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Thread: Figured out the cpu, need mobo options and assy. compound

  1. Australian.
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    The rule was put into place to stop harassment of moderators that was occurring at the time. Like all other rules, its application comes down to the staff's decision based on the individual event -- take your post for example, I'm not deleting that because it is civil and not disruptive in any way. But if you had posted the same opinion in a disruptive manner, I would have deleted it.

    See where we're coming from with this?
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  2. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameDidntFit View Post
    The rule was put into place to stop harassment of moderators that was occurring at the time. Like all other rules, its application comes down to the staff's decision based on the individual event -- take your post for example, I'm not deleting that because it is civil and not disruptive in any way. But if you had posted the same opinion in a disruptive manner, I would have deleted it.

    See where we're coming from with this?

    Yup, sounds reasonable.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by DTbasketball855 View Post

    I couldn't really figure out why either was locked. It wasn't so much that I cared whether or not the threads were locked, but it was just there wasn't an explanation.
    Add this to that list too. Seen a few more, but meh.

    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    freedom of speech just changed to "shhh, don't say anything out loud, whisper it to me secretly"......

    It's like disagreeing with Hitler. If you say anything against him they will kill you (a.k.a. :delete the thread or post)

    I'm a moderator of many forums and I can't put a rule like this up on the forum. People have the right to criticize or disagree with a moderator and express his/her opinion in public forums.....
    Gotta agree man. I'm also a member of many other forums, this is the only one where I've felt like they'll say they allow mature posting...but how can we be 'mature' when we can't speak out our minds, no matter how passionately (no insulting), without a moderator loving the power and 'reigning down' their mighty text. It's funny because these are just people too, with opinions, but somewhere along the line, in my OPINION, that very line became the seperation between peasants (us), and Gods (them). Haha, dramatic sounding I know, but I've seen people apologise when they were correct, just because the person challenging them was a mod.

    It's cringing, I can bet some are still teens (no age-ism here, just an observation), and I refuse to be put in my place by a youth with a power-problem, which is why I refreign from using this place as much, and I'm talking for others aswell, for a fact, I've had discussions with other members about this bullshit.

    I'm not disrespectful, but I won't kiss ass either, regardless of position. This may seem publicly detrimental to the L4DForums rules, so I don't expect it to be here for long.

    The one thing I DO like about this place though is the swear-filter, a few places I visit censors alot of words, so it feels good to just come and say fuck for the sake of it

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    freedom of speech just changed to "shhh, don't say anything out loud, whisper it to me secretly"......

    It's like disagreeing with Hitler. If you say anything against him they will kill you (a.k.a. :delete the thread or post)

    I'm a moderator of many forums and I can't put a rule like this up on the forum. People have the right to criticize or disagree with a moderator and express his/her opinion in public forums.....

    ....that's just my opinion.
    You were on a roll until you backed down.

    If there's enough criticism to warrant a rule banning it, there's probably a legitimate problem that is not being addressed.

  5. I've done my time
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    When the world is going to end, grab some painpills!

  6. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evil View Post
    You were on a roll until you backed down.

    If there's enough criticism to warrant a rule banning it, there's probably a legitimate problem that is not being addressed.
    I don't pick e-fights lol. I expressed my opinion and the moderator answered. I don't feel like going back and forth cuz it usually doesn't go anywhere. Remember, this is the internet.

  7. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evil View Post
    You were on a roll until you backed down.

    If there's enough criticism to warrant a rule banning it, there's probably a legitimate problem that is not being addressed.
    In this case there wasn't. It was a moronic individual with an agenda that was exploiting a loophole in the rules. This was the plug to that loophole. No-one has been banned or infracted with regard to this particular rule to the best of my knowledge.
    It's cringing, I can bet some are still teens (no age-ism here, just an observation), and I refuse to be put in my place by a youth with a power-problem, which is why I refreign from using this place as much, and I'm talking for others aswell, for a fact, I've had discussions with other members about this bullshit.
    Back that one up with an example. You can't make daft statements like that without providing some kind of proof. Show me ONE post from a moderator that not only shows a member of staff has a power problem, but that gives ANY indication of their age.

    I'll save you some time - you can't and won't. I won't embarrass you by insisting you retract the statement, we'll just assume you had a 'fingers first, brain second' moment and move on.

