So, my radio station puts on a day long music festival once a year where attendance is free. We do it for the students. We specifically bring in local popular bands. We've been doing it for several years. Everyone, especially our sister organizations, know about it and when it is. The VP of the university for student affairs has been preaching closer ties and teamwork, so everyone has been working together more.

Today, Union Board (one of those sister organizations), published their event schedule for the quarter. They revealed that they scheduled their big spring event (they do several a year) for the same day as our festival and during when we have our big headliners out performing.

I immediately went to inquire as to why they would do this. Their response: "With budget constraints, we can only schedule so far in advance and that was the only available date." I asked further stating that the radio station was under THE SAME CONSTRAINTS and still managed to plan out our event months ago starting in the summer to make sure we had a good date. Their response: "We won't talk further with someone who's not high ranked in your organization. If you have any further questions, go speak to the VP of student affairs." At that point I informed them that the only person higher ranked than I was was the GM. They told again to go speak with the VP.

Fucking dick move by punks.

And are they going to hirer bands that the student body actually wants to listen to? No. They never do. They're lucky to sell a few hundred tickets if that for a 10k person basketball stadium. Fucking A.