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Thread: fireman's rights

  1. Registered TeamPlayer nmeboat's Avatar
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    fireman's rights

    as it seems like most/all of the EK guys are firefighters and/or emt's, i figured that they might like/appreciate this, and anyone else who might be interested...



    just thought yall might like to see some pictures of what they do to honor a fallen firefighter, called 'fireman's rights' or something like that. unfortunately it was for my own father, who lost his fight with lung cancer last month (asbestos related, mesothelioma). he was a fireman for 30+ years. the fireman's rights entailed the firefighter honor guard (guys in the formal black uniforms) rotating out two of the guards by the casket during the viewing/memorial. they were also the pall bearers for the funeral service. they loaded the casket onto that old fire engine, then the procession went past one of the stations en route where the crew had the trucks out, lights on and saluted the procession, with a ladder truck extended over the route and another fire fighter rang the bell once passed. then offloaded the casket at the church, and pall bearered it, or whatever its called ;-p and presented my mom with the flag they had on the casket (firefighter provided, he wasnt in the service...i think there was some sort of thing introduced after 9/11 as far as the flag is concerned). anyhoo, i just put the pics on my little gallery page...yall have probably already seen the others, the funeral is under...funeral ;-p

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    fireman's rights fireman's rights

    RE: fireman

    My condolences, Boat.

    I appreciate what guys like your father do more than words can say. They are truly heroes.

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    Firefighter Funeral Honors

    I am sorry for your loss NMEboat. I am sure it was difficult, but I can see from the photos that many people came to honor your father. I appreciate you thinking about EK and our jobs at this time too. That is kind of you to share.
    Unfortunately, I have been to too many of these (one is too many but Ive been to far more) so I can tell you something about the event from the standpoint of a participant and fellow mourner.
    Public attention for emergency service worker deaths has increased since 9-11 but that has not had much effect on how we honor our fallen and how we celebrate their lives and careers (feel free to expound on this or disagree all). The treatment your father got is pretty much the expected honors given to a fallen firefighter. It shows respect to the family, it allows the brother and sister firefighters to show their connection to the deceased, and it can provide significant comfort and the opportunuty for closure to all involved. It is not often that we in the emergency services feel like we can let the armor crack a little and show public emotion without having it cause complications or make you feel like a sissy- but letting your grief show at a funeral is one of those few times that we can let it slip and show.
    A piper to play graveside or to play Amazing Grace is common as is the addition of a fly-over if the deceased was involved in flight operations of some sort.
    I recall the funeral of a fellow rescuer in Tennessee. He taught water rescue in the same program as me, but that wasn't enough to save him one evening when his boat was swept away in a flood and he was killed. He was also a flight medic and firefighter. The funeral procession went through the entire town in order to pass each fire/police/ems station and each place had its personnel and equipment out front- personnel in full dress uniform and at attention. I was especially impressed that businesses emptied out and folks stood in respect at the curb side throughout the procession- not just for the hearse.
    It was cold and overcase with mist in the air when the burial ceremony started. A flyover was scheduled but it didnt look probable.
    The 4 flight services that sent helicopters to the service staged nearby just in case and luckily there was a break in the clouds at just the right moment. His unit number was paged out on the radio system and he was toned out for his "final call" and cleared to return home. At that moment, the choppers flew in low through the break in the clouds in the 'missing man' V formation, shaking the air with their power and impressing all- like they were there to carry his spirit away.
    Sorry- these moments are pretty intense and I have typed far too much.
    We answer emergency calls as a team to handle what is thrown at us and we sometimes fail and pay the ultimate price. It is comforting to know that we will be recognized and that our family will be looked after by our friends if we are asked to make that sacrifice.
    There is a saying on the wall at the Fire Academy- "Everyone goes home!" which is meant to remind you to be careful each shift and not to take chances. Sometimes it isn't up to you and your number comes up. On that occasion, home is not your residence but your eternal rest.
    Thanks for thinking of us. Many do not until they call 911.