    Secondly, you can't pretend you don't have any ageism issues in one breath and then in the same sentence say "I refuse to be put in my place by a youth with a power problem" - it makes you look like a hypocrite - either you have an ageism issue or you don't. It appears that you just have an authority issue, to be quite honest.

    I happen to know that the staff that have come and gone here over the past couple of years have put a LOT of their free time into making this forum what it is, and to have someone like yourself coming in and claiming that moderators have abused power (without giving even the slightest shred of evidence to support these allegations) isn't just irritating, it's downright insulting.

    EDIT: Why the hell was this bumped in the first place?! :-/

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Back that one up with an example. You can't make daft statements like that without providing some kind of proof. Show me ONE post from a moderator that not only shows a member of staff has a power problem, but that gives ANY indication of their age.
    Oh my God lol, it's not a fucking court of law...I can't voice my opinion without ''some kind of proof''? It's like, ''don't talk here in this forum for talking, unless you have evidence on said subject''...jesus be honest, I rarely come here or care enough to take this to a higher level...just chill.'re the one who had all those bans you'd inflicted next to your makes sense. YOU have a power problem...gloating about stopping fellow browsers from visiting...I'm sure they were all highly serious crimes though, it was either the ban or death-penalty I'm sure.

    As for it indicating age, it's more the WAY things happen. Someone with life's inexperience can handle a situation badly, which can to me reflect their immaturity. True, it swings both ways, so I'll say I could have worded my statement differently, but I didn't know it would affect anyone so badly...

    So anyway, sometimes I'll get the feeling either the person is young and just likes handing bans and having the last say...if not, they're grown and foolish. It's not always this black-and-white, I'm saying how sometimes I see a mod handle a situation.

    But in the ''grown'' situation, I just find it hilarious a grown man can spend that much time in a fictional place on the fucking Internet and defend it to the death when someone opposes what they do.

    And don't get me wrong, I'm not ancient, I've just not been too fortunate in finding people my own age (here too) who are as on point. Don't act like I'm the only one who thinks you can't do your jobs. People in this thread brought it up before me. And some value their position here so they'll act sweet and kiss ass, where as I'm from a background where I'll lose my position for my pride so don't give a fuck.

    I've seen a few posts actually where I've called 'bullshit', where a mod has come in like Lord Of All, said they're sick of this and that, and then loved having the final [pathetic] word by locking the thread.

    I don't even know who the mod's are by name until I'm reading a thread and then look to the left and identify the poster who's just gone crazy. So no, thank you, I won't dig through your archives to provide you with ''evidence'', this is a very occasional place for me, I'll be back in a few months and forget this conversation by then. Unless of course the expected happens, and I'm silenced (banned) in this serious place of business we call an INTERNET FORUM. For just speaking my mind. Though I will address the issue you've brought up to an extent. Without saying what you've said is ''daft'' when you are expressing your opinion to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    I'll save you some time - you can't and won't. I won't embarrass you by insisting you retract the statement, we'll just assume you had a 'fingers first, brain second' moment and move on.
    Here we go, both patronising, and talking down to me as you would a child. YOU bring out the whole age issue yourself. This is why I brought up the age thing. As a general rule in life, you have adults telling children how it goes. And here you have mods and members. There wouldn't be an age OR authority issue if you acted I said, this is the only forum I've seen complaints about modding. If you spoke to me like that in that tone on the street I'd put a fucking blade through your neck. Go to prison for defending how people treat me? Hell yeah. Thin line between pride & honour and stupidity. But I understand respect, so if I'm being disrespected, which is how you began this reply to me, then I'll let you know how fucking authority works.

    The comfort of being able to safely talk high-and-mighty behind a computer screen miles away from danger, eh?

