I'm planning on buying some RAM for my rig this month (and hopefully L4D next month) to try and eke out a little better performance in games it struggles with (WoW and 2142's Top5), and I can't find the voltage for the RAM I've been looking at. It's not listed at NewEgg, nor is it listed on the Corsair website. My motherboard specs call for 2.5V RAM and I'm assuming RAM set for a higher voltage (there's some high performance RAM in the DDR400 category that's rated for 2.6V-3.0V, though high performance is probably very subjective at these speeds) would either not function at all, or wouldn't function properly. Is that correct?

I'm looking at a 2GB kit (2x1GB) of Corsair ValueSelect DDR400/PC3200, and my motherboard (DFI site doesn't want to work here at work... stupid fucking Flash...) says the RAM voltage is 2.5V. I'll get the specs from the site later, since the site doesn't work on the decrepit hulks here at work.

Is this RAM 2.5V? Does it matter? Could I get one of the higher-voltage options and be fine? I doubt I would, because the price on the ValueSelect is hard to beat ($30 for 2GB?) but it's nice to have options.