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  1. Smoker
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    I would love to see Outbreak sequel on Xbox 360.

  2. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    And this is your retort? How weak.

    Why don't you refute my points with these alleged 'facts' instead of opting to post a single sentence. Might give you some credibility next time around and help your cause instead of making you look like a butthurt fan.

    Oh and I'm curious: you do realize how futile online petitions are, right? Even petitions with thousands of users usually end up in failure. You have "500+" users.

    I think you didn't read the post at all and wanted to troll with non-intellectual comments. You think this is a petition? Try visiting the websites I given before you judge the topic and add non-facts that is not related to RE: Outbreak into my topic. These 500+ supporters didn't signed any so called "petitions" your talking about to get the game revive. I understand that petition does not work, that why RE: Outbreak fans goes to Capcom Official forum and post their support and we're getting attention. Capcom acknowledged the RE: Outbreak fans and will try to do something for us in the near future. My credit has already been proven if you just spend the time reading my post and actually visit the website before you even waste your time on researching on such nonsense and added to RE: Outbreak. If your gonna still bash the game with different game genre that is successful (Final Fantasy & Matrix totally different game genre that is not even PS2 exclusive) and not related to RE: Outbreak at all which is in the category Survival Horror, I suggest you butt out. :waves:

  3. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    You should probably use the enter key next time. It's a headache separating all of this gibberish.

    You have one thread on a Capcom forum. In that thread:

    You have pages upon pages of useless dribble (actually it reminds me of your posts). Your second page has a post by a moderator:

    suggesting that you have already attempted to create a thread like this before that ended in failure. I too am not against your cause but I am not a big fan of mass stupidity.

    On top of that, you want me (and other people) to read a thread with 1300 pages that contains posts almost entirely along the lines of this one:

    Do you usually give your opponents their own material in any given debate you're involved in?

    Twiggy quashes your hopes yet again when someone asks how MvC2 received so much attention from Capcom:

    Take a hint?

    He basically told you what I did: CC's best bet is to just make a new game entirely instead of porting a game that has already failed miserably.

    Posted by your thread creator. Perhaps you should listen to him.

    The fact that you're posting this rubbish on these forums means you're pretty desperate to begin with. I wonder where else you have posted this.

    However, this made me laugh:

    because it's very true. You even mentioned this in your original post. Do you think that the views or replies in your thread are relevant when only a handful are actually useful? It's amazing that your moderator hasn't even bothered to clean up the thread as remarked by a user on the last page. This is all your stickied thread is, basically.

    Stop wasting my and others' time.

    Sorry but nothing you have done has any real value. Your website has an out of date blog that uses RE: Outbreak's theme and tacky scripting, various unofficial sketches/information/reviews, and zero commentary about Capcom's stance on bringing this game back or porting it.

    You say you understand that petitions don't work yet you don't seem to realize that both your thread and website are over-hyped extensions of petitions.

    This is the irony. You're on a survival/horror message board for a game that is extremely successful already. We don't care about RE: Outbreak. If anything, we want a L4D3 not an extension of a game that has no relation to the L4D universe that is on a completely different platform.

    By the way, did you know that RE is also not PS2 exclusive? How about the fact that FFXI was PS2 exclusive for almost a year after its initial release.

    Ignoring that, you specifically mentioned that RE: Outbreak received negative reviews because the Internet wasn't 'as developed' back then. Actually, the game didn't receive negative reviews as you seem to think.

    Resident Evil: Outbreak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Lower right.

    It also sold up to 1.4 million copies. This kind of suggests that Capcom had plenty of sociological data to support their decision to shut down the servers.

    I just gave you two games that had varying degrees of success that center around online, cooperative play released either before or directly after RE: Outbreak. These two games were given a bigger chance to succeed because they were MMORPGs. Both games come from a very notable series: The Matrix and Final Fantasy. This gave them an even bigger chance to succeed.

    Yet one didn't and one did. You seem to be in denial about RE: Outbreak's failure and attribute it to things like bad press and reviews: just more fallacious logic.

    I also mentioned Counterstrike's (actually Half-Life's) survival mod known as Sven: a survival mod based on co-operative play that was very successful back when it was released.

    Sven Co-op - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Sounds very familiar doesn't it?

    Oh and looky there: released FIVE YEARS before RE: Outbreak. And this just happened to be a mod.

    But let's get back to the two games I mentioned. The game that happened to be successful in the online environment also happens to be Japanese-based just like Capcom. Funny how you failed to realize this. Did you know that SEE, like Capcom, does not take advice very well from its playerbase if at all? No? I guess you should have looked at the relationship between games with similar backgrounds and gaming companies to RE.

    Maybe you should take your own advice and actually do research before arguing in the future. Your poorly written, information deprived copypasta that you, no doubt, spam on other gaming boards is actually hurting your cause.

    My first post directed at you was to address your fallacies and I also made a statement along the same lines of your thread creator: that CC would be better off making a sequel instead of porting. No hostility was shown yet you decided to take the immature route and addressed my post with one sentence of nerd rage.

