Quote Originally Posted by shatter99
Hey MuScLe CrUsHeR,

I don't want to rain on your parade here is what people look at when it comes to your eBay auction:

* Your feedback score is too low
* Your asking to much (did you check the completed auctions to see what people are paying?)
* You want $15 for shipping.

Most people will opt for purchasing it new since you can get it from tiger direct for about $30 more with free shipping and a nice warranty.


You might be able to get it to move it you had started the bids at $75 instead of $100.

BTW: What card are you trying to upgrade too? You may be trying to upgrade and are planning to spend too much $$ a minor performance increase.
I just started selling on ebay thats why my rating is low. The cards that i saw sold anywhere from $90-110 on ebay(used). the warranty is a little too high. ill probably lower it. i made another post saying what card im deciding to upgrade to. http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?topic=60504.0