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Thread: Interesting Article

  1. Hunter
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    id are real industry leaders like Valve.

    Actually I would hold id higher than Valve when considering their tech engines.
    Rage and Doom 4 will be using id Tech Engine 5 which I hear utilizes


    Something in the ballpark of 100000 x 100000. I also hear a raw uncompressed build of Rage is almost a terabyte in size. ETC.

    God, a game on this engine will be so over encompassing.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    If it's free roam like Fallout 3, I'm buying it.

    But free roam like Red Faction: Guerilla was garbage, only places to explore were roads and copy cat military bases.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    gives me kind of a fallout vibe :/ but idk...that could always be a good thing.
    i think it has a lot of bioshock feel....but i dunno either haha

    i think its going to be coooooool tho...! hope it has co-op
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  4. Hunter
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    Too all those people mentioning Fallout 3

    Its built a lot like it in terms of exploration. BUT!
    Rage 1UP's Fallout 3 in that Rage has cars and car battling deathmatch desert gun blasting awesomeness.

    Take Doom 3/ Quake 4 and make it expand HUGE environments, a first for id, and add in simple RPG and make sure its id developed and made all the way through and you got Rage.

    I half didn't understand what I just typed.

  5. Left 4 Dead
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    to me, personally it looks like one of those games that gets big hype, than turns out to be horrible,

    i might buy it, but not on release. i will look at gameplay vids/rent it and see if its worthy.

    i think the car dwathmatch thing will ruin the game, like the werehog on SonicUnleashed, its going to try and be like Fallout3 but add something then fail.

    but i could easily be wrong.

  6. Rob Zombie
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    I...just don't get it, I've watched a load of videos and I still don't understand, what is it all about? Graphics?

    It is looking and sounding a bit like to Borderlands as of now, and Borderlands is winning in getting me excited.
    "This is why we have guns!"

  7. Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverCyrus View Post
    to me, personally it looks like one of those games that gets big hype, than turns out to be horrible,

    i might buy it, but not on release. i will look at gameplay vids/rent it and see if its worthy.

    i think the car dwathmatch thing will ruin the game, like the werehog on SonicUnleashed, its going to try and be like Fallout3 but add something then fail.

    but i could easily be wrong.
    Yea I get you. But you gotta realize that its id.

    You may not like Doom or Quake but you can't help but know how big they are. I could almost go and say that everyone loves Doom/Quake or that people who don't like Doom/Quake have atleast played it.

    id is the type of famous company with such a reputation that you gotta give them a chance.
    Quakecon anyone?

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    I'm actually pretty excited for this. My only problem is that mixing driving and FPS-ing sounds like a terrible idea. But I am being pulled into the game by one enemy. The mutants move so fluidly and look so fun to fight that the game has me interested. It will probably be a rental, but a very fun rental, at that.
    When the talking ducks enslave us all, we will finally get our happy baskets of pudding.

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