    You are not on the Capcom forums anymore. You are on the L4D forums. You made an account and have only participated in this thread alone. You do not seem to care about the L4D community at all, actually, even though you mentioned this in your original post.

    You aren't too familiar with anyone here so let me give you a heads up: if you wish to debate with me, you better be willing to put in the time. Show me that you care about the game as much as you state. Show me that they just aren't words. Show me why (if any) of my statements are inaccurate using cited evidence and your own experience. You have the advantage considering I've never played RE: Outbreak, after all, yet I am the one with the upper hand here already.

    Then I might be able to relate (and, *gasp*, support your cause). This will also help you gain support from other members who are on the fence about this subject on this board by giving us the facts instead of linking us to useless threads, websites, and 'OMG vote to save RE: Outbreak' links.

    For instance, why don't you go through the enormous thread you have and pick out the useful information for us if you care so much about this game.

    For future reference, don't bother posting useless diatribe here until you have done the proper research and can formulate appropriate rebuttals. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're going to need to do the 'butting out'. さようなら( ´∀`)/~~
    Once again, you base all your facts on different game genre that has nothing to do with RE: Outbreak. Now your using other people posts and assume that they don't support the cause? Your more of a troll then I thought. The so called thread that your talking about was made before and end up in a failure? I wasn't there that time, but I suggest you spend more time researching on it before you called it a failure. The RE: Outbreak support group at Capcom told me that it was shut down because it was posted in the wrong section and the moderator closed it and created a new one for the RE: Outbreak fans to discuss and show support for the game.

    In case you haven't noticed, people join to get the server back online that is why it called a port, Capcom has tried to revive the PS2 server but couldn't due to 3rd party host being out of the business. Nobody wants an entirely new game like you suggested because it wouldn't be the same as RE: Outbreak - Survival Horror + Online. Now quit posting gibberish and criticizing other people posts on different forum or I might have to report you for trolling my topic and straying it away from it reasons. Your starting to getting on my nerv by bashing the game with different games. If you don't want to support then stay out.

    Just a matter of fact, if you research the reviews more often, the reviews was BASE on offline play with the bad annoying AI bot that support you throughout the game. It frustrate people and cause a lot of annoying situation in the game. If you played the game offline, then you can see why it got bad reviews from most game sites. Now please stop with the "Best bet for CC' make a entirely new Co-Op game like L4D - Action Shooter not Survival Horror as I seek". That is not what my topic about. If you don't want to support the game, then don't bother bashing the game you haven't play. I'm here to get support, not argue with a guy that calls people a butthurt nerd when himself is a butthurt nerd.

    Just for the record, you don't got the upper-hand considering my "English" is not my first language, that is why my sentences are bit achee. What worst is that you don't even know what your talking about. I'm a supporter of RE: Outbreak spreading the news, period. Not some web creator ( or some Twiggy post like 10-11 months ago your talking about. I joined the Outbreak support group about 5-6 months ago and that about it. Now I'm asking for support, if you haven't played the game and want to bash it, just consider butting out of my topic please. -.-

    And if your still concerned about RE: Outbreak
    *Read below if you want more answers to RE: Outbreak*

    P.S, If you want to discuss your issues with RE: Outbreak, go discuss it with the 500+ members and see what they got to say about your charade you got going here. Maybe someone is there has the intellectual you seek to answer all your questions and give you the the information you desired of RE: Outbreak. Not unless your information and non-related facts is not good enough to support your problem then your just a big troll. =/

    Thank you!

    (Kagato: If you want to talk to me send me a PM, not troll my topic with irrelevant facts that cause drama.) :locked:

  4. On the way to greater things
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    I hate Outbreak trolls, they spam boards with their whining, then get all defensive when someone tells them "No sale!". The Outbreak fanbase accuse others of being losers/nerds/dweebs etc, specifically the L4D fanbase! so I find it Ironic that one of them is here of all places. I read through a few random pages of that Outbreak thread, and obsession doesn't even begin to describe them. One of them actually thinks that "Outbreak is more than a game, its a way of life!". If you check the timestamps, most of them check he thread multiple times EVERY single day. I've seen fanbases with issues before, FFVII's comes to mind. But these guys are by far the most mental!
    Also, if you don't agree with them, you are instantly a troll.

  5. Just getting started
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    Requesting :locked:. I'm actually done with ignorant people. And as for Left 4 Dead, I'm looking forward to the next sequel. :waves:

  6. On the way to greater things
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    Protip: Labeling people who don't agree with you as ignorant is never a good way to drum up support. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

  7. Banned
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    If you guys are such a fan of the game perhaps you should develop and host your own servers like the PSO community did. I still play Phantasy Star Online on my Dreamcast with the help of a community run server and a burned copy of the game or retail copy with cheat device.

    Actually if the game was as popular as people claim it is this would have probably happened already...

    Anyway locking thread by request of the OP.

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