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Thread: PR game this easter weekend

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata
    We accept the ceasefire. Due to a great misunderstanding, the former council and Chordata have been sacked (read, beaten with giant, pointy sticks unto death) and have been replaced. The new council expresses it's great regret for its former leaders who used the platypus to control a brainwashed, fanatic population. The army was skeptical of the council's intentions after the murder of the last Chordata by a rogue general. After the declaration of war on a small country, we noticed the questionable prophecies the council was using to justify the attack. We were too late to prevent the first coup of the month, along with the declaration, but our troops didn't want the war anyway, which is the primary reason why we never went that far into Panama. We will now try to ease the theocratic limitations on our nation and reform into a democracy. We will also accept Milton's, AzH's, and the Autocracy's offers of humanitarian aid.

    However, the Empire of Man's offer is vehemently refused. Your nation has conducted an unprovoked, devastating attack on our people, none of which who were active in this war. We do not currently have the ability to declare war on your nation, but any passing into our borders or waters will be seen as an act of war. However, we will bring the criminals leading your country to justice.
    Good. We will pull out all of our troops out of the region. Just don't let this happen again, Chordata.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    We won't, and have killed everyone in the last regime, so it's not like their coming back...

    Also, I'm not Chordata. We dumped the title due to the sacking of the platypus cult. I am General Howard Hughes. We should be holding elections soon. Hopefully.

    EDIT: And yeah, the correlation between CT's instability and the fact I'm all over Latin America have nothing to do with each. I really wasn't thinking about the coups down there for inspiration. Oh well. This might be the last coup, provided something else doesn't happen...

    We also support ARA's ultimatum. If they request it, we will aid in supporting their defense of their lands against CoM's probable invasion.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by Miltonmonkey
    To The Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy:

    Retract your ultimatum immediately. What the Colonies of Man did at San Jose was horrible, and your anger is justified. however, if the demands are not met in the set time and you force the Empire of Man's troops out, you risk creating a useless conflict and the meaningless death of millions of innocent lives, as well as dragging the rest of the region into a possible war. If you fail to stop this madness, we will sever all trade with both The Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy. You have been warned.

    [align='right']Mr. Milton
    The Flying Ham Toast Of Milton Legs
    The ARA has a right to this ultimatum. The CoM not only committed a biological attack on civilians but also landed troops on the territory of ARA without permission. Both of these are serious events. The weapons delivered to the ARA are still available for use as the ARA decides. Secondary shipments can be delivered upon request.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata
    We accept the ceasefire. Due to a great misunderstanding, the former council and Chordata have been sacked (read, beaten with giant, pointy sticks unto death) and have been replaced. The new council expresses it's great regret for its former leaders who used the platypus to control a brainwashed, fanatic population. The army was skeptical of the council's intentions after the murder of the last Chordata by a rogue general. After the declaration of war on a small country, we noticed the questionable prophecies the council was using to justify the attack. We were too late to prevent the first coup of the month, along with the declaration, but our troops didn't want the war anyway, which is the primary reason why we never went that far into Panama. We will now try to ease the theocratic limitations on our nation and reform into a democracy. We will also accept Milton's, AzH's, and the Autocracy's offers of humanitarian aid.

    However, the Empire of Man's offer is vehemently refused. Your nation has conducted an unprovoked, devastating attack on our people, none of which who were active in this war. We do not currently have the ability to declare war on your nation, but any passing into our borders or waters will be seen as an act of war. However, we will bring the criminals leading your country to justice.
    With the statement of the ceasefire, De Dragon opens it's trading operations with the SSCS.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon
    The ARA has a right to this ultimatum. The CoM not only committed a biological attack on civilians but also landed troops on the territory of ARA without permission. Both of these are serious events. The weapons delivered to the ARA are still available for use as the ARA decides. Secondary shipments can be delivered upon request.
    It seems you forgot that Milton legs borders the ARA. If anything happens there, it happens to us.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Same with SSCT. However, we believe that the EoM has hostile intentions at heart. Due to the ease they had with destroying an entire civilian city with biological weapons, it is impossible for us to believe this incident won't escalate anyway.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by AzH
    The Armed Republic of AzH has given the Colonies of Man an ultimatum: You have 72 hours to withdraw your forces from our territory. You were never authorised to enter and have acted illegally. You have attacked innocent civilians with barbaric biological weapons. We would rather face the enemy alone than with the assitance of monsters. Be advised that the Omnipotent Autocracy of Lurking Mastermind will intervene and force the expulsion of all Colonies of Man military forces if they are not withdrawn completely and voluntarily within the time frame set.

    The Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy wish to offer humanitarian aid to the victims of the San Jose biological attack and request that the Chordata prevent further bloodshed by calling a ceasefire.
    In the interests of keeping Taiwan and Japan in the hands of your nation and not in those of, say, WW_BITEME, which would be obligated to come to my defense should you attack my nation, I advise you to retract your ultimatum.

    You have shat upon our efforts in the defense of your ally. We sent the most troops to the area to defend your ally. Did the OALM send two million soldiers? Did your soldiers ever touch ground in Panama? Did you even send any? We sent troops out of the kindness of our hearts. We didn't have to, but nonetheless, we did. And at the time, you offered no objection. You were pleased, so it seemed, that the Empire of Man was going to assume the task of expelling Crazy Train from the lands of your ally. Yet now, now that no war shall be fought, you have the audacity to turn 'round and stab us in the back?

