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Thread: Newegg DIY Specails

  1. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bagel View Post
    Be sure to stockpile bagels in the fridge. They will give you something to eat when you wake up from your occasional nap, and the flavor will make you smile like the sun at the top of the sky on a dark stormy night. I'm pretty sure that's one huge contradiction, but I think it sounds right...
    Ya. if your on crack.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    Well I've spent about 20min reading all these posts and ONLY found two people with a GOOD solid plan. Dawnrazor and kenny007.

    I was about to point out what Dawnrazor said about gunshops but no need to repeat. But I will add this. Everyone says they'll just "go" to the gunstore and just grab guns, well in addition to what Dawnrazor said consider this. How would you even get there?! Its not like you would be able to just stroll down there easily! Zombies and mass panic everywhere, and IDK about everyone else, but I don't exactly live RIGHT next to a gunstore.

    Wal-Mart is even MORE of a bad idea than a mall. EVERYONE will be tryin to get there, and when they do it will be mass looting. Even if everyone decides to barricade themselves in, consider WHO actually got in the store. Maybe infected people who have yet to turn. I consider them MORE dangerous than the actual zombies. Once they turn all it takes is one bite and when a few people get bitten they turn and before you know it, you'll have a mini out break inside wal-mart with no where to run.

    As for me, I live in a relatively rural area, I have a few guns in my house with limited ammo. Enough to protect my self from any immediate threat. I would get my GF and head back to my house and secure it for a week or so. I also have a convience store down the road where I could later try and scrounge for supplies. As for a gun store... I don't have near by. I have one some miles from my house, and its still kinda in a rual area, but I wouldn't want to risk tryin to get there. I do however have a guy who lives in the HUGE house at the top of my dead end road who is a gun dealer and has a basement FULL of weapons. I kind of know him a little and would eventually try and go and ask for some ammo to spare.(but wouldn't count on getting any) Basically I would stay around my house and town scrounging for food and supplies until I get a better grasp of the situation. Like I said, I live in a pretty rual area and sticking to the woods and should be able to walk there with relative ease(if zombies are slow) but still wouldn't have a whole lot to deal with.
    Let them hate me, so long as they fear me...

  3. I've done my time
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    Since i used to be in the army and my house is still near my former base camp, i'll drive to camp get access to the armory, grab some automatics and as much ammo an APC can carry as well as spare gasoline and rations. (since i know where everything is, it's not that hard).

    A couple of options then. Since the base is an airforce base as well, there is one option to fly outta there....but since I dont know how to operate an aircraft, an APC will have to do, unless of course i can find a pilot.

    Option 2 would be to drive that APC outta the city to the docks and grab a boat with scavenged supplies like fishing equipment and head on out to sea. Which would be the best option since fishing equipment stores are usually located within the vicinity and the sea would probably be the best bet.

  4. On the way to greater things
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    I'd go to Fiddler's Green... wait, that didn't work out in the movie so ummm... the Winchester

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    i used to think about this when i worked at CUB Fooods lol. I would hold up there. barricade the few windows we had, if i had a little time i would take the forklift outside and move some cars infron of the doors like the original dawn of the dead. (they used trucks) and if they did get in theres always the back room to fall back too and thats only one door to block and id just park the forlift in front of it. plus i can still access the roof, and its in a strip mall with a iquor store, a drug store and a hardware store all connected by the same roof.
    And i would bring my car in the back ramp and park it just at the doors facing ot so if worse came to worse i could hop in and get the hell outta there.

    Plus its a very small store and i worked over nights with onlye 5 other people so we would all work together to get the barricades done. and not just barricades for the zombies, its needs to be ready for the looters again like in the original dawn of the dead. They are almost worse than the in diary of the daed as well.

    And another thing we had a "spare" semi truck almost always backed up to the loading dock as extra space since like i said it was a very small store and the back room was tiny. granted iknow that someone would have to go outside to get into the cab, but im sure there would be enough of a break at some point if we needed to leave that way as well.

    The back room also had an upstairs where there was a room with the compressors for the freezers were, and the stair way to get there was very narrow and extremely steep, damn near a ladder. plus the access to the roof was up there too. i could make that the "home" area like they had in the origina dawn of the dead. and its easily defendable from either invader, zombie or looter since both would be forced to squeeze up the narrow stair case it would be easy to pick em off one by one.
    because the damed zombies arent going to kill themselves.

  6. Senior Member
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    zombie apocalypse daydreaming FTW.

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
    zombie apocalypse daydreaming FTW.
    lol nothin better to do when stockin the shelves at overnight....if you listen to the muzak youd go crazy haha
    because the damed zombies arent going to kill themselves.

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    probably grab weapons from my house, get family members, some friends, and just people i find around and head out of town.. maybe head for a small populated town

  9. Senior Member
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    Find someone who still has a bomb shelter from the days of the Cuban missile crisis...

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    Id love to make something like "Dead Wreckining" (SP) in Land of the Dead out of a semi, that would kick ass.
    because the damed zombies arent going to kill themselves.

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