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    RE: Firefighter Funeral Honors

    Everytime I hear of a brother going home it feels my heart with saddness. Being a Firefighter is not a job; its our life. The men and women that you work with become as close to you as your own blood family. You eat, sleep, fight, cry, and face death side by side. You get to know them so well that their families seem like yours. Sometimes we fight like real brothers and sisters, but it dosn't matter what's going on when the bell rings. Nothing else matters except doing what your called to do. As a result, over time you start feel a bond to those that you do not know because Firefighters everwhere are all made of the same stuff. Firemen are always Firemen. We don't see ourselves as heros. We see ourselves as people that have been given what seems at times like a curse, but at other times a blessing.
    We don't forget our own and we don't forget that it is our responsibility to take care of one another even after we may fall. Your father was my brother and there by you are part of my family. I don't know you, but that dosn't matter. So, in honor of the memory of your father and in sympthy for your loss, let me pass on some words that you might not have heard your father say out loud, but I promise he said them at least once.

    The Firemans Prayer
    When I am called to duty, God...
    Where ever flames may rage...
    Give me the strength to save some life...
    Whatever be its age...
    Help me embrace a little child...
    Before it is to late...
    Or save an older person from...
    The horror of that fate...
    Enable me to be alert...
    And hear the weakest shout...
    And quickly and efficiently to put the fire out...
    I want to fill my calling and...
    To give the best in me...
    To guard my every neighbor and protect his property...
    And if according to your will...
    I have to give my life...
    Please bless with your protecting hand...

    May God bless you and your family with comfort and love during this time.

    With the deepest respect,
    Sir Yvain
    EK BF2 Commanding Officer

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    Bill Gates Breaks Hearts of Xbox Fans

    Announces nothing of consequence to gamers hoping for the "Ultimate" 360.

    Full story, not a big one,

    January 6, 2008 - Over the past week, rumors have circulated suggesting that at his final CES keynote address, Microsoft founder Bill Gates would announce major Xbox 360 news. Two popular theories emerged: one suggested the revealing of the Ultimate Xbox 360 (a device with features that likely would put its price tag above $1000), the other was more plausible, suspecting that Microsoft would license 360 technology to manufacturers so that any hardware device could include the ability to play Xbox games. Neither became reality Sunday night.

    Gates announced nothing that would excite 360 gamers. Robbie Bach, President of Microsoft's Entertainment & Devices Division, gave 360 geeks one small cheer, announcing that MGM and Disney have agreed to release content on Xbox Live Marketplace.

    CES has long been a platform for Microsoft to reveal new and exciting things for the future. This year, at least for gamers, that was not the case. It's possible that February's GDC will be home to Microsoft's unveiling of new hardware or services for Xbox 360.

    Source, IGN: CES 2008: Bill Gates Breaks Hearts of Xbox Fans

    1000 dollars, yeah not in your life would I fork over that much dough..

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    Bill Gates Breaks Hearts of Xbox Fans

    What did you expect. MS to bash Sony on price and then do just what they did? Oh wait MS has been doing that from the start.

    Anyway has the MS gaming division turned a profit yet?

    The first one is flaming, the second is a real question that would explain a lot. The only other thing they could do to it would be put a Blu Ray or HD-DVD drive in it to run games in which case the fans are burned AGAIN.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    Bill Gates Breaks Hearts of Xbox Fans

    Do you think I bought the 360 at a wrong time? (I bough it a couple of months ago)

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    Bill Gates Breaks Hearts of Xbox Fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Nusentinsaino
    Do you think I bought the 360 at a wrong time? (I bough it a couple of months ago)
    Yeah the falcon model is still iffy. Should have waited until further into 08.

    On the other hand I don't think MS or Sony is dumb enough to release anymore SKU's.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    Bill Gates Breaks Hearts of Xbox Fans

    i got a falcon model

  10. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    Bill Gates Breaks Hearts of Xbox Fans

    So... the news is, there is no news. :Y:

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