    You may not have asked for our assistance, but in the future, let it be known that any you may send will fall upon death ears in the Empire of Man.

    You seem to think that my nation is subject to the will of yours. It is not, nor shall it ever be. And if you threaten us again, it will be your nation that comes under my control, not the reverse.

    Now let us go our separate ways. I advise that we establish a "neutral zone" of sorts between our nations, so that we may clearly know who belongs where.

    Quote Originally Posted by Miltonmonkey
    To The Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy:

    Retract your ultimatum immediately. What the Colonies of Man did at San Jose was horrible, and your anger is justified. however, if the demands are not met in the set time and you force the Empire of Man's troops out, you risk creating a useless conflict and the meaningless death of millions of innocent lives, as well as dragging the rest of the region into a possible war. If you fail to stop this madness, we will sever all trade with both The Armed Republic of AzH and the Omnipotent Autocracy. You have been warned.

    [align='right']Mr. Milton
    The Flying Ham Toast Of Milton Legs
    The Empire of Man sends its gratitude for your statement. While we realize it is not necessarily a gesture of good faith unto us, as our attack on San Jose has not gone over well, we still consider it a most appreciated act of kindness on the part of your great nation.

    Should you ever need the assistance of the Empire of Man for any reason, you have but to ask. We see you a good friend and as a respectable nation in the region, unlike the OALM, which spits on the efforts of the nation which dispatched the largest military force to aid in the defense of the Armed Republic of AzH.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata
    We accept the ceasefire. Due to a great misunderstanding, the former council and Chordata have been sacked (read, beaten with giant, pointy sticks unto death) and have been replaced. The new council expresses it's great regret for its former leaders who used the platypus to control a brainwashed, fanatic population. The army was skeptical of the council's intentions after the murder of the last Chordata by a rogue general. After the declaration of war on a small country, we noticed the questionable prophecies the council was using to justify the attack. We were too late to prevent the first coup of the month, along with the declaration, but our troops didn't want the war anyway, which is the primary reason why we never went that far into Panama. We will now try to ease the theocratic limitations on our nation and reform into a democracy. We will also accept Milton's, AzH's, and the Autocracy's offers of humanitarian aid.

    However, the Empire of Man's offer is vehemently refused. Your nation has conducted an unprovoked, devastating attack on our people, none of which who were active in this war. We do not currently have the ability to declare war on your nation, but any passing into our borders or waters will be seen as an act of war. However, we will bring the criminals leading your country to justice.
    The Empire of Man will withdraw all military forces from the Western Hemisphere, and it shall declare its Declaration of War to now be defunct. Let it be known that the reasons for this were so as to comply with the ceasefire, and not as the result of any "ultimatum" sent by any nation.

    We see intervention in this war as a mistake. It is now clear to us that intervention in this war was not needed. We should have allowed you to invade Panama. It would have looked nice in the green of the Holy Empire of SS Crazy Train, instead of the black of the Armed Republic of Would Be Dead Now Without the Empire of Man.

    It is the official stance of this government that the biological attack upon San Jose was a mistake. Had we known that your nation was as unwilling as it was to actually engage in war, and had we known that our efforts would be so greatly pissed upon, we would not have attacked. My governments issues an official apology for the attack.

    In the future, my government advises that you keep stricter control over yours, and that you do not allow one of these "coups" to happen again. For the sake of avoiding another conflict, of course.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer AzH's Avatar
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuke
    It is now clear to us that intervention in this war was not needed. We should have allowed you to invade Panama. It would have looked nice in the green of the Holy Empire of SS Crazy Train, instead of the black of the Armed Republic of Would Be Dead Now Without the Empire of Man.
    AzH, the supreme leader of the Armed Republic of AzH makes a rare television appearance to answer this laughable suggestion. He walks onto the podium, under the blazing glare of the spotlights and utters a single word:


  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    The Free Land of Masiq stands ready to supply emergency food and medical supplies to the victims of the San Jose attack. It also condemns the action taken by the Colonies of Man as barbaric.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Dictator Bush comes back from his trip to the new space factory that is in the process of building the space armada to a real mess. While it is a tragedy of what happened in San Jose it is what happens in conflict. People die.... period. It does not matter if they were killed humanly or not. Had the actions against Panama not occurred then this bloodshed would not have happened. I do not blame my ally for his actions and praise him for his courage. He was not attacking for his own gain and profit but to protect a smaller less fortunate nation.

    Long live the Alliance, The Empire of Biteme and Dictator Bush!

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP-LM] Coup D'état in SS Crazy Train

    Quote Originally Posted by Miltonmonkey
    It seems you forgot that Milton legs borders the ARA. If anything happens there, it happens to us.
    It is for this very reason that we must attempt to muzzle the mad dog before it bites again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chordata
    Same with SSCT. However, we believe that the EoM has hostile intentions at heart. Due to the ease they had with destroying an entire civilian city with biological weapons, it is impossible for us to believe this incident won't escalate anyway.
    Exactly my point.

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