I've used these things in the past to free up some ram... And they work... But I've ran across the best memory defragger and thought I'd pass it on.


That's it. Put it in a text file titled defragmemory.vbe and double click it. If you have 2 gig of ram I'd delete one of the lines... I have 4 gig and it works GREAT. After running 345234523 different programs I'll go take a look at my memory to see that 2.5 gig is in use. I run that script and it pegs memory and I'm sure it's tossing overflow into the pagefile, but when it finishes (after about 10-15 seconds) it shows 900 meg in use.

Now I know as well as any other nerd that the memory is still there... and if I run ANYTHING that wants to use the memory it's going to reallocate it and such. I know that there's no speed difference in doing this... But when I look at my memory usage I like to know what's being used and what's not. And as evidenced by the snake oil salesmen that peddle shareware memory defraggers and make a living doing so, there must be other people that want this as well.

So that's it above... Snake oil... But it's free snake oil.