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  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abyss Crown View Post

    Obviously its not going to actually happen, its just what I want.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neehtils View Post
    Obviously its not going to actually happen, its just what I want.
    Those words are bolded for a reason.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  3. Banned
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    1. A cop.
    2. A "zombie expert" who keeps telling the others facts about zombies only to fail horribly. "Zombies can't swim!" "TELL THEM THAT!"
    3. A doctor.
    4. An escaped prisoner.

  4. Just getting started
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    Lightbulb My Survivor Ideas

    I think that that there should be more than set of survivors. All of them have different campaigns and are in different locations.

    Survivor Team 1:
    -A fat, middle-aged nerd who sports a black KISS shirt that is to small and his stomach hangs out, glasses, A red cape, flooding blue jeans, and some worn white tennis shoes. Name: Milton

    -A young Asian prostitute who speaks little English. She is wearing a black bra, black panties, black heels, and fish-nets up her entire leg. Name: Ming

    -A drunken hobo who wears dirty, patched jeans and jacket, a black toboggan, and one black shoe, then a dirty sock on his other foot. Name: Petey

    -A C.E.D.A. agent who was left behind while escorting the other survivors. He is dressed exactly like the C.E.D.A. zombies, but the bullet-proof vest doesn't actually do anything. He is normally silent and refuses to tell his name. Name: Agent 17 (That's all he will tell the survivors.)

    Survivor Team 2:
    -An paramedic who deeply cares about the health of all of the survivors, and sometimes feels bad about killing the zombies. He is dressed in an paramedic outfit (similar to the one in Grand Theft Auto 4), and some light blue latex gloves. Name: Tony

    -A mentally-challenged middle-aged man. He wears a white undershirt,with an imaginary cartoon character on it, and white paint splattered jeans with one leg rolled up to his knee. He wears on black dress shoe on the leg with his sock up to his shin. On the other foot he wears a sandal. He also wears a pink bicycle helmet. Name: Mack

    -A criminal who has escaped from prison. He thinks that he can take the world and often threatens the other survivors. He wears an orange jumpsuit, and blue running shoes. He has handcuffs on his wrists, that were cut in the middle of the chain. Name: Gummer (He later tells them that his name "used to be" Bruce, but people continue to call him by his prison-name.)

    -A female mime wearing a black and white suit, and wears mime make-up. She never talks, and just makes sounds instead of talking (Example: She makes a puking sound when looking at a bile jar). The only time she talks is when she is left behind at the end, at which point she just screams curse words and threats. Name: Mime (That's what they call her because she doesn't tell them her name.)

    Survivor Team 3:
    Left 4 Dead~Grand Theft Auto Crossover





  5. Junior Member
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    Do you think there will ever be two female survivors in a group?
    Anyway, to answer the question:

    Jennifer- A housewife.
    Colby- An amateur sports player.
    Jack- A newspaper editor.
    Oscar- An employee at a clothing store.

  6. Just getting started
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    Thumbs up

    i have 4 guys.

    1: a 20 year old guy. that his dream was to touch a gun. but he couldn't. his dad wanted him to be lawyer. but when the apocalypse came. he finally touched a gun. he has a black funeral suit. And he usually steals the food in safe houses. he also lost his wallet before the apocalypse. but it doesn't matter anymore.

    2: 46 year old man. weird and creepy looking. zombies are coming! zombies are coming, he said. at start people thought he was mentally ill. but when the apocalypse hit, people didn't say the same anymore. he has a purple shirt with black jeans.(note that instead of starting a mission with a pistol he starts with a stick)

    3: 34 year old FBI agent. she a killing machine, and killed before. (criminals) she now sees the real threat. Herself. but all reply no to her. she is not immune and people tell that she's infected. (they will notice she is immune at the end of the first chapter of the first campaign. shes in a normal FBI agent suit. (The bullet proof vest doesn't count in game play of course)

    4: a 14 year old kid that doesn't talk. he's got a black t-shirt and black jogging pants. the other survivors call him mute.

    hope you liked it!

  7. Just getting started
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    Survivor One & Two: These two don't really talk much to the other survivors, they only communicate with the others when they need to. They do not trust the others yet (They will come around after the Second campaign). Not much is known about them but it is assumed that they are Boyfriend and Girlfriend. The male is usually seen with a sheathed Katana on his back and two pistols in the holsters on his waist. The female carries a custom built rifle, a machete is seen strapped to her waist.
    Names: Nathan and Marie-Anna
    Ages: 21 and 22

    Survivor Three: A hunter that has a rather sarcastic attitude. He was caught in the middle of the Chaos when he entered town to gather more supplies for his next hunt but much to his dismay, he realized that everyone was now either a zombie or dead. He feels that this so called "apocalypse" has presented him with a challenge. The "Hunt of a lifetime" he calls it. He carries a scoped Crossbow and a huge knife is seen strapped to his waist.
    Name: Rufus
    Age: 29

    Survivor Four: A former chief of Police. She is well disciplined and is extremely skilled at hand to hand combat. She is considered the leader of the group. The apocalypse has ravaged her precious city and rocked it to the core. Now she is out to dispense her own form of justice, with the business end of her gun. She is seen with a Riot Shotgun and a Nightstick.
    Name: Jolene
    Age: 35

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