Just talked to somebody today who had a virus on their system that wiped all of their documents including Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and images. After he successfully removed the infection the files were still gone. When you click on each file the only thing that comes up is Fileerror_22001. If its a word document it will say it on the first line and nothing else. Excel it will be in Box A1 and the rest is empty. Jpeg will show it in the top left corner.

The truth is the files have been replaced and moved. The actual files have been moved to another folder located in
\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\CDD,
\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\FLR.

The files are all in there, renamed and converted to a .fcd

If you open them in Word the first line has the original filename and path. but the rest of the document is gobbledygook.

Now to the actual point of me starting this thread.

If anybody here is having this problem I would greatly appreciate it if you sent me 1 of the files located in 1 of the filepaths mentioned above. Preferably if the file is a word document since it will be easier for me to work with.

oh by the way the infection causing this problem can be cleared with Mcafee I believe.