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Thread: PR game this easter weekend

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    You forgot the first (of several) arms drop from De Dragon.

    BTW I though my brother stated he had "50 nuke subs" off the coast. Or has he finally started to work on proper army groups.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by AzH
    "The attack against us has begun. Currently our friends from the Omnipotent Autocracy are holding fast against the attacks from SS Crazy Train. We request assistance from all willing forces to help defend our homeland and the canal which brings all people such wealth. We will request that the WW_BITEME fleet does not unleash it's nuclear arsenal. To do so would be to damage our nation and generations to come. The Autocracy will fight this conventional war alongside our own local militiamen. Stand down your nuclear arms."
    "The Dominion of Evil Cenobites condemns the recent aggressive actions taken by the SS Crazy Train and has decided to severe all trade with their nation until they back down. In addition, we are willingly to send 5,000 Cenobite ground forces and 15 tanks into The Armed Republic of AzH to station north of the capital city to act as a last line of defense. We may commit more forces if the fighting continues to escalate."

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    While we have no active ground forces that can be sent to help, you are welcome to use our ports and airbases to repare and refule your ocean and airgoing craft, respectivly, if needed.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    OOC: I'm kicking it up a notch.

    Sunset. Beautiful as always in Costa Rica. But something is amiss. The sound of jet engines can be heard in the sky, yet no planes can be seen. The civilians and soldiers who walk the streets look up to see where the sound is coming from, but they cannot find it. It is distant, yet ever growing in intensity. A few moments pass, and then they see what is making the sound. On the horizon, only a few thousand feet in the air, are a dozen thin, black shapes coming straight for San Jose. Streaks of white can be seen coming from the tails and wings of the strange objects. Indeed, jet aircraft, but of a type never seen before by any of the people witnessing this act.

    They are Imperial B-7051-C Stealth Bombers. Massive vehicles with wingspans of over 200 feet. Their maneuverability is non-existent to say the least, but aerial acrobatics are not what these planes were built for. Instead, they are the instruments by which the Empire of Man delivers death and destruction upon its foes.

    As the planes fly closer to the city, the white streaks suddenly become green. Like the morning mist, it begins to settle over the city. Something isn't right. Planes don't do this.

    They fly over the city centre. The lead bomber can be seen opening its bomb bay doors, an ominous sign. But instead of bombs, leaflets are dropped instead. Slowly, the planes continue to fly overhead, the green mist still coming out of the wings of the bombers. Thousands of leaflets now blanket the streets of the city, and the green mist begins to settle over-top of the buildings and in the alley-ways of San Jose.

    A local picks up one of the leaflets. Illiterate, he cannot read it. He shows it to another, and another, until finally he shows it to someone who is favoured by the theocratic government. He reads it aloud so that all can hear:

    "Your nation has attacked the Armed Republic of AzH. Your leaders, though inane stupidity or religious over-zealousness, have refused to negotiate. Thus, I must punish you.

    The green mist that now rests over-top of your city is the TC-501 muta-genic virus, developed in the Empire's military research labs for years now. As the victims breathe in the virus, they spread it throughout their body. At first it is painless -- a last minute moment of comfort, if you will. But slowly, the virus begins to turn the organs of the victims into liquid shit. It is painful, and takes days for the victims to die. Oh yes, there is a cure, even a vaccine which has been distributed to both the soldiers of my army and to those of our allies. Once the virus has done its work, it disappears, leaving the area in which it once infected perfectly devoid of all human life, ready to be repopulated once more.

    I am Lord Marshal William Richard Stryker, Supreme Leader of the Empire of the Colonies of Man, and protector of the free world. You now have a few days to live as you suffer the consequences of your leaders' actions. I suggest that you use this time to pray to your damned heathen gods. You all have a nice day in hell."

    Meanwhile, in Panama....

    Present Situation:

    Imperial Army Groups Alpha and Echo have arrived in the capital and are deploying to the front lines. Eight Imperial Marine divisions have joined the First Marine Division out at sea, as have all 297 warships of the Imperial Pacific Fleet. Over-all command rests in the hands of the Lord Marshal himself, with Field Marshals Maximilian van Stamhurst and Nicholas Skorzeny in command of Army Groups Alpha and Echo, respectively; General Winfield Martin West is in command of all marine forces; Admiral Martin Foehammer in charge of the Pacific Fleet; and Air Vice Marshal Stanley van Patten in charge of all Imperial air units.

    We are preparing to invade. It is requested that all nations of the Coalition of the Willing prepare to follow suit.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    so.. are we invading?

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    OOC: I might go ahead and do it. I'm not certain about anyone else.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    As, they have no scruples, We support your decision either way, but still remain offically neutral.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    OOC: I've just been taking too much time to do it a little better than this time. I'll post the initial invasion crap today or tomorrow.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    OCC: We figured you got swamped in reallife which is why this thread stalled out a bit.

    I'd recomend all players give this thread a read through from the beginning to work out the timeline and actions and you're countries involvement.

    I know that while De Dragon was supporting AzH with weapons, the use of WMD by the Colonies of Man has shocked De Dragon into shutting them out of the trade and use of Dragonius Canal in Egypt. There are also 2 resolutions sparked by this debate (see master sticky for links to them).

    This being our first 'global conflict' I do suspect that it will be a bumpy road as we work out the role playing.

    Also we should take care that we will not be going on a hiatus/vacation when launching something like this. And if something does come up with a major player a quick note in the thread about it would be apropriate than a dead spot.

    If I have the time I'll make a brief summary of this thread, but I'm thinking I'll be too busy till next Tuesday (going to raise a barn)

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    OOC: allright.

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