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Thread: Newegg DIY Specails

  1. Junior Member
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    drive to canada! all the zombies up there would be frozen. then i'd hunt deer and elk or whatever else is up there for food.

  2. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny1shot View Post
    drive to canada! all the zombies up there would be frozen. then i'd hunt deer and elk or whatever else is up there for food.
    I hope your joking lol. they will be slowed, but most likely not frozen for awhile.. it all depends, Canada has REALLY weird weather.

    Which reminds me (off topic) but I have a friend who used to work at a gas station right near the border of Canada/U.S. one time a couple from the U.S. showed up, in the middle of the summer, with skis strapped to the top of there car. they pulled in and asked "Wheres all the snow?" They thought they could go skiing and time of year in Canada because its "So Cold"
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  3. Junior Member
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    actually that's a really good point. let me rectify my answer.

    in the winter time, i'd drive to canada when its cold. find shelter somewhere out in the open with a good view around everywhere.

    in summertime, maybe drive to desert areas. zombies surely wouldnt be able to last weeks unprotected from the sun in 100+ degree heat. the stench would be freaking awful though!

  4. Just getting started
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    First i would make sure i have some sort of weapon to defend myself ( knife, sword, machete, axe, etc ) then i would head to a gas station load up on gas. And then go to a small store and loot it.

  5. Zombie Dog
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    I don't really have a plan, but I would be fine if it happened. After all, I am indestructible.

    For real, I would probably get what I could to make myself look like a zombie. If they think I am one of them, they won't attack me. Then I would scavenge for supplies.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Same idea as pepsiman, get a hoodie, crouch all the time, paint your skin grey, make yourself smell bad, growl, and you have a foolproof disguise as a hunter. The only thing is, don't follow the horde or you'll get pwnd by the survivors they're chasing.
    :cc:Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

  7. Just getting started
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    I would take a laser gun of high technology and would climb on a tree to shoot all..... lolzz

  8. Junior Member
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    I live in Pittsburgh, which we all know will be ground zero.

    Hopefully I can join up with the bikers from Dawn Of The Dead.

  9. Junior Member
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    If there was one, everything's going to go to chaos first. People will be panicking and looting, making them easy prey for the zombies. I will be taking my cat and holing up somewhere up high, barricading any doors or windows to prevent a zombie break-in.

    As a good rule of thumb, I will not try to go to any store or police station as since someone previously pointed out, there will be a bunch of other people trying to do the exact same thing. Though it wasn't mentioned, I will add this: a bunch of people will be attracting zombies in a hurry because of all the noise they will be making. They will also be fighting because tempers will flair and people will be thinking 'me first' when it comes to that lovely shotgun and high-powered rifle.
    And also as a point to not going to the store, there will be food left in the houses once a large amount of people are dead or zombified. Most of it will be in cans as many people will be fleeing and food cans are heavy and cumbersome.

    As for anything involving the zombies, it depends on what kinds they are.

    The Dead or 'True' Zombie: If they are the dead and rotting kind, the main strategy would be to wait around and simply wait for decay to take it's course. If it's summer, this should only take about a few weeks, as any soft tissue will quickly rot and render the zombie immobile. Scavengers will be making a meal out of them (especially if they are bugs) and will strip a body of it's soft flesh until there is only some mummified skin and the bones. If it's fall or spring they will last a little longer, but as soon as the summer hits or winter comes and freezes them, they are done. (However, they might thaw in a warm spell, but while frozen and immobile they can still be destroyed.)

    The 28 days Later Psuedo-Zombie: Almost the same as the true zombie, but since these are alive they can't be counted on to decay. But since they don't eat, they will eventually die from starvation. Again it's just waiting them out, but it will take a bit longer this time.
    I haven't the 28 Weeks Later movie, so I don't know if anything got changed from the first movie.

    The Left4Dead Psuedo-Zombie: Probably the most dangerous out of this group, since it isn't known whether they eventually can die off by some natural means. They are alive (going by the L4DWiki) so waiting for them to decay is out of the question. They also have Special Infected which can circumvent any normal human barriers to zombies, simply because most zombies still have some 'human' limitations and the barricades depend on this.

    For the L4D zombie, I will list my thoughts on them, and how they could be dealt with in 'real life' (not in a game):

    Common Infected: Probably the safest strategy is simply to wait for them to die out. However they likely still seem to eat (judging from all the dragged and half-eaten bodies) so this might take even longer then the 28 day zombie. But since they don't seem to take shelter in bad weather, any of those still remaining will eventually be killed by exposure. Some will also be killed by animals, but that's if they wander in places where there are large predators about.

    Special Infected: Since some of these seem to keep a rudimentary preservation instinct, they will last even longer then the CI or 28 Day zombies. With some it will take only a few months, with others, you'll be waiting a loong wait.

    For example, the SI like the Boomer, Spitter and the Witch I expect I'd only have to wait out for a few months at most. The first two will have issues digesting food and the Witch seems to be apathetic about eating.

    The Tank and Jockey look like they will be warm weather zombies. By this I mean while they might have success and have plenty of food during the summer, when winter comes they will be crap out of luck. The Jockey seems to be less likely to take shelter for the winter and the Tank will not be able to eat constantly to feed his large bulk.

    The Smoker and the Hunter are the only ones I see lasting a long time and not being warm climate only types. They both seem to have a stronger self- preservation instinct, and probably likely to be the types to take shelter once it turns cold. They also flee when it looks like the fighting is getting too much for them, so they will likely be ones that can't be depended on to die. These will be the only ones I expect to see a year from now, living in Pa.

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