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Thread: Blue Screen of Death

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Blue Screen of Death

    Ok, so I've recently (within the past week) have been experiencing the blue screen of death at least one time a night. I've never had this issue in the past. I can't make out the error message but I've seen "Memory dump" and a mention to "IRQL"

    I've tried defragging, cleaning up my registry, scan disks, virus scans, updating drivers for by mobo, video card, sound card...nothing helped. I've also minimized the processes running the backgroud.

    The only recent change to the system is that I downloaded the AIX mod for BF2. This crash occurs in both AIX and BF2. It typically occurs when there's either a graphics or sound intense moment (i.e. artillery).

    Has anyone else had this problem before? Any ideas what it will take to resolve this issue?

    2gigs corsair XMS DDR2
    Asus M2N SLI
    2 WD caviars 80-gigs
    7.1 X-fi

    Thank you in advance


  2. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Blue Screen of Death

    The best way to diagnose the problem is to note the stop code on the BSOD. It should say something like "STOP: <code> (numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers)" at the very top, along with the absolutely useless error descriptor. On the next line, it should say "Address: blah blah blah - <filename>".

    The specific stop code and filename are the only important bits that you really need.

    The first thing to check is the System log to see if the error has been logged. Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer, and then click on the System log. Scroll down to the approximate time the last one occured (it will probably be listed with a big red X, and if you double-click and look at the details, the description will read "the system recovered from a serious error" or very similar, followed by the complete text of the error message. If you have that message available, it has the stop code in it as well (just copy-paste and post it here into a code box).

    If it is rebooting too fast for you to read the code and you can't find it in the log, go to Control Panel -> System, and then to the Advanced tab. Click the Settings button under Startup and Recovery, then check to make sure that "Write an event to the system log" is checked and then uncheck "Automatically restart". Then hit OK, and OK again. This way, it will log the error so that you can go back and look at it when you restart the machine, and the BSOD should stay up onscreen for you to review it (and you will have to restart the machine yourself; either use the reset button, or I think you can also use Ctrl-Alt-Del to dismiss the screen).


  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Blue Screen of Death

    Here's what I've been able to come up with:

    The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x100000d1 (0xff084d9d, 0x0000001e, 0x00000000, 0xba59bce6). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini051008-01.dmp.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Blue Screen of Death

    This has happened to me many times in the past, and just a couple of weeks ago fixed it. I understand that you have a 8800 GTS. You most likely need a driver update and or patch. It worked for me ; may aswell work for you. 8)

  5. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Blue Screen of Death

    0xD1 errors are typically indicative of memory problems, although I've seen them traced back to anything from a bad LAN driver to the sound card.

    Make sure your RAM is still seated firmly in the socket, and the locks on either side are fully engaged, and that the system is otherwise generally clean and tidy.

    Follow the instructions here to fix a possible corrupt pagefile: (start from step 2). Before you turn off the pagefile, note which settings are being used, and set it back to that rather than simply to system-managed, especially if you have a custom set size (which should be between 1.5x and 2x your physical RAM).


  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Blue Screen of Death Blue Screen of Death

    Re: Blue Screen of Death

    Bump your sound quality in BF down a notch. If you have it set to ultra, definitely drop it to high. I had blue screens because of my x-FI and orbital strikes.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Blue Screen of Death

    i had a similar problem, quite frequently with 2142 (and to a lesser extent PR).
    ...i don't have a screen shot on hand (camera isn't near the comp). But basically what would happen was this: I'd be playing, you know, owning and stuff and then all of a sudden my game freezes, and the sound is stuck/on a very short loop. Then i get a blue screen that tells me its dumping memory. I then have to restart my computer via button.

    I have since stopped having those problems.
    My solution(s):
    1) Physically clean out your system of dust. The increase in thermal temperature produced by dust can mess up your system in so many different ways its not funny. Just simply cleaning out your compy improves system performance dramatically.
    2) Re-seat your ram. Blow on it Nintendo style if you want.

    Try those, and if they work, we can E High Five. If they don't, then....

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Blue Screen of Death

    Quote Originally Posted by KKp157
    This has happened to me many times in the past, and just a couple of weeks ago fixed it. I understand that you have a 8800 GTS. You most likely need a driver update and or patch. It worked for me ; may aswell work for you. 8)
    All drivers are up to date

    Quote Originally Posted by draco7891
    Make sure your RAM is still seated firmly in the socket, and the locks on either side are fully engaged, and that the system is otherwise generally clean and tidy.

    Quote Originally Posted by draco7891
    Follow the instructions here to fix a possible corrupt pagefile: (start from step 2). Before you turn off the pagefile, note which settings are being used, and set it back to that rather than simply to system-managed, especially if you have a custom set size (which should be between 1.5x and 2x your physical RAM).

    Quote Originally Posted by RhysJD3
    Bump your sound quality in BF down a notch. If you have it set to ultra, definitely drop it to high. I had blue screens because of my x-FI and orbital strikes.
    I had it set at high then changed it medium and still had the problem. Since making these most recent revisions I've bumped the quality back up to high. If I continue to crash I'll take it back to medium and see if it still occurs

    Quote Originally Posted by belial8256
    1) Physically clean out your system of dust. The increase in thermal temperature produced by dust can mess up your system in so many different ways its not funny. Just simply cleaning out your compy improves system performance dramatically.

    I'll report back if I continue to have the problems. Thanks so much for all of your help!


  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Blue Screen of Death

    Thank you all for your help. Your suggestions above have caused the BSoD to go away. I then started crashing only to the desktop after that. Fortunately, both a modem and router reset took care of that problem. I'm back up and staying connected if no issues.


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