I came home yesterday to the smell of something burning, but since brush is often burned around here it quickly faded to the back of my mind. In fact it was very faint so I couldn't smell it after about a minute of being in my room. So I did what I usually do and jump in the shower and start getting ready for the weekend when I notice my computer managed to turn itself off while I was in the shower.

Turned it back on, but oddly enough it got past post and began to try and load the operating system but never loaded. Needless to say at that point I noticed the loud ass main fan wasn't making any noise so I opened up my machine to find massive failure across the board. The DVD burner is either without power or dead, I can't confirm since I have one remaining slot to power my hard drive (The only one that worked). The main fan is dead and replaced by some shitty thing from best buy and I fear that the power supply has a chance of malfunctioning since the burning smell I was talking about earlier was coming from it.

Needless to say I'm not sure how much longer this machine is going to last, usually once part of your motherboard burns out eventually the rest of the board fails. For whatever reason lady luck is a bitch and she is out to get me lately. Since this is only one of a couple things to randomly start falling apart on me.