Quote Originally Posted by GReYVee
Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
Quote Originally Posted by GReYVee
Possible something is weirded out in the profile settings.
In My Documents->Battlefield 2->profile there is an audio.con file. Open this with notepad and check out the settings.

Few settings to consider looking at:

AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setVoipEnabled 1
AudioSettings.setVoipPlaybackVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureVolume 1
AudioSettings.setVoipCaptureThreshold 0.315928
AudioSettings.setVoipBoostEnabled 0
AudioSettings.setVoipUsePushToTalk 1
AudioSettings.setProvider "software"
AudioSettings.setSoundQuality "Medium"
AudioSettings.setEffectsVolume 0.374944
AudioSettings.setMusicVolume 0.119754
AudioSettings.setHelpVoiceVolume 1
AudioSettings.setEnglishOnlyVoices 0
AudioSettings.setEnableEAX 1

Could that be the problem?
Possible, cannot hurt to change it over to 1 see if this makes any difference. (sorry was playing last night didnt come back to the forums)
Greyvee i'll say thanks i dont know if it is the reason it started working but i'll take it. Made the change and nothing happened. Lost connection a couple times then got kicked to desktop. After i booted back up it was working. So thanks just in case it was your idea verses my computer needing another ass beating. Nice little dent on top and the side now. I use to not mind computer issues. Anymore i just wipe its ass and if it burns up go get another. Most of the time a good ass wipping solves the issue.