I've raved about this monitor on here before. It is hands down the best 22" display out there for the price right now. It is e-IPS which makes it 10x better than 99% of other TN displays as far as viewing angle, gamut, and color reproduction. And it is still plenty fast enough for FPS gaming, if not QUITE as fast as a TN. I bought one of them last month to put next to my old Samsung 226BW (TN), and it works fine for every game I play and for everything else it just looks HOT with such nice colors and contrast. I've literally never owned a monitor with colors like this since my last CRT.

Now I'm picking up another, because this thing makes my Samsung look like crap, even with both of them calibrated with a Spyder.



You can't really get comparable quality for less than $500... so at $200 this is a steal.

My only fear is they will release a 2409WA and then I will have to buy two of those.