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Thread: Figured out the cpu, need mobo options and assy. compound

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Near enough every last one of those was a spambot. But if you'd have rather I didn't ban them, that's fine too. You can have fun posting amongst all the viagra and porn ads.
    There's no point in going any further, like you said basically. Saying you can't reason with me is where the real ignorance is. Not knowing a thing about the person you're dealing with. Because we have clearly seen that we won't get beyond this disagreement, so we'll call it a day, but I HAVE acknowledged some of your argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    There's actually a name for people like you amongst those who have been round forums in general for a while - they're called "Rebels Without A Clue", and I've dealt with enough of them over the years to know that I'm wasting my time attempting to reason with you
    So this^ can go in the bin.

    Because there wasn't a fucking ''name'' for ''someone like me'' until you called me out with insults. I've been a member for quite a while, made friends, contributed to discussions, never argued with anyone...but I'm a rebel among forums right? Why, because the first time I was patronised by someone here, I didn't back down? Ok

    And one other see my post count...I registered ages ago, but I'm no regular. So don't get things twisted up and think I'm a forum-dweller with the time to waste to build a 3,000+ post count, and argue with other nerds to validate my point, because I actually have a life and a career. Don't go throwing this 'troll' bullshit around like I'm a trouble-maker or something when this is the first conflict I've come into here, and that's because you strutted into the discussion like Mr. fucking Big.

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    always "members of a lot of forums" and it just so happens that the one they're currently on is always "the only one with this problem" - that's why I resigned from the staff, because I was fed up of having to deal with your type
    Again, never done anything negative on this forum (or the others I visit), so who's ''spouting horse shit without proof'' now?

    Don't label me as ''your type'' because you know nothing of me, and every second I've spent here has been civil and engaging.

    Isn't it funny that all the forums you've had to deal with that ''type'' of person, is the forums THAT YOU WERE ON.

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    I'm not going to stand back and let your kind of horse shit stir up negative feelings towards the staff on this forum, because they do a fucking awesome job under difficult circumstances.
    To finally reiterate, I don't know really who all the mods are. There's a list of good they do, and in my eyes, a list of things they don't do too well. But that's probably based off of me talking at other much larger forums (e.g. and the way the mods there are more professional, and have around 200,000 members daily to look over. No power-mad shit, and people can speak their minds. And again, I've never ran into any conflict there. Like I said, there are select situations regarding mods where an issue for me arose. Not the whole fucking squad. So that's probably why I felt as though this environment differs and that there was an authority problem as far as certain modding decisions went.

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    And do you know the best thing? The thing that amuses me most about your martyr's approach to this? The fact that you're being allowed to say it.

    That proves my point better than any wall of text I could ever post.
    Perfect, honestly. Good discussion, no hard feelings, it seems we're sticking to our guns, and that's fine.

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayli View Post
    Basically what TP said.
    Stop moaning that you're freedom of speech has been stripped of one has stopped you from saying the shit you want to say.

    Get over your fake martyr act.
    Realize all "teens" aren't power hungry (I'm a "young adult" and a forum mod / chat moderator / site owner and I don't shove my e-cock down people's throats)

    The ''martyr'' thing is going too far.

    I don't care that much.

    And I'm chilled lmfao...I'm not the one taking it like the attack to start a world war. I emphasized, it's not that big of a deal, but then again, you come here with ''stop the fake shit'', and taking my words like poison. It's you guys who need to chill out. Again, it's NOT a big deal.

    My speech has never been taken. Me personally, I've never suffered here due to any bad modding. Which is why I acknowledged the good things the mods do.

    Maybe lean closer to the screen to read clearly what the fuck I said.

    I stated, very simply, at this particular forum, I felt as though I'd seen situations handled by mods which indicated an unfair relationship. I'm not gonna address you any further. Dismissed.

