So here i am thinking i have work today at 11am and im off the day before i go to maryland to open the new store, However i look online at my schedule and the switched it so now im working the Day before i leave AND im off today...Its bullshit because im working till 7:30 that night, i wont get home till 8, gotta pack shower and shit and then hit the road to be in work by 11am the next day...Not to mention that if i dont get that day off to drive to maryland then im working for 2 weeks straight, Not that i have a problem with that but its kinda a pain in the ass...Needless to say i will be going into work today at 11am and play the "i didnt kno my schedule was changed no one called me card" and then tell them that it doesnt make sense for me to work late into the night before i have to travel a couple hours to the new store.

Personally i dont really care, but my parents dont want me traveling to maryland at like 10pm at night, yet they didnt care that i spent 3 days down the shore and drove home at 3am on the last day....idk just a bit of a rant here as im highly frustrated with this dumb situation, sometimes i feel things would be better off if my bosses just left things the way they were when they were Officially posted.