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Thread: Uninstalling Steam Games

  1. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voodoo Shoe View Post
    where was this thread with the fight talk?!?! i sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wanna reeeeeead :cc:
    It's been locked.

    Personally, I don't think the number of mods/admins on l4dforums is a problem. Granted, there are over 10,000 registered members, but I reckon only a small proportion of those use the site on a regular basis. Plus, in addition to the mods and admins there are community staff who keep an eye on things.
    RIP Mike Starr

  2. Banned
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    I'll make my last post on the subject as well then:

    I don't care what personal problems he has he needs to work on them if he ever plans to go anywhere in life. I have social problems too but it never prevented me from bettering myself. I've also had things happen to me that were outside of my control. My first concussion caused all sorts of problems in my life; I can no longer sleep when I want too, my speech patterns changed, my vision suffered especially a night, it made my ability to understand social situations that much worse, and it pretty much ruined my chances of playing any sport at a higher level because a doctor would not clear me to do so.

    The two major concussions I suffered afterwards just made all these problems worse. Yet I still somehow managed to be a functioning member of society and when I do fail at life I don't use it as an excuse.

    So don't cry to me about his problems because I'm not going to listen. He needs to turn his weakness into a strength because no one is going to feel sorry for him just because he has a problem in social situations.

    I don't sit in front of a gaming system or computer to be "pr0" of "techy" either. I game because it is my hobby and I do it for fun. I don't have to go around pub stomping to have fun playing this game or any other game, in fact most of the games I play are single player.

    Computers are my hobby and it is how I make a living. I spend so much time working with computers because I enjoy it. I enjoy helping people when they have problems with their computer, if I didn't I wouldn't be repairing them all week in my basement for money on the side. Hell a lot of times I work on them for free provided the person is a friend or a friend of a friend.

    I also have no need to enlarge my e-penis, just as I have no reason to enlarge my real one.

    I'll point out that I never insulted the man or you. I never tried to make a fight out of it. I don't recall calling either of you "inbreds" nor did I react when I was called one. I wasn't the one that stooped to a lower level when my back was against the wall and my arguments were falling a part.

    He took my first post personal when there was no reason to do so. He could have simply not posted or just ignored my post. Instead he decided to make a fight out of it and we all see how far that got him.

    For the record I never complained about him. I was just as surprised as everyone else when I saw that he had gotten banned from this forum for the second time. I'm guessing that he was on thin ice anyway and I just pissed him off at the right time. He never really gave me a reason to dislike him...a side from the two games I attempted to play with him on xbox live. IIRC the last time I played with him I had grabbed you with a smoker and he thought it was a good idea to come over and free you while playing as a hunter. Then he got into a slap fight with me and killed me. I just left the game and removed the lot of you from my friends list after that.

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    whooooooooooooop! i read it i read it

    LOL...funnay stuff :locked:

    i yearn for the day when love is all we need, love is all we need, love is all we need! :cc:

    you know what....i wrote a massive long thing about...well screw it, it dont matter now anyways coz i deleted it lol :rofl:

    but yeah...erm....:waves:
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

  4. Chicago Ted
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    So we all can agree we were inb4 the lock.

    In all seriousness (if you could call a potential-locked thread serious), we've basically just created a sub-thread for a thread that was locked. So if you don't understand what I'm implying, there's no point in arguing in a thread that's going to be locked.

    just a friendly psa from spiderman
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  5. Hunter
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    Looking back on that locked thread I missed:
    One, I would have to say that the both said, in general, the same thing. But Eyelof did make CLEAR distinctions that had to be made.
    The both should have realized that and let the matter drop. Foolishly, I won't point a finger, the argument continued with a loss.

    (Thats my two cents on the matter.)

    Two, While 23 mods to 300 members is definitely a club where only friends are admins. This forum really only has several hundred, < 300 definitely, consistent members. I am willing to bet that the majority of registered users are one posters looking for help. Hardly is there ever a need to moderate anything here anyways.

    And BTW Kay. I wasn't making fun of the person behind Joe/Edge whoever he/she is. Just his/her status as being banned twice. It should serve as a good reminder and warning.

    That's enough. I already regret having posted on this thread and essentially starting this mess of reopening old wounds.
    I didn't expect this to turn into a fight to defend each other.

    On another matter there was nothing wrong with Voodoo's or my posts.
    I didn't even know about the Eyelof/Edge argument until it was brought up here. And I doubt even Voodoo knew about it either.
    We were just two people commenting on the example that Edge/Joe was made of, not the person him/herself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GothicDeathVR2 View Post
    On another matter there was nothing wrong with Voodoo's or my posts.
    I didn't even know about the Eyelof/Edge argument until it was brought up here. And I doubt even Voodoo knew about it either.
    We were just two people commenting on the example that Edge/Joe was made of, not the person him/herself.

    exactly..i was laughing that joe got banned again! not because of his posts...just the fact that one person got banned twice or whatever so im like 'lol what is this dood doing man?'

    and indeed i only found out about the smackdown from this thread

    but i dont have to justify myself or explain myself! ways
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

  7. Australian.
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    Ugh. Too many walls of hate to read so:

    On Joe: Joe was banned because, after his [second] ban a few months back, I gave him another chance -- because I'm just such a big-hearted softy -- on the condition that any infringement on the rules would net him a ban straight out. Hence the ban.

    On L4DF staff: here are only a handful of active users and, for the most part, you're a reasonable bunch (other than when issues like the one at hand arise) and so we only really have to deal with the occasional spambot or misplaced thread.

    On locking this thread: :locked:
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

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