a "me vs. anyone who disagrees" . You busted out something about Cheney in another post concerning a problem this administration is facing, then you burst out about people not being able to say shit about the healthcare bill in this thread about military policy...I mean really? I brought it up? All that heat in Texas must be causing some sort of medical condition in your brain. (but alas this is better left for pm's or another thread, which in all honesty I'm not interested in participating in)
    No women in the military? What about all the nurses dont they play a major role?

    rock-you done crying about how people post?

    All of a sudden you act like you have never made side comments regarding an administration but point the finger as if you were on some high horse.

    I think all of the mud water has gone to your head.

    You are just as misleading as Cheney. :1
    Jokes on you fella. You wouldn't believe how buffed up my immune system is from drinking this water. :4

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Bubbasam's Avatar
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    Re: Pregnant Soldiers Could Equal Jail Time

    sounds like someone was fed some propaganda.....

    Yes the only reason they become prego is to come home

    More isolated incidents balled up to make it seem that is the only reason women become prego on base.

    Men are in the battlefields with adrenaline pumping and testosterone flowing. How many methods are there to relieve that?

    Thing is I am sure they are a lot of them fucking behind the scenes but they either pull out or use a rubber. Then come the isolated incidents where someone gets prego.

    Jail them? Yea no there are better suited punishments.

    Propaganda huh??
    My wife is in Iraq right now because the nurse that was supposed to go got pregnant so she wouldn't have to go. So it is pretty safe to assume that if some women are willing to get pregnant before they go, then they would be more than willing to get pregnant while they are there - if there wasn't a more strict punishment for doing so. Now I do agree, jail is just a little too much, but a financial punishment (loss of rank) would be much more appropriate.

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