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Thread: PR game this easter weekend

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    The Chordata listened to the complaints with amusement. They thought they could negotiate at this point? Pathetic.

    "General, commence the invasion of Panama now. Also, have our undercover guerrilla fighters in the countries opposed to us be activated immediatly. Let them off the leash."

    The preparations for war were now irreversible. The Chordata was either about to find the path or watch his nation crumble. It was worth the risk.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Fool. Your spies were caught and killed as soon as they they made their pathetic attempt to enter the empire. I order you to back down now and not invade or I will not be help accountable for the nuclear destruction of your country.

    With that said Dictator Bush gives the command to position 50 nuclear missile subs off the nation of SS Crazy Train.

    Orders to the fleet. On any sign of hostility take out 5 major cities and see if they back down.

    Targets include:
    Belmopan, Belize
    San Salvadore
    San Jose
    Mexico city

    If they continue then take control of the region.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Sporadic fighting break out across AzH as guerrilla fighters in the pay of the Chordata engage the armed citizens of the nation. The well equipped armed forces of AzH, better armed and better trained than the militia which looked after each town and village were dispatched to quell the uprisings which were occuring. On the border with SS Crazy Train advancing waves of Crazy Train troops were engaged by a combination of Dragoons from Lurking Mastermind and AzH militiamen. The Dragoons brought heavy arms to the battle, the local militiamen brought their knowledge of the area to assist in creating bottlenecks and killing fields.

    Above the south Pacific three more Brigades were being rushed in from the Autocracy to assist in the defence. The 4th Heavy Tank, the 12th Field Artillery and the 901st Mechanised Infantry. The additional troops would make landfall near Panama City. The 2nd Battalion 901MechInf would head into the city to combat the uprising which had gripped the city whilst the rest of the force would head west to reinforce the defensive line. The 4th Heavy Tank had been briefed that they would carry the battle into SS Crazy Train. Additional troops from The Autocracy would be arriving daily from here on in.

    Sitting off the south coast of AzH, the 12th Carrier Group began making attack runs against the advancing columns. Admiral Heurtes signalled to the other coalition forces in the area to begin their attacks against the enemy. All Autocracy units would begin transmitting on a modulating frequency to aid identification and prevent friendly fire.

    President AzH of AzH issued a statement to the global media:

    "The attack against us has begun. Currently our friends from the Omnipotent Autocracy are holding fast against the attacks from SS Crazy Train. We request assistance from all willing forces to help defend our homeland and the canal which brings all people such wealth. We will request that the WW_BITEME fleet does not unleash it's nuclear arsenal. To do so would be to damage our nation and generations to come. The Autocracy will fight this conventional war alongside our own local militiamen. Stand down your nuclear arms."

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    OOC: Okay, now how are we exactly going to do this? It looks like it's going to turn into a mess, like godding and partially ignoring/"reinterpratating" what someone said (ala: "My 300,000 dudes crossed your borders and pwned your dudes" "But that didn't happen, since I launched a nuclear surgical strike against your dudes" "But then I sent Neo, who destroyed the nuclear missles and kung-fued your guys to death" "Which was stopped when I threw shampoo at his face, causing his face to melt" etc.) causing it to never end and nothing to actually get finished. Plus if there's something that's misunderstood (like my "guerrilla fighters," which I meant more like the guys from the Bourne movies that have a pissload of fake identities and work on "blending in" and where their assassinations are made to look like an accident, not spies that were sent in right as the war started) can also happen. The system we have now works fine for events in nations/negotiations but I doubt it'll turn out so well with fast-paced things with multiple people like wars. Maybe we can have one of the moderators act as a dungeon master type role that determines what happens based on what the players choose to do with their armies? I dunno, just something that works a little better than letting everyone do whatever based on whatever the army size is that they determined.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    OOC: You CANNOT call losses on anyone else. That is unacceptable. You may only call your own losses.

    You MAY state that you challenged another's forces and force THEM to post losses, but there is no way in hell that anyone should even bother acknowledging anyone else saying how many people you lost.

    War RPs aren't about winning, people. Well... they are... but that should not be the main focus. The focus should be to make it an enjoyable read, when all is said and done. This should be about outsmarting the enemy, not saying that you killed a bunch of them with no losses.

    In fact, everyone should halt posting until they read the following threads:

    They have helped me out immensely in the past four years on NS's forums and apply jhust as much to this forum as it does there.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Which is why my post above consisted of troop movements and no actual activity. First of all, I don't know what is being thrown at me.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    10 De Dragon shuttle craft (95 tons) do a rapid landing deep in Panama dropping off 690 tons of fresh Arms and amunition to the defending troops. They dust off quickly and return to space as soon as the transfer is done. Dragonius is heard to say "This will be much better then theoretical trials of our latest weapon designs. We are the regions largest arms manufacture and we'll only charge the Omnipotent Autocracy cost for the free testing".

    The arms cashe consists of 20-10 ton APC's towing artilery and personal arms from machineguns to side arms. Also are 100 of the new exparamental personal laser rifle.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Where does this crisis stand?

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    As of yet:

    Imperial, Autocracy, and AzH forces are positioned in Panama. Autocracy forces have engaged SS Crazy Train forces, although not en mass. The Empire is sending additional reinforcements to bolster the present troop totals from under 100,000 to over two million.

    SS Crazy Train forces have not begun a general invasion.

    Milton Legs have sent three carrier battlegroups, Crimmond has sent one. It is believed that Crimmond forces are nearing the Panamanian coast line, although we cannot be certain.

    WW_BITEME has sent four carrier attack groups, although it is unknown if these compose one or more task forces, and in which ocean they are in (Atlantic or Pacific?). They have halted a proposed nuclear strike, but it is unknown if they plan any other action against SS Crazy Train.


    It's a sitzkreig.

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