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Thread: You're a magnet to BS

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    You're a magnet to BS

    It seems everytime I play now on a semi- empty server without any admins, which is alot, I seem to always be attracted to really bull shitty players... Just a few nights ago, there was a guy so unbelievably good that he would make deagle headshots literally a second as he turned a corner... across the map... I wonder why my deaths are so high? Meh, maybe I should just start leaving games more often when BS seems to fly by. Which is pretty much all the time really, sure sucks to be me :roll:

  2. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    You're a magnet to BS You're a magnet to BS
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    Gamertag: MooMasterCowman Steam ID: moomastercowman

    RE: You

    just about as bad as what happened to me and evil monkey friday night. he was over at my house, so we found a random css custom map server. we didn't go to TTP because we didn't want to get banned for ghosting . well, that, and he doesn't like the mice on either of my comps. well, eventually, a speed/aimhacker showed up. and guess what? no admins. and yes, he was DEFINITELY hacking. blatant speed hack. and all headshots. it was pretty bad. and when he got votekicked, he just re-connected. he eventually left tho.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: You

    Ok, this is the perfect place for this, this asshole had the fucking nerve to jump through the sandbags and repeatedly spawn camp me, to where I couldn't even fucking budge. I don't know if y'all would let me, but I'd like to be an admin at these kind of points. And he kept feeding me these fucking things like, "It's part of the game." "If they didn't want spawn campers they'd take out spawn damage." Stupid shit like that. Usually on avalanche I'd be complaining about how being in our base, as in buildings and such is spawn camping, but now I know THE TRUE meaning of it on avalanche.

    This pisses me off.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: You

    I had to fucking shovel hisass to go away.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: You

    Jello my information to you is that take a log of what was going on and post on it and show everyone. And also there is something called chat only towards admin. So you could send the admin a message in the game they might help you out. and then if you get no response then you know they are not in there. But You were talking about CCS and Dod i dont know how the dod server is played since i dont.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: You

    No admins were there, I know for a fact, just non regulars so it would be completely pointless. And plus pictures describe better than words, how would copying, say, the console, prove anything? completely pointless, would just show me complaining to him, yet when a picture shows the butthole, it's much better.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: RE: You

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jello
    Ok, this is the perfect place for this, this asshole had the fucking nerve to jump through the sandbags and repeatedly spawn camp me, to where I couldn't even fucking budge. I don't know if y'all would let me, but I'd like to be an admin at these kind of points. And he kept feeding me these fucking things like, "It's part of the game." "If they didn't want spawn campers they'd take out spawn damage." Stupid shit like that. Usually on avalanche I'd be complaining about how being in our base, as in buildings and such is spawn camping, but now I know THE TRUE meaning of it on avalanche.

    This pisses me off.
    I would like to point out that on Avalanche the axis have free rain to the allied spawn points. It is very difficult for allies to get into the axis spawn. It's part of the map.

    If the map designers intention was that a spawn area was not to be entered, then they would have made it that way, i.e. Donner is the only map that you cannot enter the spawn areas without the assistance of another player.

    This is a teamplay environment. Use your mic to communicate to your team members and get some defense going instead of trying to focus on your shoveling stats.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: You

    No response. gay. I have disliked you more for agreeing with spawning. And the shovel stats part? Ouch.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    You're a magnet to BS

    Let me see if I can clarify my point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jello
    Usually on avalanche I'd be complaining about how being in our base, as in buildings and such is spawn camping, but now I know THE TRUE meaning of it on avalanche.
    Being in the buildings near a spawn is NOT spawn camping. If a player gets into the spawn as I have stated is possible, but not easy, then its because of poor defense and poor communication between your team.

    While I find most of your in-game chat to be humorous, the majority of it really is useless to accomplishing team goals and the servers goals, hence the name TEXAS TEAMPLAYERS. Thus I said if you communicate with your team to coordinate a defense rather than bitch to an admin that someone is doing something that you can't do anything about because you don't have either the tactical knowledge or skill to deal with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jello
    I don't know if y'all would let me, but I'd like to be an admin at these kind of points.
    Just because of your ineptness does not mean you should have admin powers in my opinion.

    Your stats show a lot about you. You mostly join the axis. Your primary weapon is the Kar. Your second most used weapon is a shovel.

    What this and your other stats tell me is that you are not a well rounded player, and are not trying to become a more versatile as a player so that you can help your team in differant offensive and defensive strategies. You seem to be focusing on your shoveling stats. I hear a lot of bitching about shovel hits not registering day after day. WTF, how long will it take you to figure out that a melee attack is one of the most inaccurate attacks in this game and is a weapon of last resort, it is not a primary weapon. You have a gun, use it. You are not being a TEAM player when you try to pump your stats.

    If you were to look through your posts in this forum, the majority of them are useless crap, funny, but useless and you bitch a lot. If you were to spend a little more time having constructive thoughts and contributions then maybe the admins would listen to more and not just think, "Oh its just Jello bitching again." or I need a laugh so I'll read a post from Jello.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jello
    No response. gay. I have disliked you more for agreeing with spawning. And the shovel stats part? Ouch.
    Again, no constructive response. I am just "GAY". Everyone is free to agree or disagree with me, but if you don't have something CONSTRUCTIVE to say in response then you make yourself look worse than if you said nothing.
    "Ouch", it only hurts because you know it to be true as well as anyone who looks at your stats and spends anytime on the server playing with you.

    I hear you state alot about how bad you are at CS:S and DoD:S. Did you ever consider that you can learn from other players that are better than you. You can ask for advice, stick beside a player in the game who has better skills you would like to learn, use your mic, ingame chat, and forums to your advantage. You have a reputation to overcome but if you truly want to be a better player then you should consider if what your doing currently is going to get you there.

    None of what I have said above should be taken that I don't like you as a person. I just don't have much respect for the way you currently play the game. You open yourself up to criticism in just about everything you do.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: RE: You

    Quote Originally Posted by krazy4cash
    Jello my information to you is that take a log of what was going on and post on it and show everyone. And also there is something called chat only towards admin. So you could send the admin a message in the game they might help you out. and then if you get no response then you know they are not in there. But You were talking about CCS and Dod i dont know how the dod server is played since i dont.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jello
    No admins were there, I know for a fact, just non regulars so it would be completely pointless. And plus pictures describe better than words, how would copying, say, the console, prove anything? completely pointless, would just show me complaining to him, yet when a picture shows the butthole, it's much better.
    No admins? You personally know all the admins on the DoD server and any alias they may use?

    Plus a picture doesn't prove shit. We all know you can photoshop? How does This picture show anything of value, for all we know its not even on the TTP server.

    Again you prove my point that you are unwilling to accept advice or constructive input from someone else. You KNOW it all better than anyone else.

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