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Thread: PR game this easter weekend

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    I you want it, Chordata, I'll reverse that biological attack on San Jose, given that you weren't here to make an appropriate response.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuke
    I you want it, Chordata, I'll reverse that biological attack on San Jose, given that you weren't here to make an appropriate response.
    Nah, I'll work with it. Probably not the most intelligent strategic decision since now the oppressed people under a bizarre, psychotic theocracy (but then, aren't they all) probably won't like the Colonies of Man any better. But then, you're nation, your decisions...

    And yeah, I've been preparing for school and getting addicted to Deus Ex. Didn't think it'd really be that hot...

    We just had a thunderstorm pass through that knocked the internet out for the past 5 hours (since I wasn't intelligent enough to reset the freaking router after a power outage...) so I didn't do much, since I also forgot about the RD in Notepad about my initial invasion thing. Oops. I'll do it in the morning.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon
    If I have the time I'll make a brief summary of this thread, but I'm thinking I'll be too busy till next Tuesday (going to raise a barn)
    I'll do it.

    What has happened so far (Yes, I'm adjusting the times for the RP, not the actual posting so it flows better):

    About 96 hours ago, the 6th Chordata of Crazy Train was assassinated by the high council for what they saw as a threat to their theocratic dominance. He was replaced by his killer, a former general that takes the phrase "gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet" to a new level.

    36 hours ago, the new Chordata declared the Empire's desire to invade Panama, which lead to condemnation from almost every nation in the region, leading to a trade embargo of CT.

    30 hours ago, the EotCoM launched a biological attack on the civilian target of Costa Rica. This has resulted in De Dragon severing trade with CoM. CT has not responded to the attack as of September 1st and has withdrawn from the Panamanian border. It is unknown whether this signifies the end of the conflict or not...

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    If the Holy Empire of SS Crazy Train declares a cease-fire and wishes to seek peace, the Empire of Man will immediately send physicians and shipments of the cure for the TC-501 virus to assist the victims of the San Jose biological attack.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Milton Legs will send aid as well if SS crazy train backs down.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata
    And the platypus said, "Let there be rain!" and lo and behold, there was rain! The platypus shows his favor with us! Let us take this omen as a sign to invade and crush the Empire of Colonies of Man. Their feeble attempts to "aid" us are meaningless, particularly after poisoning our people. Panama is not on our agenda now. Let our brethren not die in vain!

    OOC: In case anyone couldn't figure this out, yes, Crazy Train has just withdrawn from Panama to focus on its new objective: Annihilating EotCoM. This is aided by the propaganda fodder EotCoM gave CT, including fun headlines along the lines of, "Don't let the Horde liquefy your baby. Enlist today!" meaning that CT's public opinion of EotCoM is something along the lines of "amoral, sociopathic lunatics bent on world domination and stealing the world supply of biscuits."
    Quote Originally Posted by Nuke
    You have the audacity to spit upon the kindness of the Empire of the Colonies of Man? You would deprive your own sick and dying people of the chance to survive? You would dare tempt fate by declaring your intention to invade the Empire of Man? Do you think that our national motto ("To flirt with danger is to anger us") is just for show?

    So be it. If it is war you must have, then it is war you shall get.

    Due to this recent turn of events, the Dominion of Evil Cenobites is withdrawing it's small defensive force from Panama.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil

    Due to this recent turn of events, the Dominion of Evil Cenobites is withdrawing it's small defensive force from Panama.
    Let it be known that your forces did all that they could in the short time they were deployed. The people of AzH ought to be grateful for your assistance.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    The Armed Republic of AzH has given the Colonies of Man an ultimatum: You have 72 hours to withdraw your forces from our territory. You were never authorised to enter and have acted illegally. You have attacked innocent civilians with barbaric biological weapons. We would rather face the enemy alone than with the assitance of monsters. Be advised that the Omnipotent Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind will intervene and force the expulsion of all Colonies of Man military forces if they are not withdrawn completely and voluntarily within the time frame set.

    The Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy wish to offer humanitarian aid to the victims of the San Jose biological attack and request that the Chordata prevent further bloodshed by calling a ceasefire.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    To The Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy:

    Retract your ultimatum immediately. What the Colonies of Man did at San Jose was horrible, and your anger is justified. however, if the demands are not met in the set time and you force the Empire of Man's troops out, you risk creating a useless conflict and the meaningless death of millions of innocent lives, as well as dragging the rest of the region into a possible war. If you fail to stop this madness, we will sever all trade with both The Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy. You have been warned.

    [align='right']Mr. Milton
    The Flying Ham Toast Of Milton Legs

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    We accept the ceasefire. Due to a great misunderstanding, the former council and Chordata have been sacked (read, beaten with giant, pointy sticks unto death) and have been replaced. The new council expresses it's great regret for its former leaders who used the platypus to control a brainwashed, fanatic population. The army was skeptical of the council's intentions after the murder of the last Chordata by a rogue general. After the declaration of war on a small country, we noticed the questionable prophecies the council was using to justify the attack. We were too late to prevent the first coup of the month, along with the declaration, but our troops didn't want the war anyway, which is the primary reason why we never went that far into Panama. We will now try to ease the theocratic limitations on our nation and reform into a democracy. We will also accept Milton's, AzH's, and the Autocracy's offers of humanitarian aid.

    However, the Empire of Man's offer is vehemently refused. Your nation has conducted an unprovoked, devastating attack on our people, none of which who were active in this war. We do not currently have the ability to declare war on your nation, but any passing into our borders or waters will be seen as an act of war. However, we will bring the criminals leading your country to justice.

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