    And about you ''embarrassing me''. I battle for a living, I would verbally murder you if you really wanted a back-and-forth. And to be honest, I'm not here to carefully think through what I TYPE to anyone because it's not a fucking exam and I couldn't care less about how you perceive my post, when you're the type of guy we're complaining about in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Secondly, you can't pretend you don't have any ageism issues in one breath and then in the same sentence say "I refuse to be put in my place by a youth with a power problem" - it makes you look like a hypocrite - either you have an ageism issue or you don't. It appears that you just have an authority issue, to be quite honest.
    ^Well I left a disclaimer, to seperate it and let people know it wasn't the clear-cut stereotype or issue, it was an OBSERVATION. Shout-out to Specsavers. But yeah, absolutely, like I said, I could've worded my earlier statement about this a little differently. Agree with you there. It goes for both of course. Old or young with a power problem. It's the whole immature handling being the reason I mentioned young. The generalisation isn't fair, though there ARE mods here who are younger than me. Come to think of that, I think I can vaguely remember a mod doing something, then someone addressing them by name and saying something to the effect of 'calm down with the power thing'. I'll have to look into that though won't I

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    I happen to know that the staff that have come and gone here over the past couple of years have put a LOT of their free time into making this forum what it is, and to have someone like yourself coming in and claiming that moderators have abused power (without giving even the slightest shred of evidence to support these allegations) isn't just irritating, it's downright insulting.
    ^Now this, is almost a fair comment from you. Almost. It's a beautiful thing where people donate free time to building a community. But you can't call it a community if you're gonna use that against the members of the COMMUNITY you supposedly built and treat it more like an army where soldiers WILL behave under the watch of the General. Or whatever. Along the line, a leader becomes a tyrant.

    People here have claimed mods here aren't really up to scratch all the time. Get over it or change it.

    You too are a hypocrite. Complaining about ''insulting'' you, but several lines earlier, your way of replying was to insult me too. What makes you any different? Oh right, the mod badge.

    I don't know whether to feel luckier than you guys or sorry for you. Whether you feel compelled to ''punish me'' for this (as only the mods here do), ignore it, or simply reply to it, there's no guarantee I'll see the response in honesty, depending on how long these actions take to materialise, but either way, I sincerely hope this places prospers, and the mods fix the wrong things. Because it's a nice little place, good discussions I have seen and contributed to, and up-to-date news, people from here I'll play with online, ya' know.

    There are some nice mods here too. Some just search for a problem. Just chill.

    Woah, deja vu.

    EDIT: I understand you are no longer a member of staff or something...So everything I've said about your disgusting [in my O.P.I.N.I.O.N.] abilities at moderating a PUBLIC forum, can be considered in past tense. Everything else remains, since you called me out looking for an online argument by patronising me and making demands like you frigging know me and like I owe you something. People skills man, it's all in the approach. Hopefully there's no issue here, just banter but people do take this shit seriously *sigh*.

  9. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    #19're the one who had all those bans you'd inflicted next to your makes sense. YOU have a power problem...gloating about stopping fellow browsers from visiting...I'm sure they were all highly serious crimes though, it was either the ban or death-penalty I'm sure.
    Near enough every last one of those was a spambot. But if you'd have rather I didn't ban them, that's fine too. You can have fun posting amongst all the viagra and porn ads.

    Anyway, I'm not sure where you get all the pent up anti-authority bull from, but I have better things to do all day than play nice with the ignorant and self-righteous members who are always "members of a lot of forums" and it just so happens that the one they're currently on is always "the only one with this problem" - that's why I resigned from the staff, because I was fed up of having to deal with your type - those who think they can come on and say what they like, but *my god*, should a moderator have to do their job and tell people to 'can it' to keep the peace then it's the worst abuse of power since time began.

    Call it a power issue if you will, I have no interest in your opinion, particularly as you seem to be here to spout your mouth off without actually proving anything you say.
    There's actually a name for people like you amongst those who have been round forums in general for a while - they're called "Rebels Without A Clue", and I've dealt with enough of them over the years to know that I'm wasting my time attempting to reason with you - my motivation for calling you out is the fact that I know what you are claiming to be the case is in fact completely false, and I'm not going to stand back and let your kind of horse shit stir up negative feelings towards the staff on this forum, because they do a fucking awesome job under difficult circumstances.

    And do you know the best thing? The thing that amuses me most about your martyr's approach to this? The fact that you're being allowed to say it.

    That proves my point better than any wall of text I could ever post.

  10. Banned
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    Basically what TP said.
    Stop moaning that you're freedom of speech has been stripped of one has stopped you from saying the shit you want to say.

    Get over your fake martyr act.
    Realize all "teens" aren't power hungry (I'm a "young adult" and a forum mod / chat moderator / site owner and I don't shove my e-cock down people's throats)

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