I'm new to the database world with SQL/Access languages. I can get around them and have some programmer knowledge. I wrote this Loop for a database based off an example I had from a coworker, however for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the Database to perform both of the update statements at the same time. If i comment out the second update line, the first one works fine, concatenates all the VulnIDs assigned to the IAC (you'll see in the code below). If I uncomment out the second update line, my Cats concatenate fine in their field, however the VulnIDs dont. I need both of them to concatenate, and i need an answer quick.

Any help would be appreciated, I know it would be hard to test this function without a copy of the database, but if you need any more information let me know...I just want these two lines combined and functioning correctly (both concatenating).
The first Update line is bolded, the 2nd is Italicized for easier reading.

Do While Not rsIAC.EOF
strCompiledVulns = Nz(ELookup("CompiledVulns", "tblTJTest", "IAControl = '" & rsIAC!IAControl & "'"), "-1")
strCompiledCat = Nz(ELookup("CompiledCat", "tblTJTest", "IAControl = '" & rsIAC!IAControl & "'"), "-1")
If strCompiledVulns = "-1" Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblTJTest ( CompiledVulns, IAControl, CompiledCat ) VALUES ('" & rsIAC!FINDING_ID & "','" & rsIAC!IAControl & "','" & rsIAC!Cat & "');"
strSQL = "UPDATE tblAllFindings, tblTJTest SET tblTJTest.CompiledVulns = '" & strCompiledVulns & ", " & rsIAC!FINDING_ID & "' WHERE (((tblTJTest.IAControl)='" & rsIAC!IAControl & "'));"
strSQL = "UPDATE tblAllFindings, tblTJTest SET tblTJTest.CompiledCat = '" & strCompiledCat & ", " & rsIAC!Cat & "' WHERE (((tblTJTest.IAControl)='" & rsIAC!IAControl & "'));"

End If
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
