Intel DP55KG and DP55SB - Two P55s Reviewed

It&rsquo;s been a while since AnandTech featured a P55 board review, but while Intel is expanding on their high-end with $1,100 Core i7 980X CPU&rsquo;s, their low-to-mid-range P55 platform is still the one on most people&rsquo;s radars.&nbsp; Today&rsquo;s we&rsquo;re looking at two Intel P55 boards that fall under Intel&rsquo;s &ldquo;Extreme&rdquo; series, the DP55KG and DP55SB.</p>
The &ldquo;Extreme&rdquo; series has historically produced one board per chipset so that Intel has an offering for those consumers with overclocking high on their agenda. This time round, Intel has gone for a couple of boards, their separating feature being the form factor &ndash; one ATX and one M-ATX...</p>
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