I live in a small town in the Middle of the Rockies in Colorado (about 7K people +2k for the college). The Hells Angels are in my town for the week doing some sort of rally which honestly has had no effect on me aside from having to watch myself and make sure I don't speed or roll through any stop signs as we have about 200 more law enforcement personnel than normal. However, people seem to be sort of retarded about the situation...
For instance The local news decided to bring up a story back from 2002 (last time Hells Angels were in town) hinting that they murdered someone (no real evidence). I work for a local ISP and just had someone call about their internet being down and seriously inquired if the Hell's Angel's took out their internet. This is a wireless connection so they would have to ride their Harleys up a mountain I normally have to put my truck into 4 Low to get up and cut a cable, turn a panel or set fire to equipment.
People are funny.