  3. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    You know, you almost had me, right up until this bit:

    So don't get things twisted up and think I'm a forum-dweller with the time to waste to build a 3,000+ post count, and argue with other nerds to validate my point, because I actually have a life and a career.
    You lost me right about there - I was prepared to accept the fact that you were a semi-intelligent poster with whom I simply disagreed strongly on several key points. Right up until that line.

    Why does my postcount have anything to do with ANYTHING outside of this forum? What right does that give you to make generic, bullshit sweeping generalisations about someone simply because they enjoyed a forum enough to post on it a lot?
    Yeah, you know what, I have a life that doesn't revolve around a keyboard, too! But I don't need to drop mine around on the internet like it's some kind of winning trump card in order to feel smug and superior in an argument. I like to think that this is because I'm not arrogant enough to assume that I'm the only one who has a life outside the forums.

    I know for a fact that several people on here (both staff and non-staff) help save lives for a living. I'm not going to embarrass them by naming them, but they know who they are, and most of the regulars do too. They don't go throwing that around here in an attempt to buy leverage in arguments, so believe me, I'm not impressed in the slightest that you have 'a career'. Would you like a cookie? I might be able to arrange a cookie.

    Anyway, this isn't constructive, and I'm done with the discussion. You're making yourself look far more ignorant than I could ever manage, so kudos to you for that.

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    They don't go throwing that around here in an attempt to buy leverage in arguments
    You mean like you're doing here...

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    I know for a fact that several people on here (both staff and non-staff) help save lives for a living. I'm not going to embarrass them by naming them, but they know who they are, and most of the regulars do too.
    Subliminally calling in the troops.

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    so believe me, I'm not impressed in the slightest that you have 'a career'.
    ^I'm not impressed at your friends life-saving careers either. I don't care what you think about my life and vice-versa. I don't feel like that actually needed to be addressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Why does my postcount have anything to do with ANYTHING outside of this forum?
    Woah, that's not really about your post count. I was retaliating to you making out like I spend alot of time on forums doing bullshit, causing arguments, when I clearly don't, based on my post count as proof. The only thing in that line that was directed at you was my understanding of how you could take my words so personally. Like, you were a staff member, AND you've clearly done alot here. I've said enough hostile things to you for you to believe me when I say if it was about your post count, I'd openly say it.

    Your post count to me actually works in your favour here. That to me, is reflected in the way you talked to me + post count [time you've spent around here]. It's fair for you to actually take my words so harshly. If I were generalising, then I could say ''I only have 70 or so posts so I'm clearly a shit member who has contributed nothing''. Works both ways.

    It's so easy in text to perceive things the wrong way, because there's no main tone. Like if I said ''Lol'' to you arranging my cookie, it would look sarcastic, because of the nature of this conversation.

    But I seriously found it hilarious :waves:

    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Anyway, this isn't constructive, and I'm done with the discussion. You're making yourself look far more ignorant than I could ever manage
    Me too, I'm uninformed about nothing we've discussed, so learn the word. In that case, you look equally ignorant as I highlighted, and on that note, seriously, it's been a short entertaining ride, I enjoyed the banter and you very much delivered intelligence at parts. You seem to have backed certain points well and I think that's the type of mod that this place could do with, so maybe it's a shame you stepped down. The irony lol.

    Thanks for your time, I'll be awaiting that cookie. Laters

  5. Australian.
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    Good to see we're all getting along.

    TP: no need your panties in a knot.

    Playaliti: if there is a problem here so serious that you will spend that much effort defending your opinion of it; send me a PM and we can discuss it civilly without this sort of redundant argument that's going on here.

    Read first post I made in this thread because that is the justification for the rule. That is the explanation of how we operate it without any fascist censorship. There's really nothing more to say on the matter unless someone has something specific to bring up -- in which case, hit the report button on the post in question, or throw me a PM so we can discuss the matter.

    And, now, I'm going to lock this thread as no-one in it is interested in constructive discussion.
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

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