High-End x86: the Xeon 7500 and Dell R810

We received Dell&#39;s latest R810 server for review, coupled with the Intel Xeon X7560. The R810 supports two or four octal-core Intel Xeon Nehalem EX processors, with the potential of running up to 64 threads and a full Terabyte of memory. It also includes enhanced RAS features and hopes to compete with the RISC heavyweights like IBM&#39;s Power 7 servers, only at a much lower cost.</p>
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<img alt="" src="http://images.anandtech.com/doci/c36...exbridge2.jpg" /></p>
With stiff competition from AMD&#39;s Magny-Cours servers, IT professionals need to focus more than ever on the intended use before diving into a new server. We&#39;ll show where the Xeon EX does well and where other solutions have an advantage as we look at the R810 and Nehalem EX.</p>
